Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner
At the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s office, Dusty and Margo are going over the note. They have the original copy, and then a copy of James’ writing.
DUSTY: Not a single thing. There was not a single mistake, in this forgery.
MARGO: In all my years in the justice system, I have never seen anything like this.
MARGO: Gosh, I just wish we had a lead. Something.
Then, the phone rings. Margo and Dusty both look at one another, speechless.
At Tom and Margo’s Home, Rosanna takes off her coat and takes her purse off of her shoulder. She sets both, on the couch.
ROSANNA: We were.
TOM: But, now you wanna sue her?
TOM: Why?
ROSANNA: She slept with Craig. Now, I want my revenge. So, will you help me get Carly’s shares, or not?
TOM: Rosanna, I had no idea. I’m so sorry.
ROSANNA: You can feel sorry for me, later. However, I need an answer. I can’t do this, alone. You have to help me. Will you?
At Memorial Hospital, Holden is looking at Lily, through her hospital room window. He sees she is fully bandaged. No skin is showing at all. Holden enters, with a vase of flowers. He enters very quietly. He sets the vase next to Lily’s bed.
Holden pulls up a stool, next to Lily.
LILY: Holden…?
HOLDEN: That’s right, baby. I’m right here. I’m right here.
At White Pines Cemetery, Barbara walks up to a headstone. She puts white orchids down on the grave.
The camera pans over to the headstone.
At Sunset Pier Movie Theater, Madison and JJ are outside, walking to JJ’s car. They are holding one another’s hand.
Madison and JJ get into the car.
JJ: (sighs) So, do you want me to take you back to your house?
MADISON: Actually, I have a better idea. Just drive. I’ll tell you where to go.
JJ: You got it.
JJ backs out, of the parking lot.
At the Snyder Farm, Parker is helping Carly put dishes away. Carly is doing them, as Parker puts them away.
PARKER: No problem, mom. I actually was using this as an excuse, to talk to you. I know that sounds shocking, but I need your advice.
CARLY: You must have a fever.
CARLY: What’s up, son?
PARKER: Well, I’m having some girl troubles.
CARLY: What’s her name?
PARKER: Madison Murphy.
In JJ’s Car, JJ is driving, down a long stretch of country road.
JJ: Are we almost there?
MADISON: Yeah. Just like, one more turn.
JJ: So, what are we doing here, tonight?
MADISON: Well, it’s our fourth date. I was actually going to surprise you.
JJ: Surprise me, with what?
Madison digs in her purse and pulls out a condom.
JJ: Oh.
MADISON: Turn left.
JJ turns left.
MADISON: We’re here.
JJ: Where is here?
MADISON: At my parent’s barn.
JJ: You wanna have sex, in a barn?
MADISON: There’s a bed and everything. Come on.
JJ parks the car. He shuts it off. Madison and JJ step out.
JJ: Madison…
JJ: There’s something I have to say.
JJ: I don’t think, I can do this.
Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Tom and Rosanna sit down.
TOM: So, you are out for revenge?
ROSANNA: Yes, but I can’t do this alone.
TOM: I see. That’s why you are enlisting my help.
ROSANNA: Correct. Ding, ding, ding.
TOM: Rosanna, I don’t know if I can do this.
ROSANNA: Tom, please. I was betrayed. Carly made herself out to be, on my side. One slip up, and she gets into Craig’s pants.
TOM: Have you thought about helping Carly?
ROSANNA: Excuse me?
TOM: Rosanna, this was a terrible mistake. I get that. However, she fell off the wagon. She didn’t sleep with Craig, out of clear judgment. She slept with him because she was drunk. The lines were blurred.
ROSANNA: I’ve thought about that.
TOM: How so?
ROSANNA: I get it. She went through a hard time. She had gotten into a fight, with Jack. A big fight, about her miscarriage. Her getting drunk and blurring lines is not the problem. That, I could have helped her with. The problem for me, is that she hid it from me.
TOM: I know. I know. But, that’s Carly.
ROSANNA: Well, I don’t care, if that is her, or not. I don’t want to live my life, being this doormat. I don’t want to be pushed and shoved, in every direction. Carly knew what she did. Unfortunately for her, this was the last straw.
TOM: Hearing (sighs) what you just said, has helped me come to a conclusion.
ROSANNA: What is that conclusion?
TOM: I’ll help you, Rosanna. I’ll help you, get full control of CT Designs.
ROSANNA: (hugging Tom) Thank you, Tom. Thank you, so very much.
Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly dries her hands, with a towel.
CARLY: Honey, did I hear you correctly?
CARLY: Parker, Madison is your brother's girlfriend.
PARKER: I know.
CARLY: Then, why are you asking me this?
PARKER: Because, we love one another.
Carly is in shock, at what she just heard.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Lily’s Hospital Room, Lily has fallen back asleep.
HOLDEN: (sighs) I’m glad you’re resting. You deserve that. If you can still hear me, in there, I’ve got some things, to say. John’s funeral went well. I check up on Lucinda, once and awhile. She’s doing well. (sighs) Ethan made it safely, to college. He’s living with Luke and Noah. Their marriage is wonderful. Luke even said that they are thinking about adoption. Can you believe that? Luke might have a child, soon. I can’t believe that much time has flown by. Luke said, that he took some notes from our romance. He says that he is loving Noah, just as I love you. That is, with the fire of a thousand suns. That is how much, I love you, darling. You’re gonna get through this. I know it. You are my wife. You are not a quitter. That is why I love you so damn much. Keep fighting, Lily. Keep fighting.
As Holden looks at Lily, silently, he thinks back to some of their most cherished moments.
Back at White Pines Cemetery, Barbara holds her purse, in hand, removing it from her shoulder.
BARBARA: (sighs) So much has happened, since we last spoke. Paul is back, safely. However, that didn’t get rid of Diego. God, I wish you were here. You would stop at nothing until Diego was back in an orange jumpsuit. I have no idea what all of us, are going to do. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Emily could use you. Yes, she has Paul. But, you were always there for her, too. Anyways, I thought about you, yesterday. You and John, are probably up in Heaven, now. Cracking jokes, left and right. Oakdale seems so empty, without you two. I truly don’t know, how this town goes on.
Then, Barbara’s phone beeps.
BARBARA: Hold on. Thought I turned this off.
Barbara looks at her phone. She sees a text from her assistant. THE TEXT READS:
Work emergency! Get here, now!!
BARBARA: (laughs) That’s how this town goes on. All because, of work emergencies. It was lovely to chat, darling. Let’s do it more often. I love you, Hal. Talk to you, soon.
Barbara blows a kiss, to Hal’s grave. She puts her purse on her shoulder, and walks off, to her car. On the way to her car, she regains herself.
Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s office, the phone continue to rings.
DUSTY: Should we pick it up.
MARGO: I think so.
Margo picks up the phone.
MARGO: This is Commissioner Hughes.
DISGUISED VOICE: Hello, Margo. Do you honestly believe, that I am this stupid?
MARGO: I don’t think you’re stupid, at all.
DISGUISED VOICE: Then, stop investigating. I will hurt you, or someone else, if I have too. I don’t want it to come to that. However, you are starting to push my buttons.
Then, the person on the other line hangs up the phone.
DUSTY: What do we do?
MARGO: I don’t know. However, I can tell you one thing.
DUSTY: Tell me what?
MARGO: This bastard better hope, and pray, that we don’t find him.
The camera zooms in, on Margo.
***FADE OUT***
:) Loved the scene of Barbara at Hal's grave.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much John!!