Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison
SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Linda Dano as Felicia Gallant
At Julian’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Julian is sitting on the couch. He is looking at EMails on his iPHONE. Then, there is a knock at the door. He gets up, shuts off his phone, puts his phone in his pocket, and walks over to the door.
JULIAN: (opening the door) Lisa. What a lovely surprise.
LISA: Hello, Julian.
JULIAN: What brings you by?
LISA: We need to have a little chat.
Lisa brushes passed Julian and enters the penthouse.
At the Mona Lisa, Emily, Susan, and Betsy sit down at a table.

EMILY: So, mom, what’s going on?
BETSY: I would like to know that too. The text you sent Emily and I seemed awfully urgent. Is everything okay?
SUSAN: (sighs) I’ve been keeping a secret from you girls.
EMILY: A secret what do you mean?

BETSY: Mom, you’re scaring us.
SUSAN: Okay. Just calm down.
EMILY: Mom, what is this secret?
SUSAN: I have a long-lost daughter.
At the LakeView, in Vanessa’s Suite, Vanessa is sitting at the small table in the suite. She is having a cup of coffee. As she takes a sip from her coffee cup, her phone begins to ring. She sits her coffee cup down in front of her and picks up her cell phone. She then proceeds to answer the call.

VANESSA: Hello, this is Special Agent Vanessa Russell. Really? Wow. I didn’t see this coming at all. Don’t you think it’s a little early for this? Yes, I want to bring her down. I just didn’t expect it to be this early in the case when it comes to pressing charges against Carly Tenney. Well, now that we have, we should go pick her up. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. I’ll arrest and book Carly for the murder of Sheila Murphy
The camera zooms in on Vanessa.
At Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Foyer, as Holden is coming down the stairs, there is a knock heard at the door. Holden then walks to the door.

HOLDEN: (opening the door) Mom!
EMMA: Hello, Holden!
Emma and Holden hug.
At Metro, Carly is sitting down at the bar. She is drinking a cup of coffee. In front of her are multiple papers. As she looks through them, the camera pans over to the entrance of the club. A woman is walking towards Carly. The camera is panned down at her feet (walking). The woman is wearing a pair of black slingbacks. The woman walks over to Carly.
WOMAN: Hi. Are you Carly Tenney?

CARLY: (turning around/standing) Yes, I am. Hello.
CARLY: (sighs) You must be Felicia Gallant.
FELICIA: In the flesh.
The camera pans over to Felicia. She is smiling.
Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Emma and Holden are sitting on the couch. Emma is drinking a cup of tea.
HOLDEN: Are you sure I can’t get you anything else, mama?
EMMA: No, I’m fine dear. Thank you.
HOLDEN: Of course. Anyway, how was your trip?
EMMA: It was lovely.
HOLDEN: How’s Meg?
EMMA: Meg is doing quite well. She just got a new job.
HOLDEN: Really? Where?
EMMA: She became the co-manager of a cafe.
HOLDEN: That’s wonderful.
EMMA: It truly is.
HOLDEN: By the way, did I tell you that I spoke to Caleb yesterday?
EMMA: No, you didn’t. How is he?
HOLDEN: He’s doing quite well.
EMMA: How is he enjoying retirement from the force?
HOLDEN: He is absolutely loving it.
EMMA: That’s wonderful.
HOLDEN: Look, before we talk anymore about Caleb’s retirement, there’s an important question that I’ve been dying to ask you.
EMMA: Okay. Go for it.
HOLDEN: How are your finances these days?
EMMA: (sighs) I had a feeling you might ask. And, to tell you the God’s honest truth, everything is just fine. I got my finances under control.
HOLDEN: That’s good to hear, mom. I’m proud of you.
EMMA: Thank you, dear. Thank you.
Back at Julian’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Lisa throws her fur coat and clutch handbag on the couch. Julian shuts the door, turns around, and goes to her.
LISA: You know, because of you, it was very hard for me to rebuild my career. It was months before anyone would even think of having an event held in my ballroom.
JULIAN: Look, Lisa, about the whole New Year’s Eve thing…
LISA: Thing? You call what you did just a ‘thing’? You poisoned half the town. Because of you, Dusty’s wife Janet passed away. Her blood is on your hands.
JULIAN: I have no idea what you’re referring to. All I was talking about was the fact that I took back my investment.
LISA: You know exactly what I am talking about! Look, I know what kind of man you are. The moment you were revealed to be a Stenbeck, I had you pegged!
JULIAN: Did you now?
LISA: You bet your ass I did.
JULIAN: Lisa, I think you should go now.
LISA: Or, I’ll go. But, before I do, I must warn you.
JULIAN: Warn me? About what?
LISA: You pissed a lot people off by turning up alive. People are going to come for you Julian. They’re gonna come for you with their pitchforks and torches. Trust me.
JULIAN: Lisa, what’s your point?
LISA: My point is, is that you should’ve stayed dead.
Back at the Mona Lisa, Emily, Susan, and Betsy are all drinking coffee.
BETSY: I don’t understand. You have a long lost daughter?
SUSAN: Yes. I do. I have a long lost daughter.
EMILY: What’s her name?
SUSAN: Valerie Peterson.
BETSY: How did you find her?
SUSAN: I didn't. She actually found me. And, she found Lucinda.
EMILY: Lucinda? What does she have to do with this?
SUSAN: Valerie came to town thinking that Lucinda or I could be her mother.
BETSY: Oh my god. Anyway, who is Valerie’s father?
SUSAN: John Dixon.
EMILY: John? Okay. Mom, none of this is making sense. How did you not know that you and John Dixon had a child together?
SUSAN: I knew it would only be a matter of time before one of you girls asked that question. That is why I took the liberty of typing up some info for you two.
Susan reaches into her purse and pulls out two pieces of paper. She hands one piece of paper to Emily and one to Betsy.
SUSAN: All the information in front of you will explain everything.
BETSY: Wow. Well, regardless, congratulations.
SUSAN: Thank you.
EMILY: Congratulations, mom.
SUSAN: Thank you, darling.
EMILY: Well, I guess we’ll have an extra place at the Thanksgiving table.
SUSAN: (laughs) I guess we will.
Back at Metro, Felicia and Carly are sitting at the bar. Felicia is signing multiple pieces of papers. After she is done signing them, she puts them into a folder.
CARLY: Well, that’s all of them.
FELICIA: Goodie.
CARLY: You are now the official owner of Metro.
FELICIA: Wonderful.
Felicia and Carly shake hands.
FELICIA: Nice doing business with you.
CARLY: You as well. So, if I may ask…
Before Carly can finish her sentence, Vanessa enters the club. Felicia and Carly turn around in their seats and stand up.
FELICIA: Um…, who is this? Was this another potential buyer?
VANESSA: Allow me to introduce myself.
Vanessa retrieves her badge from her back pocket.
VANESSA: I’m Special Agent Vanessa Russell.
CARLY: Um, I’m sorry, but whatever you need is going to have to wait. I’m in the middle of closing a deal. So, please…
VANESSA: Nonsense. This will only take a second.
CARLY: Okay.
Vanessa retrieves handcuffs from her other back pocket. She then walks over to Carly and begins placing the handcuffs on her. Felicia is in absolute shock.
VANESSA: Carly Tenney, you are under arrest for the murder of Sheila Murphy. You have the right to remain silent. If you choose to give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?
CARLY: Yes. Yes, I understand.
The camera zooms in on Carly.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 151***
***END OF EP. 151***
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