Tuesday, February 14, 2017

EP 55 - Lily Gives Iva A History Lesson


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Snyder Farm, in Carly’s Bedroom, the sunlight creeps through the blinds and into the room. Carly begins to open her eyes. She begins to kiss Jack’s neck.

CARLY: Good morning, Jack.

Jack wakes up and face Carly.

JACK: Mmmm. Good morning.

CARLY: It has been a long time since we woke up next to one another.

JACK: It really has been. Every time we wake up with one another it gets better and better. So, good morning.

CARLY: I already said that.

JACK: Then, you better shut me up.

Carly laughs and kisses Jack again.

At the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Iva is zipping up her dress. As she does this, there is a knock at the door.

IVA: One second!
She finally zips up her dress all the way. She then walks to the door.

IVA: (opening the door) Lily. What a surprise. What brings you by?

LILY: I have a burning question that only you can answer.

IVA: What’s up?

LILY: What in the world possessed you to date Diego?

At Katie’s Apartment, Katie enters her apartment. She has a cup of coffee and a to go bagel. She shuts the door behind her. Then, her phone rings. She sets her things down and retrieves her phone from her purse. She presses ANSWER. Katie puts the phone up to her ear.

KATIE: Hello, this is Katie.

MAN: (over the phone) Thank God you answered.

KATIE: Who is this?

MAN: (over the phone) It’s me. Julian.

At Java Underground, Alison, Casey, and Susan are having breakfast.

SUSAN: I’m so happy that you two wanted me to join you.

ALISON: Well, we’ve haven’t seen you in awhile.

CASEY: It has been a long time.

SUSAN: As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, it really has been a long time. What took you two so long?

ALISON: (laughs) We’ve been setting up for a baby.

SUSAN: Oh, really? (joking) Hadn’t heard.

Casey and Alison laugh.

ALISON: (to Casey) Do you think we should tell her?

SUSAN: Tell me what?

CASEY: (to Alison) I think we should.

SUSAN: (laughs) Tell me what?

ALISON: The gender of the baby.

SUSAN: Awww, you two found out?

CASEY: We did.

SUSAN: So, what is it?

ALISON: A boy. We’re having a boy.

At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra pours two cups of coffee. She hands one to Lucinda and keeps one for herself.

LUCINDA: Thank you.

SIERRA: Yeah. Of course. So, did you get the report done?

LUCINDA: Yes. I am officially ahead.

SIERRA: Good for you. I tried to get ahead last night. However, I got a visit from the CEO of WorldWide past.

LUCINDA: I know all about it.

SIERRA: Do you?

LUCINDA: Yes, I do.

SIERRA: What do you have to say about the visit?

LUCINDA: I think Lily was well in her rights to confront you.

Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Lily enters. Iva shuts the door.

IVA: Listen, you don’t have to worry. We’ve parted ways.

LILY: I heard. But, I’m still wondering what possessed you to go anywhere near a man like him. A dangerous and manipulative man.

IVA: Lily…, it was love. Love that I don’t have for him anymore.

LILY: Do you not know the whole story about how Diego got involved in my life? Because, I will be more than happy to tell you.

IVA: No, I don’t know the whole story.

LILY: Well, let’s grab a seat.

Iva and Lily sit on the bed.

IVA: So, what’s the story?

LILY: I was desperate to learn more about the man who had killed my husband, at the times. I started to get over my husband. I thought he was gone forever. I thought I would never find out anything about the man who killed him. The man who killed him was named Umberto. Anyway, I developed a very close relationship with Diego. We decided to get married. However, on our wedding day, I discovered something shocking. I discovered he was using an alias. That alias was Umberto. Diego killed my husband.

IVA: Oh my god. What happened next?

LILY: I was going to make Diego pay. I got a gun. I had every intention of shooting him at our wedding. However, before I could pull the trigger, the lights went out. When they turned back on Diego was dead, which we know now not to be true. I was framed for murder because I still had the gun in my hand. However, it was Kirk Anderson. The rest is history. There. Now, you know the whole story. At least a condensed version.

IVA: Lily, I’m so sorry. I never realized that you went through this much pain. I had no idea Diego caused this much pain for that matter.

LILY: He caused a lot of pain. That is why it would be best for you to stay away from him. You have to promise me that you will.

IVA: I will. Scouts honor.

LILY: Thank you.

IVA: (sighs) So, tell me, how does it feel to be back with the real world?

Back at WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra refills her coffee mug.

SIERRA: You think Lily had every right to confront me?

LUCINDA: I most cearintly do. Sierra, if the situation was flipped around, wouldn’t you want the chance to confront Lily?

SIERRA: Good point.

LUCINDA: Listen, let her have this one. Let her have all the confrontations she wants. You are still in that chair.

SIERRA: Damn right I am.

LUCINDA: Even though I voted NAY at the board meeting, I still support you. You are a smart business woman. I see great things happening for the company.

SIERRA: Thanks, mom. That means a lot.

LUCINDA: Of course.

SIERRA: Now, I’m going to make a quick call to Luci. I want to see if her birthday present has finally gotten to her. Her birthday is today, so let’s up so.

LUCINDA: Ask her if she got mine too. Tell my granddaughter happy birthday and that I love her very, very much.

SIERRA: Will do, mom.

Lucinda exits. Sierra goes over to her phone. She dials and puts it up to her ear. There is a ringing sound.

SIERRA: Hi, honey! Happy Birthday!

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly and Jack are having pancakes in bed.

CARLY: I forgot how delicious your pancakes are.

JACK: It is one of the very few things I make well.

CARLY: I could eat them all day every day.

JACK: Why thank you, miss.

CARLY: Hey, can I ask you a question?

JACK: Yeah. Sure.

CARLY: When do you wanna tell the kids?

JACK: (laughs) Oh the kids.

CARLY: (laughs) Yes, the kids. Surprise! They exist!

Back at Java Underground, Casey throws money on the table. Susan and Alison are getting their winter wear on.

SUSAN: Congratulations on your baby boy.

ALISON: Thank you very much.

SUSAN: So, when’s the shower?

ALISON: I set the date for April 20th.

SUSAN: Wonderful. I already have the perfect gift.

ALISON: Great. Thank you. Well, I will call you later.

Susan and Alison hug.

SUSAN: Okay. Sounds good, honey.

The two come off of the hug.

SUSAN: Thanks again for breakfast.

CASEY: Yeah. No problem.

Susan waves bye and exits.

CASEY: She seems happy.

ALISON: I’m glad she is. She deserves to be. Especially since her whole life is about to be flipped upside down.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie doesn’t know how to feel about her phone call. However, she continues the conversation.

KATIE: Is this really you?

JULIAN: (over the phone) Yes.

KATIE: What the hell do you think you’re doing? Do you know how dangerous it is to contact me right now?

JULIAN: (over the phone) Yes. But, I need you to answer a question.

KATIE: What?! What question do you need to ask me?

JULIAN: (over the phone) Why did you delete the message I left you?

KATIE: How do you know about that? Are you having someone spy on me?

JULIAN: (over the phone) Of course I have someone spying on you.

The camera zooms in Katie’s worried face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 55***

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EP 171 - The Finale