Tuesday, March 21, 2017

EP 65 - Faith Makes A Move On Paul


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Mona Lisa, Sabrina and Iva are at the bar having martinis.

IVA: Thanks for meeting me for drinks.

SABRINA: Of course. I needed a break. You were the getaway excuse.

IVA: Well, I’m happy to be that for you. However, I do have an ulterior motive for calling you here for drinks.

SABRINA: I don’t understand. What’s the ulterior motive?

IVA: I called you here so I could apologize to you.

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Casey and Alison enter. Casey shuts the door behind them. Alison sets her purse on the couch.

CASEY: Do you want anything?

ALISON: No. No, I just want to go to bed.

CASEY: Okay. I understand. I’ll make your appointment for the evacuation of the fetus. Then, I’ll come to bed.

ALISON: Okay. Sounds good.

CASEY: Alison, I love…

Alison walks off to the bedroom. She slams the door.

CASEY: ...you.

At BRO, in the Lab, Faith is standing outside the lab. She is carrying a file and is about to enter. Before she does, she unbuttons some buttons on her blouse.

FAITH: Showtime.

Faith enters the lab. She goes to Paul who is sitting down at a table. He is on his computer, typing a report.

FAITH: (handing over the file) Here you go.

PAUL: Thank you.

FAITH: Yeah. So…


FAITH: Do you like my new blouse? It is the first thing I’ve bought with the money I’ve gotten from this job.

PAUL: (looking up) It looks very nice.

FAITH: I’m glad you like it, Mr. Ryan.

Faith pauses for a moment.

FAITH: Oh, what the hell. What have I’ve got to lose.

Faith kisses Paul.

At Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily, Holden, and Natalie are in the kitchen. Holden and Natalie are setting the table, as Lily stirs a pot of noodles.

LILY: I think it is so great that your friend Brooklyn decided to join us for dinner.

HOLDEN: I am glad that you are making friends to help you with college.

NATALIE: She is quite the friend. She is so sweet. You two are going to love her.

LILY: I’m sure that we will, honey. I truly can’t wait to meet her.

Then, the doorbell is rung.

NATALIE: Oh. That must be her.

Natalie goes to the door.

NATALIE: (opening the door) Hey.


NATALIE: Please, come in.

Brooklyn enters. Lily and Holden enter the room.

LILY: Hi, Brooklyn.


HOLDEN: We are Natalie’s parents. I’m Holden.

LILY: I’m Lily. Nice to meet you.

BROOKLYN: Nice to meet you guys as well.

At Java Underground, Madison and Johnny are splitting a piece of cake.

MADISON: This coffee cake is so sinful.

JOHNNY: I hear you there. But, it is so good.

MADISON: It really is. Hey, listen, thanks so much for taking me out. I know things haven’t been easy for you lately but it is nice that you haven’t forgotten about me.

JOHNNY: Madison, we have made love. We took things to the next level. Of course I am not going to forget about you.

MADISON: Listen, before we move forward, we need to talk. There is something that you need to know about me.

Back at the Mona Lisa, the bartender refills Iva’s martini.

SABRINA: I don’t understand. What exactly are you apologizing for?

IVA: A couple weeks ago I asked you for relationship advice. I should’ve known that, that wasn’t the right thing to ask you about. You felt uncomfortable. I’m sorry.

SABRINA: I am sorry too.

IVA: For what?

SABRINA: I shouldn’t have freaked out on you like that. It was ages ago. I just should’ve left it in the past. I didn’t mean to bring it up.

IVA: Listen, I think that we’ve both apologized enough. How about I get the next round and we act as though a relationship advice conversation never happened?

SABRINA: Sounds good to me.

Back at Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Alison is laying in bed. She is looking at a sonogram photo of what was going to be her and Casey’s child. She cries quietly. She curls up with the sonogram photo.

In the Oakdale Park, Madison and Johnny are walking a trail.

MADISON: Thank you again. That cake was so good.

JOHNNY: Yeah. No problem.

MADISON: Hey, are you gonna be okay for tomorrow?

JOHNNY: I would be better if I had you by my side.

MADISON: You want me to come with you?

JOHNNY: I would love nothing more. Will you?

MADISON: Okay. I will be there.

JOHNNY: Thank you.

MADISON: Anytime.

Back at BRO, in the Lab, Paul pushes Faith off of him.

PAUL: Faith, what are you doing?

FAITH: I just…

PAUL: You what?

FAITH: I’m sorry. This was stupid. I just haven’t had a relationship in a really long time and I was beginning to miss having a man in my life.

PAUL: Faith, I feel bad for you too but I’m married.

FAITH: I know. Look, like I said, it was stupid. I’m just gonna go.

PAUL: Okay. Maybe you should take tomorrow off.

FAITH: Like fired?

PAUL: No. No, not fired. Just take tomorrow off, please.

FAITH: Okay. Yeah.

Faith buttons her blouse back up. She walks out of the lab.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily, Holden, Natalie, and Brooklyn walk into the living room. They have just finished dinner.

BROOKLYN: That was a love dinner, Mrs. Snyder.

LILY: Oh, thank you. It was just a simple casserole.

HOLDEN: She’s right. It was really good.

NATALIE: Alright. Yeah. It was. Listen, there’s something that I need to tell you two. If you could please sit.

Lily and Holden sit.

LILY: Honey, we’re sitting.

HOLDEN: Is everything okay?

NATALIE: Everything will be fine once I tell you guys the truth.

BROOKLYN: Nat, are you sure that you want to do this?

NATALIE: Yeah. It is time now.

LILY: Time for what?

NATALIE: Brooklyn and I go way beyond friends.

HOLDEN: What is that supposed to mean?

NATALIE: She’s my girlfriend. I’m a lesbian.

The camera pans to everyone's faces.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 65***

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EP 171 - The Finale