Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum
At the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Barbara, Emily, Margo, and a Police Officer are sitting in a circle. The Police Officer has a notepad to write everything down that the women say.
MARGO: And, he didn’t do that, today?
MARGO: Barbara, what about you?
At the Mona Lisa, Carly and Dusty sit down at a booth.
CARLY: Listen, when I tell you this, I don’t want you to be mad.
DUSTY: Just tell me what happened.
At a Warehouse, outside of town, Paul has the shard of glass in his hand. He is trying to cut his ropes, so he can go free. The Oakdale Stalker enters. Paul acts like he doesn’t have anything in his hands.
PAUL: What do you want with me?
OAKDALE STALKER: Paul, I only want one thing.
PAUL: What?
OAKDALE STALKER: To kill you, as an act of revenge.
The Oakdale Stalker pulls a gun out, and points it at Paul.
PAUL: You don’t wanna do this.
OAKDALE STALKER: I truly do. But, before you die, I am willing to do something.
OAKDALE STALKER: Reveal my identity.
At Fairwinds, Susan enters, as Betsy shuts the door.
BETSY: Almost. I move in next week.
Susan and Betsy walk into the living room.
SUSAN: Where’s Emily?
SUSAN: No, I’m fine honey. Anyways, you said over the phone that you wanted to talk. I hope everything is okay.
BETSY: Actually, everything is fine. I just needed to speak with you.
SUSAN: About what?
BETSY: Are you okay with me calling you my mother?
At the Oakdale Inn, Rosanna, Craig, and Sierra enter Craig’s Hotel Room.
SIERRA: We just didn’t expect it to be at different times.
CRAIG: Sierra, I see that your surgery went well.
CRAIG: How is Luci?
SIERRA: She’s fine.
ROSANNA: Anyways, Sierra and I have decided that we are going to talk to you together. It is important that we do this together.
CRAIG: Do what?
SIERRA: Talk to you about the type of man you were to us.
Back at the Mona Lisa, Carly has a glass of water, and Dusty has a glass of a bourbon.
DUSTY: Did you just say that you had sex with Craig?
DUSTY: Carly, what the hell?
CARLY: I know.
DUSTY: I don’t think you do.
CARLY: I’m sorry. God am I sorry. You have no idea how many times I washed myself with soap, this morning, in the shower.
DUSTY: (sighs) You not only hurt our plan, but imagine how much you hurt Rosanna. Carly, we both know that here in Oakdale, these type of secret come out.
CARLY: Way to make me feel even more guilty.
DUSTY: How did this come about?
CARLY: Excuse me?
DUSTY: How did this come about? I need to know.
Carly lets out a sigh, and then spots a woman drinking white wine out of the corner of her eye. She is deep in thought.
DUSTY: Carly?
CARLY: (snapping out of it) Yeah?
DUSTY: Are you okay?
CARLY: No, not really. Not at all.
Back at Fairwinds, Susan and Betsy sit on the couch.
SUSAN: Honey, of course. In fact, it is very sweet. I mean, you’ve always called Kim your mom, but we turned a new leaf. And, I’m okay with that.
BETSY: Thank god.
SUSAN: How did this come about?
BETSY: (sighs) Emily and I were talking about it yesterday. She was wondering why I called you mom, and it made me think.
SUSAN: I love being your mom. I do. I am happy to have that title.
BETSY: Good.
SUSAN: I love you, Betsy. I love you very much.
BETSY: I love you too, mom. I love you too.
Back in Craig’s Hotel Room, Craig pours himself a glass of scotch.
CRAIG: (laughs) You wanna talk to me about what kind of man I’ve been?
ROSANNA: It’s important.
CRAIG: Sierra, please tell me this isn’t why you came back to town.
SIERRA: No, I have other reasons.
CRAIG: Good. Because, this would have been a waste of gas.
ROSANNA: Listen, Sierra and I agree on something.
CRAIG: Really? What is that?
SIERRA: Craig, relationships with you start out good. You are very charming. But, then they take a turn for the worst.
CRAIG: I’m sorry, but you ladies share the blame.
ROSANNA: (laughs) Are you kidding me right now?
CRAIG: Oh no, I’m not. You wanna talk about what kind of man I’ve been? You women have been quite the relationships. As soon as you can get used to the fact that you two are reasons for our relations with one another going so bad, then come back. But, for now get the hell out of my hotel room.
Craig takes a sip of his drink.
Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Emily stands up, and goes to the window. Barbara goes to her.
BARBARA: Emily, are you alright?
EMILY: I’m just scared.
MARGO: (standing) Emily, officer Anders and I are doing everything we can. I hope you know that. I want you to know that.
EMILY: I do.
Emily goes deep into thought, as she stares out the window.
BETSY: Emily, you don’t understand. I thought that I had paid all these debts off. I thought Steve, Danielle, and myself were debt free. But, there was one guy that has come back into our lives. His name is César Martinez. Emily, César wants more than money. He will not stop until a life is taken.
Coming back from her thoughts, Emily is jolted.
EMILY: Oh my god!
MARGO: Emily, what?
BARBARA: What is it?
EMILY: I can’t believe that I didn’t realize all of this, before. I know who took Paul. I know who did it. It was César Martinez.
Back at the Warehouse, outside of town, Paul is slicing his ropes, pretending to be still.
PAUL: You wanna reveal your identity to me?
OS: Yes, I do. I think you should know before you die.
PAUL: Okay. Go ahead.
The Oakdale Stalker takes off his mask, just as Paul goes free. Paul runs after him, and tackles him. The Oakdale Stalker’s mask isn’t off all the way. Paul and him are fighting on the ground over the gun. Paul manages to get the gun, and pulls the trigger.
***FADE OUT***
Wonderfully suspenseful episode!