Thursday, February 9, 2017

EP 54 - Carly & Jack Make Love


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily enters the home. She slams the door behind her. She immediately goes into the kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge. She opens it and takes a big swig. Holden enters.

HOLDEN: Hey. There you are.

LILY: Hey.

HOLDEN: Is everything okay? You seem a little mad.

LILY: Ding, ding, ding. You hit it right on the mark. I’m mad as hell.

At Memorial Hospital, Janet is lying in her hospital bed. Her phone the beeps. She gets it from her nightstand. She has a text from Dusty. The text reads:

Johnny and I are almost to your room. See you in about 30 seconds.

Janet let’s out a sigh. She sits up in bed. Dusty and Johnny enter.

DUSTY: Hey, honey. We are here.


JOHNNY: So, dad said that you have something very important to tell me. What’s going on? Is everything okay?

JANET: Honey, why don’t you grab a seat?

At the Mona Lisa, Iva throws money on the table. She then collects her things. She gets up from her table. She begins to walk out of the restaurant.

IVA: (to herself/walking) Please, don’t notice me. Please, don’t notice me. Please, don’t notice me. Please. Please. Please.


Iva turns around.

IVA: Diego…, hello. Hi. Hello. Oh. I already said that. So, how are you?

DIEGO: I’m good. You?

IVA: Great.

DIEGO: So, you wanna have a drink with me?

At BRO, Faith enters Paul’s Office.

FAITH: Alright. I finally got word from Mr. Spencer.

Faith hands e-mail printouts to Paul.

PAUL: Thank you. Hey, do you want anything to drink?

FAITH: Sure. I’ll take a cup of coffee.

PAUL: (standing) Okay. Black?

FAITH: Yup. Nothing else.

Paul pours the cup of coffee for Faith. He hands it to her.

FAITH: Thank you.

She sips lightly.

FAITH: Thank you very much.

At the Snyder Farm, Carly and Jack walk up to the door.

CARLY: I had a great time tonight.

JACK: So did I.

Carly gets her house key out of her purse.

CARLY: Do you want to come in?

JACK: I would love too.

Carly unlocks the door. Her and Jack go inside.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, Holden cracks open a beer. Lily and Holden sit at the kitchen table.

HOLDEN: They voted you out as CEO?

LILY: Yup.

HOLDEN: Why would they do that?

LILY: The company has had some financial troubles. I made a bad deal. It happens all the time. Hell, there have been plenty of bad deals at WorldWide before. Companies don’t always do good deals. Look at Donald Trump.

HOLDEN: Listen, I’m sorry that you got kicked out of WorldWide. I knew how much you were looking forward to coming back.

LILY: I was. I get it. I was out of commission for awhile. However, I didn’t think that so much would change.

HOLDEN: I know you didn’t.

LILY: So, what else do I not know about?

HOLDEN: Diego Santana bought the paper.

LILY: (sarcastically) Great! The surprises just keep coming.

Lily takes another swig from her beer.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Iva puts her purse on her shoulder.

IVA: As tempting as a drink looks right now, I don’t want to have a drink with you. After last night, I…

DIEGO: Look, I’m sorry about that.

IVA: You seem to be saying that a lot.

DIEGO: I know I say that a lot. I really mean it this time.

IVA: What does that mean? Did you not mean it last night?


IVA: Save it for a woman who bothers to listen to this crap.

Iva walks away. Diego takes a sip of his drink.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly and Jack are drinking wine, as they go into Carly’s bedroom. They are also kissing.

CARLY: Jack…

JACK: Yeah?

CARLY: Make love to me.


Carly and Jack set their wine glasses down.

Carly begins to unbutton Jack’s shirt.

The two kiss as they undress one another.

Carly takes her shirt off.

Jack begins to kiss her neck. Then, he picks her up.

The two smile and kiss, as Jack lays her on the bed.

Jack then gets on top of her.

Jack begins to kiss Carly from her neck, to her chest, then to her stomach. He goes back up to her face and kisses her on the lips.

The screen flashes.

Carly is now on top. Jack and Carly are naked under the covers.

The screen flashes.

Jack is now back on top. He is kissing Carly’s neck.

Carly opens her mouth. She is gasping for air.

The screen flashes.

Carly and Jack have finished making love.

The two are snuggling. The camera pans over to the candles.


Back at BRO, Faith is now at her desk. She is on the phone.

FAITH: I’m telling you the truth. He is just so gorgeous. I’m falling in love with him. What’s his name? I thought I already told you. Oh, well, his name is Paul. Paul Ryan.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Hospital Room, Johnny takes a seat on a stool next to Janet’s bed. Dusty sits on Janet’s bed.

JANET: Honey, there’s something I need to tell you.


JANET: Now, when you hear this, I just want you to know that it is okay to cry. It is okay to feel angry. You can feel as emotional as you would like to.

DUSTY: It is healthy to feel emotional.

JOHNNY: Yeah, I know that. Will you two just tell me the truth? What is going on? What is happening here?

JANET: Honey, remember when you went down to the vending machine, so you could give your father and I sometime with Doctor Davenport?


JANET: Well, Doctor Davenport gave us some bad news.

JOHNNY: What’d she say?

JANET: Honey, I’m not getting better. The poison is beginning to spread.

JOHNNY: Are you dying?

Janet nods her head yes.

JOHNNY: (crying) Oh my god! Oh my god!

DUSTY: Johnny, are you okay?

JOHNNY: No, I’m not okay.

Johnny, filled with emotions, runs out of the room.

JANET: (sobs) Now he knows the truth. He knows that I’m dying. (crying) I feel so bad that i had to break his heart. This has crushed him.

Dusty takes Janet into his arms. The camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 54***

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EP 171 - The Finale