Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison
At the Oakdale Police Department, by the Waiting Area, Carly is sitting down. She is very deep in thought. The camera zooms in on her.
Back on the Long Stretch of Road, Carly gets out of her car. She then walks over to an unconscious Sheila.
CARLY: (gasps) Oh my god. Oh my god. I hit Sheila with my car. (running to her) Oh my god! Oh my god! Sheila! Sheila! Wake up. Wake up. Come on.
Carly bends down next to Sheila. She feels her neck with her two fore fingers.
CARLY: Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t believe this. I truly can’t believe this. Sheila has no pulse. I killed the love of my son’s life. Sheila’s dead.
The camera zooms in on Carly’s horrified face.
Carly is pulled out of her thoughts when she sees Tom standing in front of her. Tom is holding a briefcase and is dressed in a suit.
TOM: Carly...Carly…
CARLY: Sorry, Tom. What’d you say?
TOM: Jack’s ready to speak with you.
CARLY: (standing/sighing) Okay. Sure. Okay. Yeah. Um…, will you be in there with me? You know, during the questioning?
TOM: I’m your lawyer. Of course I’ll be there.
CARLY: Thank you. God, you know, I should just be able to talk with Jack one-on-one. But, right now, he’s not playing the part of the love of my life. He’s playing the part of Commissioner.
TOM: You’ve got that right. Anyway, let’s not keep him waiting.
CARLY: Okay.
Tom and Carly walk off
At Photos By Andy, Andy is in the downstairs office area. He is sitting behind his desk and typing on his computer. Then, someone enters the office.
ANDY: I’ll be with you in just a minute?
The person then walks over to Andy’s desk. By now, the person’s gender is revealed to be that of a woman. The woman then sets her purse on Andy’s desk. Andy looks up.
ANDY: (standing) Oh. My. God.
WOMAN: Hello, Andy.
ANDY: Vanessa…, what are you doing here?
VANESSA: Well, I’m here to see my boyfriend of course.
At the Walsh Mansion, Susan walks up to the front door. She lets out a sigh and then rings the doorbell. A couple of seconds later, Lucinda opens the door.
LUCINDA: Susan. Hi.
SUSAN: Morning, Lucinda.
LUCINDA: Um, what are you doing here? Do you have news about Valerie?
SUSAN: I’m not here because of Valerie. That can wait some other time.
LUCINDA: I’m sorry. I don’t understand. Why are you here, Susan.
SUSAN: I’m here to talk about you. I’m here to talk about what happened in the cemetery the night I found you passed out behind John’s grave.
The camera pans and zooms on both women.
At the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison is asleep on the couch. The camera zooms out from her. She is holding a tissue and a picture of her and her mother when she was a young girl. Then, Johnny comes down the stairs. He goes over to Madison and tries to quietly remove the tissue and photo from her hand. However, Madison ends up waking up.
MADISON: Johnny.
JOHNNY: Hey, honey.
MADISON: Was I dreaming?

JOHNNY: No, honey. No. You weren’t dreaming.
A tear strolls down Madison’s right cheek.
At Sheila’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Parker is sitting on the couch. He is looking at a photo of him and Sheila on his phone. He then begins crying. The camera zooms in on his face. He then puts his head between his legs. The camera zooms out.
Back at the Murphy Home, in the Living Room, Madison is now sitting up on the couch. Johnny is sitting next to her. The tissue and the picture are sitting on the table in front of them.
MADISON: I really can’t believe she’s gone. I can’t believe my mother is dead. You know, what sucks the most is we were just about to form a full fledged relationship again. We were starting to become a mother/daughter duo again. I learned to deal with her and Parker being together. And, she couldn’t stop talking about her excitement for our child. I miss her. I miss her so much.
JOHNNY: Honey, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I know what it’s like to lose not only your biological mother but a motherly figure. I’m here for you. I’m here for you in every sense of the word. You let me lean on you. And, now it is time to reverse the roles. You get to lean on me. How you really doing? How are you feeling?
MADISON: I feel awful. I feel absolutely awful.
MADISON: (sniffles) Because, I didn’t try and heal our relationship sooner. I didn’t try and forgive her for everything she did to me. I will forever blame myself for that. I just want a do-over. I just want time to rewind itself. Oh god, how I wish that was possible.
Madison then begins to lightly sob.
MADISON: I just want my mom back!
Johnny wraps his arms around Madison. Madison leans on his chest.
Back at Photos By Andy, Andy gets up from his desk and goes to Vanessa.
VANESSA: So, did you miss me, Andy?
ANDY: Vanessa, I’m shocked to see you here in Oakdale. So, again, I have to ask you, what are you doing here in town? And, don’t say the answer you gave me earlier. We both know that isn’t true. I mean, my god, I’m not even your boyfriend anymore. We broke up after you cheated on me.
VANESSA: (sighs) Fine. You caught me. I told a little lie. Again. Sorry.
ANDY: Wait… are you calling what you did to me a little lie?
ANDY: It was far from that and you know it.
VANESSA: Okay. Okay. You’re right. Sorry.
ANDY: Thanks.
VANESSA: Anyway, I’m actually in Oakdale on an assignment.
ANDY: Really?
VANESSA: Yes. But, I didn’t see any harm in seeing one of my ex-boyfriends. So, Andy, tell me, how have you been these days?
Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Jack’s Office, Carly and Tom enter the office. Tom shuts the door behind them. Jack walks up to them.
TOM: Good morning, Commissioner.

JACK: Good morning, District Attorney. Morning, Ms. Tenney.
CARLY: (short pause) Good morning, Commissioner.
JACK: Look, I’m sorry if these formalities are awkward. But…
TOM: Jack, we understand.
JACK: Good. Anyway, I would offer you a seat. However, this won’t take long at all. All I need to do where this case is concerned is tell you some very important news.
CARLY: News? What news?
JACK: Earlier this morning, I had a discussion with the Mayor.
TOM: And…?
JACK: And, we decided that it’d be best if I had nothing to do with this case.
TOM: Are you serious right now?
JACK: Tom, as a lawyer you know what’s fair.
TOM: (sighs) I guess so. Anyway, who’s your replacement?
JACK: The state brought in a special agent.
CARLY: They did?
JACK: Yes.
TOM: Who?
JACK: Her name is Vanessa. Special Agent Vanessa Russell.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Susan and Lucinda are standing in the living room. Lucinda is over by the bar cart.
LUCINDA: Can I get you anything?
SUSAN: No. I’m fine. Thanks.
LUCINDA: Suit yourself.
Lucinda puts two large ice cubes in a glass. She then reaches over and grabs a beautiful piece of crystal. She takes off the cap on the crystal and pours herself a glass of scotch. She puts the cap back on and turns around.
LUCINDA: So, you said you wanted to discuss what happened in the cemetery?
SUSAN: That’s right. I do. Very much so.
LUCINDA: Well, I don’t.
SUSAN: I had a feeling you would say that.
LUCINDA: Susan, what are you really doing here?
SUSAN: (sighs) Okay. Fine. I’ll be honest with you. Lucinda, I’m worried about you. I am honestly very, very worried about you.
LUCINDA: Oh yeah?
LUCINDA: Why is that?
Lucinda walks up closer to Susan.
SUSAN: I noticed that lately you’ve been drinking excessive amounts. And, what transpired in the cemetery just goes to show…
LUCINDA: Okay! I’m gonna stop your ass right there.
SUSAN: Pardon?
LUCINDA: You heard me. Lookie here, Susie, just because you couldn’t handle having a few drinks once in awhile, doesn’t mean I can’t. Got it? So, if you understand what I just said to you, then you can get the hell out of my house and leave me and my bar cart alone.
Susan let’s out a deep breath.
SUSAN: I’m not going anywhere.
LUCINDA: Do I have to call security?!
SUSAN: No. You don’t have to call security, Lucinda. That is absurd. I am a friend. I am a friend that just wants to help you.
LUCINDA: Just like when you helped yourself to my leftovers?
SUSAN: Oh come on! We put that behind us decades ago!
LUCINDA: Did we?! John’s presence still haunts us both. And, it will continue to haunt us as long as Valerie is alive. It will continue to haunt us as long as we both are still alive.
SUSAN: Okay. Enough. Stop. Just stop. Just listen to what I have to say. And, if you don’t like it, then yeah, you can throw me out.
LUCINDA: Okay. Well, go right ahead, missy. Go right ahead.
Back at Sheila’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Parker is drinking a glass of scotch. He is now standing by the window and looking over Oakdale. He then becomes deep in thought.
SHEILA: Parker, I’ve been married before. It is a big step. It is not a thing to be taken lightly. Marriage is hard…
PARKER: And, amazing. At least that is what I’ve heard.
SHEILA: It is amazing. Well, it can be, with the right person.
PARKER: Do you think I am the right person?
SHEILA: I think so.
PARKER: Does that mean you’ll say ‘yes’?
SHEILA: It does. The answer is ‘yes’. I’ll marry you.
Parker leans over and kisses Sheila.
Coming out of his thoughts, it is apparent Parker is becoming full with rage. He then turns around quickly and throws his glass across the room. As the camera zooms in on his face, he begins to cry and rub his hands through his hair.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 148***
***END OF EP. 148***
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