Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan is sitting on the couch. She is wearing a pair of reading glasses and looking down at her iPAD. Then, there is a knock at the door. Susan shuts off her iPAD, puts it down on the table, gets up, and walks over to the door.
SUSAN: (opening the door/taking off her reading glasses) Valerie.
VALERIE: Hi, Susan.
SUSAN: What brings you by?
VALERIE: We need to talk.
SUSAN: About?
VALERIE: Well, I finally got the DNA test results. But, before I reveal the results to you, there’s something I need you to look at.
SUSAN: What do you need me to look at?
Valerie hands an envelope to Susan.
VALERIE: I got this in the mail yesterday.
SUSAN: What is it?
VALERIE: It’s a letter from my father. And, it’s addressed to you.
At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, as Carly comes down the stairs, there is a knock heard at the door. Carly walks over to the door.

CARLY: (opening the door) Craig. Hi. Come in.
Craig enters the home. Carly shuts the door, turns around.
CARLY: It must be really cold out there.
CRAIG: It is. But, we’ve got bigger problems to worry about than the weather.
CARLY: Craig, why are you here?

CRAIG: We need to talk business.
CARLY: Business? What kind of business?
CRAIG: I need you to step down as my partner at CT Designs.
At Julian’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, a knock is heard at the door. Julian enters the room. He enters holding a martini glass in which he is drinking a martini from.
JULIAN: (opening the door) Margo.
MARGO: Hello, Julian.
JULIAN: What are you doing here?

MARGO: I’m here to tell you that your days in this town are numbered.
The camera zooms in on Julian. He takes a sip from his martini.
At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, the camera comes off from multiple pictures of Sheila’s life sitting on the coffee table. Sitting by the pictures is an ern filled with Sheila’s ashes. Then, Madison and Johnny enter the room holding candles.

JOHNNY: (sighs) Are you sure you’re ready to do this?
MADISON: Yeah. I’m sure. I’m ready to put my mother to rest.
JOHNNY: You’re a very strong woman.

MADISON: Thank you. Um…, when will Parker be here?
JOHNNY: He should be here any moment now.
Then, there is a knock at the door.
JOHNNY: That should be him. I’ll go get it.
Johnny begins to walk off. But, Madison grabs his arm.
MADISON: Johnny…?
MADISON: I love you.
JOHNNY: I love you too.
Johnny and Madison kiss.
MADISON: Okay. Let’s do this.
At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie brushes passed Henry.

HENRY: How the hell can you still be in love with Julian?
KATIE: Henry, please don’t judge me. Just be here for me.
HENRY: How do you expect me to do that?

KATIE: (turning around) I expect you to be my friend. Look, I still have feelings for Julian. I do. I can’t really describe this feeling to you. It’s just there.
HENRY: I wish you’d figure out why you feel the way you do.
KATIE: I wish I could. I really wish I could. But, until then, I need you to be there for me, Henry. Please, don’t turn your back on me. I can’t go this alone. I need my best friend by my side. So, please, please say you’ll stick by me. Please.
Back at the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, the lights are off. Parker, Madison, and Johnny are standing around the photos of Sheila. Each of them is holding a lit candle.
MADISON: Well, here we are. I thought that a day like this would never come. Sure, I know people come and go. But, my mom was taken from all of us way too soon. She was taken from just as I was ready to forgive her. She was taken from Johnny and I before she got to meet her precious grandchild. And, she was also taken from a man she loved so much before they even got to say ‘I do’. Life is too short. Life is too precious. And, I think when people pass on, we all realize how little time we have on this Earth.

PARKER: Um…, I would like to read a poem if that’s okay.
MADISON: Of course it’s okay.
Parker gets a piece of paper from his back pocket and opens it.
PARKER: (clears throat) I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one. I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright sunny days. I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun; of happy memories that I leave when life is done.
JOHNNY: That was beautiful, Parker.
MADISON: It truly was.
PARKER: Well, Sheila was a beautiful woman. And, she deserved something beautiful from me to remember her precious life.
The camera pans to a photo of Sheila and the camera zooms in on the photo.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie walks closer to Henry.
KATIE: Come on, Henry. Please, tell me you won’t turn your back on me.
HENRY: (sighs) I would never turn my back on you. You know that.
KATIE: Thank you.
HENRY: Don’t thank me quite yet.
KATIE: What do you mean?
HENRY: I’m gonna help you. But, I’m not sure you’re gonna like this help.
KATIE: What do you mean? What kind of help are you going to give me?
HENRY: I’m going to help you get rid of your feelings for Julian. And, I’ll do it anyway I can. By the time I’m done, you will not have a shred of feeling left for that horrific man.
Back at Julian’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Margo enters the penthouse. Julian shuts the door, turns around, and goes to her.
JULIAN: So, you’re here to deal out another threat from the cavalry?
MARGO: It isn’t a threat. It’s a promise. Your days are really numbered.
JULIAN: How so, Margo?
MARGO: Because, I now know how I’m going to bring you down.
JULIAN: Care to tell me how you’re going to bring me down?
MARGO: I’m not gonna reveal my plans to you.
JULIAN: Then why are you here?
MARGO: Because, I just wanted to give you a warning.
JULIAN: Well, let me give you a warning. If I were you, I would stop coming after me. Because, each and every time you try to bring me down, I’ll bring you down ten times harder.
Julian and Margo stare deep into one another’s eyes.
Back at the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Carly goes to Craig.
CARLY: You want me to step down from the company I founded?
CRAIG: Yes, I do. I cannot have a suspected murderer working for me.
CARLY: Craig, if that was the case, then you couldn’t even work for you.
CRAIG: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
CARLY: Yeah right.
CRAIG: Look, Carly, I need you to step down right now.
CARLY: Well, you’re already a little late.
CRAIG: What do you mean?
CARLY: I was gonna call you today and tell you that I was gonna step down. And, I was also gonna tell you that I’m selling Metro.
CRAIG: Really? Wow. Why don’t you want to work?
CARLY: As you know now isn’t a good time.
CRAIG: That’s true. Anyway, who are you selling Metro to?
CARLY: Someone from the town of Bay City.
CRAIG: Really? And, who is this someone?
CARLY: Felicia Gallant.
Back at Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan is shutting the door.
SUSAN: Thanks for dropping this off, Valerie! Bye.
Susan shuts the door fully and walks over to the couch. She sits down and opens up the envelope. She takes out the letter and opens the letter. She begins reading the letter from John to herself.
SUSAN: (narration) Dear Susan, by now, you probably know that a woman by the name of Valerie Peterson is your daughter.
SUSAN: Oh my god. She’s mine. She’s my daughter.
SUSAN: (narration) You must have so many questions as to how she became to be your daughter. Let me explain. Do you remember when you tried to make Dan jealous by being with me? Well, at the same time, you were of course pregnant with Dan’s child. However, you would end up miscarrying this child. At least, that’s what you thought. When you came to the hospital to get the dead child evacuated, it turns out the child was alive. You were under so much drugs at the time that you didn’t know this was going on. I rescued your child. The only reason I didn’t give it back to you was because I was suspicious. When you were trying to make Dan jealous, we had slept together. I was so suspicious if this child was mine or not. So, I had a DNA test done. And, it turned out that the child was mine. I decided to hide the child away and never speak of it again. The reason I did this was out of embarrassment. Hell, my medical license could’ve been taken away. Look, all in all, I am so sorry for what I did to you. I hope you can forgive me. Sincerely, John.
Susan folds the letter up. She stands and walks over to the desk in her living room. She sets the letter on the desk.
SUSAN: I can’t believe John did this to me. How could he make me think my child was dead? Why did he do this to me? Oh my god. That son of a bitch!
Susan picks up the vase from her desk and throws it across the room.
SUSAN: You better be glad you’re dead John!
Susan lets out a huge yell. She then begins to cry. The camera zooms out.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 150***
***END OF EP. 150***
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