Tuesday, December 27, 2016

EP 41 - New Year's Eve PT. 1

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum

At Memorial Hospital, Carly is in a hospital room. She is laying down unconscious. She has slipped into a coma from her car accident. It is now New Year’s Eve.

The screen flashes, and Carly is now standing in a white robe. She is somewhere in between the world. It is an unknown place.

CARLY: (looking around) Hello! Hello! Can someone tell me where I’m at?! I don’t think I’m supposed to be here! I’m in a coma!

Carly let’s out a sigh. Someone comes up behind her and taps her shoulder. She turn around. She is shocked at who she sees.

CARLY: Oh my goodness. John.

JOHN: Hello, Carly.

CARLY: Where am I?

JOHN: You are in a place called Bliss. Bliss is a place where you get to explore every single thing that went wrong.

CARLY: I’m confused. What went wrong?

JOHN: In your life. Starting with a mistake you made, with your friend’s husband. With Rosanna. With your marriage to Jack. A marriage you thought would be your last. It is New Year’s Eve, Carly. I’m here to help you realize some things in your life. All before the clock strikes midnight. Follow me.

Carly follows John. She is lead into a white room.

CARLY: What is this?

JOHN: We have gathered the most important people in your life. Jack.

JACK: Hello, Carly.

JOHN: Myself, of course. Craig.

CRAIG: Hello, Carly.

JOHN: Holden.

HOLDEN: Hello, Carly.

JOHN: And, finally, Rosanna.

ROSANNA: Hello, Carly.

CARLY: What is all of this for?

JOHN: They are here to judge you Carly. Now, sit down.

Carly is confused by this, but decides to sit anyway.

JOHN: Let’s start with Jack.

At the new Oakdale Ballroom, Lisa is talking to an employee.

LISA: Now, people will be here any second. I want that champagne moving very quickly. And, whatever happens tonight, DO NOT run out of it.

MAN: You got it.

LISA: Great.

The employee walks off.

LISA: Now, where is Julian?

Lisa walks off to find Julian.

In the kitchen, Julian is on the phone.

JULIAN: Yes. I got the vile of poison. Now, you said it can poison up to fifty people? Great. That is just enough for me.

Julian hangs up the phone. He then discreetly pours the poison into the soup.

JULIAN: Pretty soon, I will get my revenge.

Then, Lisa enters the kitchen.

LISA: Julian! There you are!
Julian quickly drops the vile into the trash. He turns back to face Lisa.

JULIAN: Hi, Lisa. Have the doors opened yet?

LISA: I was actually waiting for you.

JULIAN: Well, let’s go open them.

LISA: Sounds good to me!

Julian and Lisa link arms and head out to the ballroom.

At Dusty and Janet’s Home, Janet is putting her earrings on. Dusty is straightening his tie. They are getting ready for the party. Johnny enters.

JOHNNY: Wow. You two look pretty good.

JANET: I think so.

DUSTY: Hey, did we give you enough money tonight?

JOHNNY: Yeah. Plenty.

DUSTY: Okay, good.

JANET: We left the number of the ballroom on the table. Just in case you need to reach us. We should be home around two in the morning.

JOHNNY: Yeah. I know.

JANET: Alright, shall we get going?

DUSTY: Sounds good to me.

Janet kisses Johnny on the cheek.

JANET: Happy New Year. I love you.

JOHNNY: I love you too.

Janet and Dusty put on their coats.

DUSTY: Love you, son.

JOHNNY: Love you too, dad.

Just before Dusty and Janet are about to depart, there is a knock at the door.

DUSTY: (walking to the door) Who in the world could be here?

Dusty opens the door.

MAN: Are you Dusty Donovan?


The man hands Dusty an envelope.

MAN: You’ve been served.

DUSTY: What the hell?

Dusty shuts the door. He let’s out a sigh.

JANET: You’ve been served? By who?

DUSTY: (looking at the envelope) Craig.

Back in Bliss, Jack stands up from his chair. He heads up to a podium.

JACK: Hello, Carly. As you know, we are here to tell you everything that went wrong. John wanted me to speak on behalf of how our marriage ended. For six years, we’ve blamed our most recent trip down the aisle ending because of your miscarriage. However, it is more than that. Our marriage also ended because of you. After the miscarriage, you shut me out. You became someone I didn’t recognize. You were moody, you were mean. We didn’t even make love after that. Carly, I will always love you. However, you have to know the truth. I can’t hide anything from you about this. That is truly why we got divorced.

CARLY: Well…

Carly is about to stand, but John stops her.

JOHN: Carly, we just need you to listen. Just listen.

Carly sits back down.

JOHN: Thank you for the truth, Jack. Holden let’s hear from you.

Jack goes to sit down. Holden steps up to the podium.

HOLDEN: Hello, Carly. For years you were best friends with Lily. You two did almost everything together. The only thing that broke that friendship, the first time around, was us sleeping together. We made one of the biggest mistakes ever. However, it wasn’t the first time you made a sexual mistake.

Carly then thinks about what her and Holden did.


HOLDEN: That kiss turned into a long affair. In the end, it broke Lily. It shattered her. We did that. You did that. Don’t you understand, Carly? You are a terrible person for that. You thought that just apologizing would fix it. It took time. But, at first, you didn’t realize that. You continue to make that mistake.

JOHN: Craig. It is your turn.

Holden sits down and Craig walks to the podium

CRAIG: Hello, Carly. I would like to just start by saying that Holden is right. You make these mistakes and you think a thousand I’m sorries will fix it. However, that doesn’t fix it. You slept with me. You betrayed Rosanna. You think I’m sorry will cover it. That is one lousy way to apologize. I think you should start to open your eyes and pay some attention to your surroundings.

JOHN: Craig is right. Before we can conclude, we have one more person to hear from. That is your sister, Rosanna.

Craig sits down. Rosanna steps up to the podium.

ROSANNA: Hello, sis. We had a conversation the other day. There isn’t much left to say. You know what you did. You know how much you hurt me. I want to love you, as my sister. However, I’m not sure I can ever love you again.

Rosanna steps down, as John steps up.

JOHN: Carly, tonight you have heard from the people gathered in your comatose dream. But, there is still one person to hear from. Me. It is time for your final judgement.

Carly is nervous of what John has to say.

Back at the new Oakdale Ballroom, people are about to have dinner. They are all sitting at tables having champagne.


LUCINDA: Thank you for coming to this thing with me.

SIERRA: Of course, mom.

LUCINDA: Listen, I wanted to tell you something.


LUCINDA: I gave this a lot of thought.

SIERRA: What’s going on?

LUCINDA: When we have that board meeting Tuesday morning…, I’m not voting to remove Lily from the CEO position.

Sierra is shocked that her mother is voting NAY.


MARGO: I’m so glad that I get to spend this night with you.

TOM: I love you so much.

MARGO: (kissing Tom) I love you too, darling.

JJ: I can’t believe they sat us next to one another.

MADISON: Just deal with it.

JJ: I’ll have to. Here’s to the worst New Year’s I’ve ever had.

MADISON: Oh shut up.

JJ: You slept with my brother.

MADISON: I know. Let’s just try to have a good night.


JANET: I can’t believe Craig is suing us for custody of Johnny.

DUSTY: It is total bullshit.

JANET: Yes, yes it is.

DUSTY: We’re going to win.

JANET: Damn right we are. He’s not taking him from me.

DUSTY: (kissing Janet) Me neither.

As conversation continue, Lisa and Julian go up on stage with a microphones.

LISA: Everyone! May we have your attention! I’m Lisa.

JULIAN: I’m Julian.

LISA: Welcome to our new ballroom. We’re so glad you could join us.

Everyone claps.

LISA: Now, the food is about to be served. However, I can’t let it be served with first thanking Mr. Beck. I was getting bored with life. Which you all know, I can never be boring.

Everyone laughs.

LISA: But, now, I am back to normal Lisa. All because of this man.

JULIAN: Lisa, I was happy to be your business partner.

LISA: Now, let’s serve the food!

Waiters come out with soup for everyone. Everyone begins to eat the poisoned soup. Julian is smiling on stage.

JULIAN: Eat up Oakdale. Eat up.

The camera zooms in on Julian’s face.


***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 41***

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EP 171 - The Finale