Tuesday, March 14, 2017

EP 63 - Barbara Confronts Katie


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


NEW CHARACTER: Rick Hearst as Marshall Taylor

At the Mona Lisa, Tom and Margo are having breakfast. Margo is deep in her thoughts. It doesn’t appear that she’s touched her food very much.

TOM: Honey, you okay? You haven’t touched much of your celebratory breakfast. You closed this case. You won.

MARGO: I don’t feel like a winner. People are just saying the case is closed because Julian is in a place without an extradition treaty.

TOM: What’s wrong? What’s on your mind?

MARGO: I arrested Katie. I arrested her. I can’t believe I did that. It is like I arrested her for something Julian did. Plus, Julian isn’t paying for my father’s murder.

TOM: First of all, you did the right thing. Plus, we all know that Katie will get out on bail. Second of all, I’m sorry. However, you couldn’t stop Julian. He got away before anyone knew anything.

MARGO: I know. I just feel bad.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Barbara walks down a hall of cells. She goes to Katie’s cell. Katie stands from her bed upon seeing Barbara.

KATIE: Barbara, what are you doing you here?

BARBARA: Listen, I didn’t come to support you in your arraignment. I came to tell you something. Something I need to get off of my chest. I need to clear the air.

KATIE: What’s up?

BARBARA: Look, I’m going to tell you this once. You are going to stop dragging my husband into your messes.

At Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna is in the living room. She is on the phone.

ROSANNA: I love you so much, Cabot. Now, listen, I want you to do well on that math test. You can do this!

Then, there is a knock at the door.

ROSANNA: Listen, I have to go honey. I love you too. Bye.

Rosanna hangs up the phone. She walks to the door.

ROSANNA: (opening the door) Carly. What are you doing here?

Carly hands Rosanna a gift.

CARLY: Happy Birthday, sis.

At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra shakes Marshall hand.

SIERRA: Thank you for flying from China to see me.
MARSHALL: Of course. It was no trouble at all. I am happy to be in Oakdale. I’ve always loved this town.

SIERRA: Really?


SIERRA: Well, welcome. Can my assistant get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Water? Anything. You name it, she’ll get it.

MARSHALL: (chuckles) No, I’m fine. Thank you though.

SIERRA: Anytime. Please sit. We have a lot to discuss.

MARSHALL: We cearintly do.

At Memorial Hospital, Alison and Casey exit from a room. They begin to walk down a hallway to the elevators.

ALISON: That was a nice meditation class. I am so calm. I am also proud to report that CJ has settled down in my tummy.

CASEY: Good. That makes me happy.

ALISON: Little man has not kicked once since we started meditating.

CASEY: So, are you hungry?

ALISON: I’m eating for two.

CASEY: I ask a lot of silly questions.

ALISON: (laughs) Yes, you do. Let’s go to Java.

CASEY: Sounds good to me.

ALISON: I’m craving their cheese fries.

Back at the Mona Lisa, a waiter clears Tom and Margo’s table.

TOM: Are you sure you got enough to eat?

MARGO: I did. Thank you, baby.

TOM: Of course. Listen, even though you don’t feel proud of yourself, I just want you to know that I’m proud of you.

MARGO: Thank you. That means a lot.

TOM: Anytime.

MARGO: Hey, I’m gonna go to my father’s grave. Will you come with me? I just want to put some fresh spring flowers on it.

TOM: Yeah. Sure. I’ll come with you.

MARGO: Thanks, honey.

TOM: Before we go, I want you to know one thing.

MARGO: What?

TOM: I love you.

MARGO: I love you too.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Katie puts her hands on the bars.

KATIE: I never mean to drag Henry into my messes, Barbara. He is just there for me. We have been best friends for over 15 years.

BARBARA: I don’t!...I don’t care. He is my husband. I am trying to protect him from you mess. It isn’t his fault that you got involved with the wrong guy.

KATIE: Oh, like you haven’t?

BARBARA: We are not talking about me.

KATIE: News flash, Barbara, you were involved with a Stenbeck long before I was. You and James went round and round.

BARBARA: I know. But, I learn from my mistakes.

KATIE: And, you don’t think I do?

BARBARA: Listen, I’m done talking about this. I really hope you make bail. I do. I wish you the best. However, I want you to take my husband out of your life. Got it?

KATIE: Got it.


Barbara walks off. Katie goes to sit back down on the bed.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Marshall and Sierra are sitting down on the office couch. They are looking through files.

MARSHALL: I see where you need my help.

SIERRA: I bet you do. It is easy to see. So, Mr. Taylor, will you help WorldWide get back to black? We really need you.

MARSHALL: I will. However, I have one condition.

SIERRA: Anything. You name it.

MARSHALL: I need you to stop calling me Mr. Taylor. From now on, I want you to call me Marshall. That is the only condition I have.

SIERRA: (smiling) You got a deal.


SIERRA: Welcome aboard.

Sierra and Marshall shake hands.

Back at Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna and Carly enter the living room. Rosanna sets her gift down on the couch.

CARLY: I hope you like it. When I saw it in the shop window, I immediately thought of you. If you don’t like, you can exchange it.

ROSANNA: Carly, I’m sure I’ll love it. Thank you.

CARLY: Yeah. Listen, I know I am not your favorite person right now. So, I better get out of your hair. Happy birthday again.

ROSANNA: Carly…, before you go...can we talk?

CARLY: Yeah. Sure. What’s up?

ROSANNA: I want to forgive you.

CARLY: What?

ROSANNA: I just miss my sister.

CARLY: Oh. I miss you too.

Rosanna and Carly go to one another. They embrace.

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Alison and Casey walk in. Casey shuts the door behind them. They take their jackets off. Alison sets her purse down.

ALISON: Thank you for finishing those cheese fries. I may be eating for two but I forgot how big of a portion you get at Java.

CASEY: They’ll fill you up for five bucks.

ALISON: (laughs) Yes, they will. Listen, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.

CASEY: Okay. I’ll be in the bedroom. I have a brief to work on.


Alison walks off the the bathroom. In the bathroom, Alison is about to go to the bathroom when she notices something. There is a blood stain on her white pants.

ALISON: What is going on?

The camera zooms in on Alison’s worried face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 63***

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EP 171 - The Finale