Thursday, March 16, 2017

EP 64 - Katie's Bail Hearing


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Jack’s Apartment, Carly knocks at the door. A couple seconds later, Jack opens the door. He immediately embraces her.

CARLY: (coming off the hug) Your call sounded urgent. Are you alright?

JACK: Come inside.

Carly enters. Jack closes the door.

CARLY: Jack, you’re worrying me.

JACK: Did you forget?

CARLY: Forget what?

JACK: Today would have been our child’s 6th birthday.

At Rita’s Home, Rita is sitting at her kitchen table. She is going over the notes she has taken on Kim’s case. Then, there is a knock at the door. She walks to the door. Upon opening it, Bob barges in.

RITA: (closing the door) Bob, what are you doing here?

BOB: We need to talk.

RITA: About what?

BOB: The murder I committed.

RITA: What about it?

BOB: I confessed.

At Lisa’s Penthouse, Emma walks in. Lisa shuts the door.

LISA: Emma, what brings you by?

EMMA: Well, I have an answer.

LISA: An answer?

EMMA: To your business proposition.

LISA: Oh really? What’s the answer?

EMMA: Yes. I’ll do it. I will find a way to do it. I will move weddings around, I will hurry up with those new recipes, I’ll do anything.

LISA: Oh my goodness! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Lisa smiles.

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Alison is standing still. Blood continues to drip on the floor. Then, there is a knock at the bathroom door.

CASEY: Alison! Are you alright?

ALISON: I’m fine! I’ll be out in a moment.

CASEY: Okay.

Casey walks away from the door.

ALISON: Oh god. I can’t be losing this child.

Then, Alison begins to have pain. She begins to yell. Casey rushes back to the door. He bangs on the door.

CASEY: Alison! Alison! Alison!

ALISON: Casey, go away!

CASEY: Is everything okay?


CASEY: What’s going on?

ALISON: I’m having a miscarriage.

Casey then kicks the door open. Alison begins to cry. Casey is in shock at the sight he is seeing. Alison falls to the floor. Casey catches her.

CASEY: Let’s get you to the hospital.

Casey picks Alison up.

At the Oakdale Courthouse, a police officer escorts Katie into the courtroom. She sees Henry. The officer guides her to her seat. Katie turns back to face Henry.

KATIE: Thank you for coming.

HENRY: Yeah. Sure.

KATIE: Listen, before this all begins I have to tell you something.

HENRY: What’s up?

KATIE: After this, you can’t race to my defense anymore.

HENRY: What does that mean?

KATIE: Ask Barbara.

Then, Tom enters the courtroom. He goes to the other table. He sits down and opens his briefcase. He gets his notes out and starts reviewing them. Then, Katie’s lawyer enters. He sits down next to her.

LAWYER: You doing okay, Katie?

KATIE: Yeah. I’m doing fine.

BAILIFF: All rise!

Everyone rises.

BAILIFF: The honorable Judge Corey presiding.

The judge sits down.

JUDGE COREY: You may be seated.

Then, Judge Corey bangs his gavel.

JUDGE COREY: Court is now in session.

Back at Rita’s Home, Rita and Bob walk into the living room.

RITA: I don’t understand. Usually when someone confesses to murder, they are arrested on the spot. So, why are you here?

BOB: Well, I confessed to the District Attorney. He is deciding what to do with my case. He has a lot to think about.

RITA: Now I get it.

BOB: Get what?

RITA: The District Attorney is your son. Of course he is going to protect you. It all makes sense now.

BOB: Rita, that is not the case.

RITA: Yes it is. I know for a fact it is. I wasn’t born yesterday.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa hands Emma a glass of champagne. Lisa also has a glass of champagne for herself.

EMMA: Don’t you think this is a bit much?

LISA: You are salvaging my reputation.

EMMA: Wow. You are giving me a lot of credit.

LISA: You deserve it, Emma.

EMMA: Thank you.

LISA: I can’t wait to see where this partnerships takes us.

EMMA: Same here. It will definitely be interesting.

LISA: I hear that.

Emma and Lisa clink glasses.

Back at the Oakdale Courthouse, in the Courtroom, Tom is pacing around the courtroom. Katie is sitting up straight, a tad nervous.

TOM: Your honor, the state is asking that Kathryn Ann Perretti receive bail. We are willing to give that to her considering she has become an upstanding citizen.

JUDGE COREY: I have done my homework on Miss Perretti. It seems she is an upstanding citizen. However, I’m concerned to when it comes to her past. Miss Perretti has had quite the past.

LAWYER: (standing) Your honor, if I may…, Miss Perretti has become reformed through the years. She is no longer the same person she was.

JUDGE COREY: That may be true. However, I believe very little in the theory that people change. But, I do believe in second chances. Miss Perretti…, that is what I am choosing to give you. Bail is set at 30,000 dollars. Oh, and Miss Perretti, let’s not ever obstruct justice again.

The judge bangs his gavel.

BAILIFF: All rise!

Judge Corey exits to his chambers. Katie let’s out a sigh. She goes to Henry. They smile at one another and hug.

HENRY: You did it, kid.

KATIE: I did.

HENRY: I’ll go ahead and pay your bail.

KATIE: Don’t worry about it. I can do it. Go home to Barbara. You have a question to ask her, remember?

HENRY: Yes. Talk to you later.

KATIE: Okay. Bye.

Henry exits. Then, Katie walks over to Tom.

KATIE: Tom, thank you.

TOM: I did everything I could.

KATIE: Listen, I hope everything is okay between me, you, and Margo.

TOM: It is okay. Don’t worry about it. Everything will be fine.

KATIE: Alright. Good. I’m glad. Seya later.

TOM: Yeah. Seya later.

Back at Jack’s Apartment, Jack and Carly are looking at a sonogram. They are also curled up on the couch.

CARLY: How could I forget that Rosanna and our baby share a birthday?

JACK: Your mind was preoccupied I’m sure.

CARLY: It was. Rosanna and I had a discussion.

JACK: What did you two discuss?

CARLY: She forgave me. We are mending fences.

JACK: Wow. That’s good. I’m glad to hear that.

CARLY: Yeah. I am too. I am too. Can I ask you a question?

JACK: Of course. What is it?

CARLY: Do you miss the child we miscarried?

JACK: Everyday. What about you?

CARLY: Everday.

Carly leans on Jack's chest.

At Memorial Hospital, in an Examination Room, a Doctor is performing a sonogram on Alison. Casey is right by her side.

DOCTOR: (sighs) Give me one second here.

There is a short silence that falls through the room.

CASEY: Doctor…

ALISON: What’s going on with my baby?

DOCTOR: I’m sorry to report this news to you. It breaks my heart to do so but there is no heartbeat. I’m so very sorry, Casey and Alison. Your baby has passed away.

Alison becomes breathless.

DOCTOR: I’ll leave you two alone.

The doctor leaves the room. Casey takes Alison in his arms. The two are crying. The camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 64***

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EP 171 - The Finale