Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison
At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, a knock is heard throughout the apartment. Katie enters the room and goes to the door.

KATIE: (opening the door) Henry, hey.
KATIE: Thanks for coming by so quickly.
Katie moves out of the way and Henry enters. Katie then shuts the door, turns around, and walks up to Henry.

HENRY: So, what’s up? The text you sent me sounded urgent.
KATIE: Well, I needed to talk to you about something.
HENRY: What do you need to talk to me about?
KATIE: Julian.
At Tom and Margo’s Home, in the Living Room, Margo is sitting on the couch. She is drinking a cup of coffee and typing on her laptop. Then, Tom enters.
TOM: Hey, hon.
TOM: What are you working on?

MARGO: The case against Julian.
TOM: (sitting down) Oh. How’s it coming along?
MARGO: Pretty good. In fact, I don’t think it will be long before I find my smoking gun.
At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Carly is standing by the couch. She is holding a mug in her left hand and her cellphone in her right hand. She is talking on her phone.

CARLY: (on the phone) Yes, I accept your offer. I will be sure to have my lawyer draw up the papers. They’ll be ready to go by the time your plane lands here in Oakdale. Alright, can’t wait to meet you either. By-bye.
As Carly hangs up the phone, there is a knocking sound heard at the door. Carly sets her phone and mug down. She then walks to the door.
CARLY: (on the phone) Parker.

PARKER: Hi, mom.
Parker and Carly stare deep into each other's eyes.
At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda pours herself another glass of scotch. She then walks over and sits down on the couch.

LUCINDA: So, you said you wanted to give me a piece of your mind?
SUSAN: Lucinda, that is not what I said. All I want to do is talk to you.
LUCINDA: Same thing.
SUSAN: Will you at least give me five minutes of your time?
LUCINDA: Susan, you can have all the time you want. But, I guarantee what you say won’t make an impact on me one bit.
SUSAN: We’ll see about that.
LUCINDA: Well, the floor is yours.
Lucinda takes a sip of her scotch.
At WorldWide, in Lily’s Office, Lily is sitting behind her desk. She is typing on her computer. Then, a knock is heard at the door.

LILY: Come in!
Holden enters and shuts the door behind him. Lily looks up from her computer, smiles, and goes to him. The two kiss.
LILY: Thanks for coming over here, honey.

HOLDEN: No problem. So, what’s up? Why’d you call me?
LILY: I need your opinion on something.
LILY: I need to know if you think my mom has been acting odd lately.
HOLDEN: I haven’t noticed anything. Why do you ask?
LILY: Because, I think she has been. I’m just not sure why.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Henry is taking off his coat. Once his coat is off, he lays it across Katie’s couch.
HENRY: So, what do you need to tell me concerning Julian?
KATIE: (sighs) Before I say what I need to say, do you promise not to get mad at me for what I’m about to tell you?
HENRY: Mad at you? Why would I get mad at you? Katie, what’s going on? What do you need to say to me about Julian? Just tell me.
KATIE: (sighs) I’m still in love with him.
HENRY: What?
KATIE: Yeah. You heard it hear first.
HENRY: Well, in all seriousness, I think you need to go to the hospital.
KATIE: Why would I need to go to the hospital?
HENRY: Because, you need your head checked.
Back at WorldWide in Lily’s Office, Lily and Holden are holding hands. They then come off of holding one another’s hands.
HOLDEN: So, in what ways do you think Lucinda has been acting weird?
LILY: Well, for starters, she still hasn’t returned my calls about going out with Sierra and I tomorrow to help Sierra shop for her wedding dress.
HOLDEN: Really?
LILY: Yeah.
HOLDEN: Maybe her phone is on silent.
LILY: Holden, I’ve left her six messages.
LILY: And, I’ve also noticed something else.
HOLDEN: What else have you noticed?
LILY: She’s been drinking.
HOLDEN: Lily, that’s not strange at all. We both know that Lucinda likes the occasional martini. And, she also loves a very cold margarita in the summertime.
LILY: Holden, the amount she has been drinking lately goes way beyond social drinking. In fact, I know she has been drinking way too much.
HOLDEN: How do you know?
LILY: Susan left a message for me on my cell phone.
HOLDEN: A message? What kind of message?
LILY: The day before Christmas, Susan went to put flowers on John’s grave. While at the cemetery, she noticed something quite strange. She saw a leg poking out from behind John’s head stone. So, Susan went behind the head stone. And, there was my mother. My mother was passed out with a bottle in her hand.
HOLDEN: Oh my god.
LILY: Yeah. My thoughts exactly. Look, Holden, if we don’t get her help soon, I’m truly afraid of what she might do. She could hurt someone. She could hurt herself. Look, Susan is over there with her probably right now. And, I’m gonna go over there after work. Hopefully, one of us can talk some sense into her.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda sets her glass down on the table in front of the couch.
SUSAN: Lucinda, I’ve used alcohol as a weapon against myself twice. Now, you know all about the second time. But, you don’t really know about the first time because you weren’t in town yet. And, if I do say so myself, the first time I became an alcoholic was a lot more deadly than the second time. When I decided to drink heavily the first time, I was at rock bottom just like you. I was right in the middle of this custody mess with Dan. And, it hurt me in the long run. I drank so heavily that I was declared an unfit mother. And, I was also fired from the hospital. After all that happened to me, I became quite the bar hopper.
LUCINDA: This has yet to make an impact on me. This is quite boring actually.
SUSAN: You want eventful instead of boring. I get it. Well, here is something eventful for you. The board at the hospital decided that they would review my case. I showed up at the board review completely drunk. I was out of my mind drunk. And, a few days later, my drinking got so, so, so bad that I was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct. So, as you see, drinking only hurts people. My child was taken away from me. My marriage ended. I was fired from my job. I was arrested. My face was paraded around on the front cover of every newspaper imaginable. But, the worse thing was, was that I lost myself. I didn’t know who I was anymore, Lucinda. And, I don’t want that to happen to you. I don’t want you to get lost. So, please, please, I beg of you! I beg of you! Put down the bottle.
Lucinda and Susan stare deeply into each other's eyes.
Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, in the Living Room, Margo shuts her laptop and puts her laptop on the table in front of her.
TOM: So, what do you think you got?
MARGO: Well, I dug in to Julian’s past a little.
TOM: Interesting. And, what’d you find?
MARGO: Julian opened up a company by the name of Beck Enterprises a few years ago. And, when he came to Oakdale two years ago, the company was still intact. However, if you dig into the origins of the company, you’ll come to find that Julian was only able to open the company via getting money from a crime family.
TOM: So, Julian got money from mobsters?
MARGO: Yes. That money came from an offshore bank account.
TOM: How did you find that out?
MARGO: I called in a few favors.
TOM: I see.
MARGO: So, because of this, Julian can go away for upto 20 years. That son-of-a-bitch thinks he has won. But, in truth, I've won the whole entire game.
At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Parker is standing over by the couch. Carly shuts the door, turns around, and goes to him.
CARLY: Happy New Year.
PARKER: Yeah. Whatever.
CARLY: Can I get you anything?
PARKER: No. I’m fine. I just need to talk to you.
CARLY: Okay. What’s up?
PARKER: I got a call today from a Vanessa Russell.
CARLY: You did?
CARLY: What’d she say?
PARKER: Well, she said that she wants to question me tomorrow.
CARLY: Question you? What do you mean?
PARKER: She wants to ask me about your hatred towards my fiance.
CARLY: My hatred against Sheila?
PARKER: Well, it isn’t a secret that you didn’t like her.
CARLY: Parker...I…
CARLY: (sighs) What are you gonna tell her?
PARKER: What do you think I’m gonna tell her? I’m gonna tell her the truth. You hated Sheila so much. And, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if you had every intention of hitting Sheila with your car on Christmas.
The tension continues to build as the camera cuts back and forth on Carly and Parker. The camera then zooms in on Carly.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 149***
***END OF EP. 149***
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