Thursday, March 9, 2017

EP 62 - Lisa & Emma's Business Meeting


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Java Underground, Emma and Lisa are sitting down and having coffee.

LISA: Thank you for meeting me. I know you just got back from seeing Meg, so I am shocked that you met with me.

EMMA: Well, you said you have a business proposition.

LISA: I do. Now, I know people aren’t really jumping at the offer to get into business with me, considering the…

EMMA: New Year’s Eve party. I heard all about it.

LISA: Yes. That party.

EMMA: Anyway, what is this proposition?

LISA: I want my ballroom and your catering company to partner up.

At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra takes off her reading glasses.

SIERRA: Alright, I’m ready to hear this plan of your’s. By the way, I am truly impressed that you’ve made a plan.

ELIZA: Sometimes, my abilities go beyond the role of an assistant.

SIERRA: They appear to.

ELIZA: So, I’m suggesting we bring someone in.


ELIZA: Marshall Taylor.

At Bancroft, Barbara is relaxing in the living room with a martini in hand. Henry enters the living room. He goes straight to the bar cart. He pours himself a large amount of scotch. He takes a big drink of it.

BARBARA: Honey, is everything alright? (standing) You look like you’ve had a bad day. What’s going on?

HENRY: Katie.

BARBARA: What about Katie?

HENRY: She’s been arrested.

At FairWinds, in Emily and Paul’s Bedroom, Emily is sitting on the window seat. She is sitting in the dark, looking out the window. She is deep in her thoughts.


EMILY: There are not any extras.

DIEGO: That’s what you think. I know you checked my hotel room. Do you think that I’m that stupid? The extras were never in my hotel room. They are hidden. I’m still one move ahead of you, bitch. Have a good night, Emily.


Emily is jolted out of her thoughts once Paul enters the room and turns on the light. Paul loosens his tie and goes to her.

PAUL: Hey, honey. Why are you sitting in the dark?

EMILY: I don’t want to talk about it.

Paul sits across from her.

PAUL: Tell me what’s wrong.

EMILY: Paul…, please.

PAUL: Emily…, is this about Diego?

EMILY: (standing) Yes! Okay! It is about Diego! We didn’t win, Paul! He won! He won! There are still copies of the recording. He won. We didn’t. That is why I am so emotional.

At Dusty’s Home, there is a knock at the door. Johnny walks down the stairs to answer the door. Upon opening it, Madison immediately hugs him.

MADISON: (coming off the hug) I’m so sorry.

JOHNNY: Thanks. Come on in.

Madison enters. Johnny shuts the door. The two walk into the livingroom.

JOHNNY: It was sweet of you to come over.

MADISON: I had to. I couldn’t leave you alone.

JOHNNY: That means a lot.

MADISON: Where is your dad?

JOHNNY: He’s with my aunt Terri. They are looking for a place to scatter the ashes. We have two days before we officially say goodbye.

The two sit on the couch.

MADISON: Is there anyway that I could make you feel better?

JOHNNY: There is one thing I can think of.

MADISON: Anything.

JOHNNY: Kiss me.

Madison kisses Johnny.

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra sets her glasses on her desk.

SIERRA: You want to bring in Marshall Taylor?

ELIZA: Yes. I looked into him. He’s free right now. He was going to go into retirement. I’m shocked about that because he’s only 45.

SIERRA: Well, when you’re as rich as he is, you can do whatever you please. Listen, I think it is a good idea.

ELIZA: You do?

SIERRA: I truly do. (sighs) Do you have a number for him?

ELIZA: I do. Let me go get it from my desk.

SIERRA: Alright. Go get it.

Eliza walks off to her desk.

SIERRA: This company will succeed. Even if it is the last thing I do.

Back at FairWinds, in Emily and Paul’s Bedroom, Paul stands up from the window seat. He goes to Emily.

PAUL: He has extra recordings? I don’t understand. We had Steve check his hotel room. Steve said there was no extras.

EMILY: There was no extras in the hotel room. He has hidden them somewhere else. He came over here to tell me.

PAUL: He came over here? Did he threaten you?

EMILY: Yes, he did.

PAUL: I’m gonna kill him.

EMILY: No! You are not going to go near Diego. It is too dangerous. I am done fighting. I am not going to ever go near him. It would be wise for you to follow suit.

PAUL: Honey, I just want to protect you.

EMILY: I know you do. And, I love you for that. However, just stop. Stop it. No more. If we leave him alone, then things will get better.

PAUL: I hope so. I hope so.

Paul takes Emily in his arms.

Back at Java Underground, Emma’s cup is refilled by a waiter.

EMMA: Thank you.

The waiter walks away.

EMMA: Listen, I don’t think it is such a good idea that we partner up. My catering company is brand new…

LISA: I understand. You don’t want to get a bad wrap.

EMMA: No, that’s not it at all, Lisa.

LISA: No, I get it. I understand.

EMMA: Truthfully, I am trying at new recipes and I am booked solid.

LISA: Oh. I’m sorry for jumping you.

EMMA: Anyway, are you okay? I have been worried about you. I know you love the business world. I can’t imagine what Julian put you through.

LISA: I have a bad name in the town, thanks to him.

EMMA: (to herself/sarcastically) Yeah, it was all his fault.

LISA: What was that?

EMMA: Oh, I didn’t say anything. Look, I’ll give it some thought.

LISA: Really?

EMMA: Yes. I will. (standing) I better go. I am going to stop by Dusty’s home and drop some flowers off on his doorstep.

LISA: Alright. Goodbye, Emma.

EMMA: Goodbye, Lisa. Have a good night.

Emma collects her things.

LISA: You too.

EMMA: (walking off) Thank you.

Back at Bancroft, Barbara eats the olives from her martini.

HENRY: (sighs) I can’t believe she was arrested.

BARBARA: I don’t understand. What was she arrested for?

HENRY: She knew.

BARBARA: She knew what?

HENRY: It is official. Julian Beck...Stenbeck…

BARBARA: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Stenbeck?

HENRY: I’ll explain later. Anyway, Katie knew that Julian had poisoned everyone. She also knew that he bombed the church that Lucinda and John had their wedding in. I’ll tell you all about that later, as well. Also, Katie found out he was a Stenbeck.

BARBARA: Why didn’t she come forward earlier?

HENRY: Well, she also deleted the message that Julian left, confessing all of this. She didn’t want to come forward because she didn’t want to be involved with Julian anymore. She couldn’t keep the secret any longer. So, she confessed.

BARBARA: Why do you think Julian did all of this?

HENRY: Isn’t it obvious? He wanted to avenge James.

BARBARA: Where is he now?

HENRY: Morocco.

BARBARA: Are there any signs that he’ll come back?

HENRY: No. Thank god.

BARBARA: Amen to that. Now, tell me, how is he a Stenbeck?

Back at Dusty’s Home, Madison and Johnny are in Johnny’s Bedroom. They are laying on Johnny’s bed. They are kissing.

MADISON: We haven’t known one another for long. Are you sure that you really want to do this…right now…right here....tonight?

JOHNNY: I’m sure. Come here.

Madison and Johnny begin to make love.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 62***

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EP 171 - The Finale