Thursday, February 16, 2017

EP 56 - Margo Connects The Dots


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At BRO, the elevator doors ding open. Carly steps off the elevator. On way to the conference room, she bumps into Rosanna.

CARLY: Good morning, Rosanna.

ROSANNA: Morning. You’re late.

CARLY: I know.

ROSANNA: What were you doing? Sleeping with another guy?

CARLY: Rosanna, I’m here now. Let’s just go into the conference room.

ROSANNA: Okay. Let’s go.

Rosanna and Carly walk into the conference room.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Lisa enters Margo’s office.

MARGO: Lisa, thank you for coming.

LISA: Yeah. Listen, is this going to take long? I need to get this nail polish off of my fingers. Kim did a terrible job. But, she has cancer, so I’ll cut her some slack.

MARGO: Kim’s cancer and your nails have nothing to do with why I called you here. I think you know why I called you here.

LISA: I have a theory. Does this have to do with Julian?

MARGO: It does. I need to ask you a few questions.

At Memorial Hospital, the Doctor is checking Janet’s heart beat. Janet is sleeping.

DUSTY: How is she?

DOCTOR: Can I talk to you outside for a second?

DUSTY: Sure.

Dusty and the Doctor walk out of Janet’s room.

DUSTY: What’s up?

DOCTOR: Dusty, Janet is getting much worse. I’m sorry but she’s projected not to make it through the night. This is Janet’s last full day on Earth.

At Katie’s Apartment, Katie locks her door. She closes the curtains in every room. Once finished, she walks back into the living room. She is still on the phone.

JULIAN: (over the phone) What are you doing? Are you closing all the curtains? Did you just lock your door?

KATIE: I did. How did you know that?

JULIAN: (over the phone) I just told you that I have someone spying on you. It is only logical that you would try and hide yourself in your apartment.

KATIE: Good point.

JULIAN: (over the phone) Now, I haven’t forgotten about the question that I asked you. I would love it if you would give me an answer.

KATIE: What question was that again?

JULIAN: (over the phone) Why did you delete the message?

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the cancer wing, Kim is having a session of chemotherapy. Rita injects the drugs into her IV.

RITA: There you are, Kim.

KIM: Thank you.

RITA: How do you feel?

KIM: far.

RITA: Good. Good. Listen, I have nothing to do at the moment. I got ahead on my paperwork earlier this morning. I can keep you company. If you would like?

KIM: That’d be nice. Thank you.

Rita pulls up a chair next to Kim.

KIM: So, what do you want to talk about?

RITA: Well, I actually wanted to use this time to talk about Bob.

KIM: Bob? What about Bob?

RITA: Well, there’s something I have to tell you about him. It needs to be said before you go any further with him in life.

Back at BRO, in the conference room, Tom, Barbara, Carly, and Rosanna have taken their seats around the table.

TOM: Alright. Rosanna and I are prepared to hear what you have to say. Please, let’s make this quick. Rosanna and I have a lot to do today.

BARBARA: Tom, this won’t take long at all.

CARLY: Barbara and I have an offer.

ROSANNA: An offer? Okay. What offer?

BARBARA: BRO would like to buy CT Designs.

ROSANNA: Really?

BARBARA: Yes. Now, Rosanna we both know why you are doing this. We all know Carly slept with Craig. We all know that you want revenge. However, cut your losses. Don’t define your 2017 with a long court battle. Sell CT Designs. Carly would no longer be the owner. You basically get all you want.

ROSANNA: Tempting offer. However, I just have one question.

TOM: You want to ask me first?


Rosanna whispers the question in Tom’s ear.

TOM: It’s worth asking.

CARLY: We would love to hear what your question is.

ROSANNA: Here’s my question. Carly, what’s in it for you?

Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim sits up more.

KIM: What do you need to tell me about Bob?

RITA: Well...this is very important. I’ve been waiting too long to tell you this. It is time that you hear what I have to say.

KIM: Rita, what is it?

RITA: (sighs) He’s a good man, Kim. You really have a good husband. Bob is one of a kind. I just thought that you should know that.

KIM: Aw thanks. I really do have the best husband in the world. We’ve been married for 30 years. It will be 31 years on June 6th.

RITA: That’s very special. Well, I better get you a second dose. I will be right back. Just give me a couple of minutes.

Rita walks off to the supply closet. In the supply closet, Rita takes more of Kim’s drugs to give to her.

RITA: I don’t think the two of you will make it to your 31st anniversary. You will need a damn miracle.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie sits on the couch.

KATIE: Julian, I don’t want to talk about that.

JULIAN: You had a whole confession. Every last detail was on that machine. Yet, you deleted it. I don’t care if you want to talk about it or not. We must.

KATIE: I deleted it to protect myself. I want you out of my life. I don’t care that Henry told me that I obstructed justice. I want to stay as far away from you as possible.

JULIAN: Listen, I gotta go. I have to destroy this burner. It was nice talking to you, Katie. Listen, all you need to know is that I don’t plan to come back to Oakdale. I am in a place with no extradition treaty. Goodbye, Katie.


Katie hangs up her phone. She breaths for a second. She wipes away tears on both sides of her face.

KATIE: No Katie. You are not going to cry over him. Not today. Not ever.

Back at Oakdale Memorial, Dusty is in the waiting room. He gets his phone out, dials, and puts it up to his ear.

DUSTY: Hey. Thanks for answering. I know how busy you can get. Listen, I need you to round up the family. Janet doesn’t have much time left.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s Office, Lisa takes a seat. Margo leans up against her desk.

LISA: Go ahead. Ask away.

MARGO: We found some startling things in Julian’s safe.

LISA: His safe?

MARGO: We managed to get a search warrant to search the premises of Beck Enterprises. Tom and I searched his office. This is what we found.

Margo hand Lisa an evidence bag. The bag contains Julian’s list of names.

LISA: I don’t understand. What is this?

MARGO: It’s a hit list.

LISA: Excuse me?

MARGO: Julian made this hit list. Do you know why he would do that?

LISA: No, I don’t. All I know is that Julian Beck didn’t exist until 2004.

MARGO: Yeah, we know that too.

Lisa examines the list further.

LISA: Oh my god.

MARGO: What?

LISA: Margo, you really can’t solve a case.

MARGO: Excuse me?

LISA: There’s one thing that all of these names have in common.

MARGO: There is?

LISA: Yes. These were all of James Stenbecks enemies. Now, why would Julian have a list of all of James enemies?

MARGO: Lisa…, you might’ve just helped us solve this case. Think about it. Stenbeck. Beck. Oh my god. How did I not realize this before. Julian Beck doesn’t exist but Julian Stenbeck most cearintly does.

The camera zooms in on Margo’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 56***

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EP 171 - The Finale