Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner
In Lisa’s Penthouse, Eileen Fulton (Lisa) is sitting on the sofa.
At the Lakeview, in the ballroom, Lisa, Bob, Kim, Casey, and Alison are all dressed in evening clothes. They are finishing the last touches.
LISA: Alright, everyone! Gather around!
Everyone gets in a circle.
LISA: Now, we have been organizing this event for one month. It means a lot to me and to Oakdale that everything goes smoothly. Now, I have the introductions of all of our guest. They arrived yesterday, and stayed here. Casey, you have the tribute video. Bob and Kim you are taking care of decorations, and making sure everyone sees one another. And, Alison you are taking care of check-in. Everyone got it?
LISA: Good. Then, without further ado, let’s open those doors! And, give Oakdale a night they will never forget!
Alison goes to the double doors. The camera hangs back and goes to Nancy and Chris’ picture, that is on a stand, framed.
On a country road, outside of Oakdale, Margo is in a cop car with Barbara, Betsy, and Emily. Behind them, many cop cars trail.
BETSY: (looking at her phone) According to my GPS, yes.
EMILY: Will do.
Barbara is staring out the window, lightly sobbing.
EMILY: Barbara, are you okay?
MARGO: Barbara, we are all hoping Paul is okay. We really are.
Barbara becomes deep in thought.
BARBARA: (sighs) Please be okay Paul. Please.
At a Warehouse, outside of town, Paul drops the dead gun.
DIEGO: In the flesh.
PAUL: The man, who raped my wife!
PAUL: Don’t you speak her name! You son of a bitch! Tell me, why have you been stalking Oakdale? Why have you kidnapped me?
DIEGO: Oh Paul. This story is beyond your comprehension. Thank God we have a lot of time to discuss it. Please, have a seat.
Back at the Lakeview, in the ballroom, the ballroom is packed with almost all of Oakdale. Lisa whispers to Bob, in a corner.
LISA: Is it time?
BOB: Perfect time.
Lisa goes up to the stage.
LISA: Everyone, may I have your attention. Please.
Everyone turns to face Lisa.
LISA: My name is Lisa Grimaldi. And, tonight we are here to celebrate two people that are the heart of Oakdale.
LISA: The people we are here to celebrate, tonight are Nancy Jane Hughes, and Christopher William Hughes. Christopher and Nancy met in high school in the year of 1934. Through over five decades of marriage, one thing stayed true to Nancy and Chris, and that was love. Nancy once said to me “Love isn’t love, unless you have someone to share it with.” And, she shared it with her beloved Christopher. Chris passed in the year of 1986. That absolutely devastated Nancy, when she found out.
LISA: But, through the power of family and friends, Nancy got through it. Now, Nancy passed in 2010, and she took a piece of Oakdale with her. But, once again, with the help of family and friends, we all got through it, and her memory lives on forever. She impacted each and everyone of us, just like Chris. She even gave some good advice, when we needed it.
LISA: In order to do this celebration correctly, we have not only invited everyone we could in Oakdale, but we even went to the ends of the world. Now, as I announce them, I would like for you to hold your applause till the end.
KIM: Did she ever tell you who she got?
BOB: Just Frannie and Sabrina.
KIM: This should be interesting.
BOB: Very.
LUCINDA: Better be good. Lisa charged me to buy a ticket.
JOHN: She didn’t do that to the rest of us.
KATIE: I wonder what she’s up to.
HENRY: I do too.
SUSAN: This should be good. I’m gonna go call Emily. See what’s up. Will you guys call me in once Lisa gets all the people?
Susan walks out.
Susan gets her phone from her evening bag. She dials Emily’s number.
In Margo’s Car, Emily’s phone rings. She answers.
EMILY: Emily Stewart.
SUSAN: Emily, it’s your mother. Is everything okay? I hope you can make it.
EMILY: I’m sorry. I can’t make it.
SUSAN: Emily, I can tell something is wrong from the tone in your voice. Tell me, what is happening? What’s going on? I’m concerned.
EMILY: Paul’s been kidnapped.
SUSAN: Oh my God, is there anything I can do?
EMILY: Mom, this is really dangerous. I just want you to stay at the party. Do you understand? Please tell me that.
SUSAN: Of course.
EMILY: Good. Now, I’ll fill you in once this damn thing is over.
SUSAN: Be careful. I can only assume your sister is there. So, tell her to be careful. I love both of you. Be my strong girls.
EMILY: Will do, mom. I love you. Bye.
Emily and Susan both hang up.
Back in Margo’s Car, Emily puts her phone in her purse.
MARGO: Who was that?
EMILY: My mom.
BARBARA: Betsy, how far are we away?
BETSY: Two miles.
Back at a Warehouse, outside of town, Paul and Diego are sitting across from one another.
DIEGO: After I was shot by Kirk, the doctors told you I had died. That is because they believed I did. But, I hired a team of doctors to take me away from Oakdale. I went to an island off of Guadalajara. There, I managed to recuperate. It was a long recovery. They even had to fix some of my face, but I got through it. Once I got through it all, I realized I needed to make a living. I came up with the name of César Martinez, a drug dealer. From then on, I dealt drugs, shipped them, never did them. I came across your sister-in-law’s ex-husband Steve Andropoulos. I knew him, but he didn’t recognize me. We did some dealing together, before he was sent to prison. After he was sent to prison, I realized I had to get out of where I was. So, I came back to Oakdale. I have been watching Oakdale for awhile now. Slowly plotting my next moves. Betsy thought I would follow here here, for her. But, I wanted something much more valuable.
PAUL: How am I valuable to you?
DIEGO: This is my way of getting revenge on Emily. You are only the beginning.
Back in Margo’s Car, the police and Margo turn down a driveway.
BETSY: We’re here.
BARBARA: Let’s go rescue…
EMILY: Paul.
MARGO: Let’s do it.
Back at the Lakeview, in the ballroom, Lisa goes back to the podium.
LISA: I just went backstage, and they are all ready. Are you ready?
LISA: That is what I like to hear. Alright, let’s do this. Our first guest of honor, is someone who still hanging on. She loves Nancy as much as we did. And, she loved what Nancy and Chris had, even more. Ladies and Gentlemen, Nancy’s sister Pearl!
LISA: Our second guest of the night is very close to all of our heart. Her husband couldn’t be here tonight, but she is. Please welcome Nancy Chris’ daughter, Penny.
LISA: Our third guest, was a dear friend of Nancy and Chris’. Someone they always cherished, and loved to be in company with.
LISA: Our fourth and fifth guest, just might count as one, because you can’t tell them apart, for anything. Please welcome Frannie and Sabrina Hughes.
LISA: Our sixth guest is a great-grandchild of Nancy and Chris’. She is such a special woman. She is coming all the way from Paris for this occasion. Please welcome, Lien.
LISA: Our seventh guest is someone who we never thought would return to Oakdale, even though he calls this place home. Please welcome Adam Hughes.
LISA: Our next guess is one of Nancy and Christopher’s eldest children. Please welcome to the stage Donald Hughes.
LISA: We are now to our final guests of the night. It is a couple of Oakdale citizens that are not only some of my favorites, but they have decided to stay way past this event. They are even moving back. Please welcome, Gwen, Will, and their daughter Hallie.
LISA: Now, it wasn’t easy to get all these people here. But, we managed to pull it off. In the name of Christopher and Nancy we did it. Now, before you start to mingle, with your favorite Oakdalians, past and present, please enjoy this tribute video put together by Nancy’s great-grandson, Casey.
***FADE OUT***
a superb treat thank you
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoyed it!
I loved this so much. Amazing work! Kudos to you. The tribute was perfection!