Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum
At Lily and Holden’s Home, in the living room, Faith is painting her toenails. She blows on them, and fans them. Holden enters the living room.
FAITH: Hey, dad.
HOLDEN: That color looks nice on you.
HOLDEN: That was nice of her.
FAITH: Yeah. Look, I know about the search.
HOLDEN: Excuse me?
FAITH: The search for Justin.
FAITH: Dad, I’m fine with it. The faster you find Justin, the faster he will pay for what he did to me. Let’s find this bastard.
At Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Emily stares out the window.
EMILY: I do.
Emily goes deep into thought, as she stares out the window.
BETSY: Emily, you don’t understand. I thought that I had paid all these debts off. I thought Steve, Danielle, and myself were debt free. But, there was one guy that has come back into our lives. His name is César Martinez. Emily, César wants more than money. He will not stop until a life is taken.
Coming back from her thoughts, Emily is jolted.
MARGO: Emily, what?
EMILY: I can’t believe that I didn’t realize all of this, before. I know who took Paul. I know who did it. It was César Martinez.
MARGO: Who is César Martinez.
EMILY: Get my sister here, now. Get Betsy here. She can tell you everything.
At a Warehouse, outside of town, the Oakdale Stalker takes off his mask, just as Paul goes free. Paul runs after him, and tackles him. The Oakdale Stalker’s mask isn’t off all the way. Paul and him are fighting on the ground over the gun. Paul manages to get the gun, and pulls the trigger. But, no bullets come out.
The Oakdale Stalker takes off his mask, to reveal his identity.
PAUL: Oh my god. This can’t be possible.
Paul is shocked.
At the Lakeview, in the ballroom, Casey, Alison, Bob, Kim, and Lisa are decorating the ballroom, for tonight’s party.
LISA: Alison, are you sure we aren’t straining you?
LISA: Just wanna be sure.
BOB: I can’t believe that we are this close to the party.
BOB: It is crazy.
KIM: (laughs) Yes it is. Time really does go by quickly. Look at us.
ALISON: I know. I feel so old.
LISA: (raising her eyebrow) Do you now?
Everyone laughs. Bob takes a picture of Nancy and Chris out of a box. He smiles. Kim goes over to him, and smiles, as well.
BOB: They look so good.
KIM: Yes, they do.
CASEY: I always think of the day we said goodbye to great grandma. Seems like yesterday.
CASEY: And now…
ALISON: We are honoring her, and Chris.
Everyone smiles at the photo of Chris and Nancy.
At Java Underground, Carly takes a sip of her water.
Carly lets out a sigh, and then spots a woman drinking white wine out of the corner of her eye. She is deep in thought.
DUSTY: Carly?
DUSTY: Are you okay?
CARLY: No, not really. Not at all.
DUSTY: Carly, tell me the truth?
CARLY: (sniffles) I was drunk.
Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, Faith caps the nail polish.
HOLDEN: Are you sure you wanna know about the search?
FAITH: Yeah. It goes along with my life. So, have you found my rapist?
HOLDEN: No, honey. We haven’t. I’m sorry.
FAITH: That was a bust.
HOLDEN: We are not giving up our search, though. We are doing everything that we can. I promise you that.
FAITH: Why can’t you find him?
HOLDEN: He knows what he did. Therefore, he is keeping a very low profile.
FAITH: Should’ve guessed.
HOLDEN: Jack and Margo are on the case.
FAITH: Probably for the best.
HOLDEN: Do you wanna come to the party with me, tonight?
FAITH: No, I’m good.
HOLDEN: Are you sure?
FAITH: Yeah. I’m sure.
Faith stands, and walks off.
Back at the Lakeview, in the ballroom, Alison and Kim are looking over the table cloth colors. Lisa and Bob are standing with Casey on the stage.
LISA: So, will it be easy to play the tribute?
CASEY: Yes. All you have to do is just press the spacebar.
LISA: Perfect.
BOB: Sometimes, we don’t understand technology.
CASEY: (laughs) Trust me, I know that about you. I remember the day you got your Iphone. I sat with you for three hours, just to send out a text.
BOB: It was a hard day.
KIM: So, are you and Casey trying hard?
ALISON: We are. We both really want this.
KIM: Have you told any of your family, yet?
ALISON: No. Casey and I wanna have dinner at our place with our parents, and some family. He invited Tom and Margo. I invited my mom and Emily.
KIM: How do you think they will take the news?
ALISON: I think they’ll be pleased.
KIM: (smiling at Alison) I think they will be too.
Back at the Mona Lisa, Dusty leans in.
DUSTY: You were drunk?
CARLY: I was.
DUSTY: Carly, why did you compromise your sobriety?
CARLY: (sighs) Victoria Evans…, Jack’s new woman, and I got into a fight. I went to go speak with Jack about it, and we got into it. The horrible miscarriage was brought up. All I did, was drive to Ruffles. I was gonna have one drink. That ended up being five.
DUSTY: Have you spoken with your sponsor?
DUSTY: Maybe you should go to a meeting.
CARLY: Why do you say that?
DUSTY: Carly, you not only fell off the wagon, but you slept with Craig.
CARLY: (sighs) I just need sometime to myself.
DUSTY: No, you need help. Right now. Please, get help.
Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Betsy and Margo enter the room. Emily and Barbara go to them.
EMILY: Did she tell you everything?
BETSY: Emily, this isn’t a good idea.
BARBARA: Betsy, if you know anything that can help us find my son, please say so. We need to know every little detail about César Martinez.
EMILY: Betsy, please.
BETSY: Fine.
MARGO: I’m ready to listen.
BETSY: When Steve lived here, and even when he didn’t, he was involved in drugs. That is no secret. When Steve went to prison, I was frightned. I had my little girl, and money. I used the money I had to pay of debts of Steve’s. I thought I had paid all the debts, but there was one man who wanted more than money.
BARBARA: Is this where César comes in?
BETSY: Yes. He will not stop until he takes Paul’s life.
MARGO: Do you have any idea where he might be?
BETSY: (sighs) He has a warehouse outside of town. 3434 Shipment Road.
EMILY: What are we waiting for?
MARGO: Let’s go. I’ll get back up.
The ladies collect their things, and rush out of the room.
Back at a Warehouse, outside of town, Paul is still in shock.
PAUL: I can believe this. You are supposed to be dead. Kirk shot you years upon years ago. Lily took the fall for quite sometime.
OS: I was nursed back to health by doctors who were hired to treat me. They faked my death, so one day I could come back. Karma’s a bitch.
The camera pans up to reveal the Oakdale Stalker to be
***FADE OUT***
Great twist! I never saw it being Diego. Kudos.