Monday, February 6, 2017

EP 53 - Jack's Unwanted Phone Call


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Brooklyn and Natalie come off of their kiss.

NATALIE: Wow. That was…

BROOKLYN: Amazing.

NATALIE: Yeah. It was. I can’t believe that just happened.

BROOKLYN: I’m sorry if I jumped the gun.

NATALIE: No. You didn’t jump any gun.

Natalie kisses Brooklyn.

At the Mona Lisa, Iva walks in. She goes up to the maître d'.

IVA: Hi. of one.

WOMAN: Of course. Right this way.

The maître d' takes Iva to her table. She hands her a menu.

IVA: Thank you.

WOMAN: Someone will be here soon to take your drink order.

Iva looks up from her menu to take her coat off. As she looks up, she realizes that Diego is at the bar. He is having a glass of scotch. She takes a deep breath.

At WorldWide, Sierra puts a file in the top drawer of her filing cabinet. As she turns around, Lily barges in.

SIERRA: Oh my god! Lily! You’re back!

LILY: Save it you bitch!

SIERRA: Excuse me?

LILY: I know you voted me out! I just have one question for you, Sierra. Why the hell would you do something like this?

Back at Memorial Hospital, Rita takes her reading glasses off.

BOB: Rita, are you still going to keep this secret?

RITA: Bob…, I don’t know if I can.

BOB: What do you mean you can no longer keep the secret?

RITA: Listen, it has been so long. I’ve kept this secret for over 50 years. Bob, I think it is time that the truth came out.

BOB: You can’t be serious. Rita, the truth can never come out. It would destroy me. My wife is battling cancer. I need to be by her side.

RITA: You don’t deserve Kim. She deserves better than a child murderer.

BOB: Rita, how dare you. You haven’t seen me in decades. We haven’t had any contact since you took that job in California.


BOB: So, what gives you the right to judge me?

RITA: Well, I’m the only one who knows what you did.

BOB: Rita, please. I’m begging you. Please, don’t tell.

RITA: (sighs) I’ll think about it.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Jack and Carly are on their date. They clink glasses.

CARLY: I forgot how amazing the chicken parmesan is here.

JACK: It is pretty darn good.

CARLY: So, how’s the business going?

JACK: Great. It’s going great. I have many clients.

CARLY: That’s wonderful.

JACK: I would ask how CT Designs is going, but then again I do watch the news. So, I won’t ask you anything about it.

CARLY: Good. Thank you.

JACK: Yeah. Of course.

Then, Jack’s phone rings.

JACK: Crap. I thought I put this on silent.

CARLY: Oh, it’s okay. You should get it.

JACK: You sure?

CARLY: Yeah. It could be work.

Jack peeks at his phone. But, he doesn’t get it.

CARLY: Well, who is it?

JACK: (pressing the decline button) You don’t want to know.

CARLY: Jack, we just started this thing between us all over again. I would appreciate it if you give me the truth.

JACK: (sighs) It was Victoria. Victoria called me.

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie and Brooklyn are sitting on the couch. They are making out.

BROOKLYN: Do you think this we’re moving too fast?

NATALIE: No. I don’t.

BROOKLYN: Natalie, this is all new to you. I highly doubt that you’ve told anyone about you liking me. Have you?

NATALIE: No, I haven’t.

BROOKLYN: When do you plan to? Soon?

NATALIE: Actually, I was planning on keeping this a secret.

Brooklyn stands.

BROOKLYN: A secret? Why do you want to keep this a secret?

NATALIE: (standing) Well, I would like to figure some more things out. I can’t just go home tonight, wake up the next morning, and tell my mom that I’m a lesbian. I need time. Listen, I know this is a lot to ask...but I have to ask it.

BROOKLYN: Go ahead. What’s up?

NATALIE: Will you be my secret girlfriend until I come out?

BROOKLYN: Natalie…


BROOKLYN: (laughs) I would love to be.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Iva is sipping on a glass of white wine. She is staring at Diego from a distance.

IVA: (sighs) Alright, Iva. You can do this. Put your big girl pants on. Let’s just hope that he doesn’t notice you.

Iva leaves some money on the table. She then collects her things. She begins to walk out of the restaurant.

IVA: (to herself/walking) Please, don’t notice me. Please, don’t notice me. Please, don’t notice me. Please. Please. Please.


Iva turns around.

IVA: Diego…, hello. Hi. Hello. Oh. I already said that. So, how are you?

Back at WorldWIde, Sierra shuts her office door.

SIERRA: Listen, it was not only my decision. It was also the boards. We came to a 3-4 decision. You were voted out. I was voted in. There is nothing I can do about it.

LILY: Why? Again…, I ask why. Why would you do this?

SIERRA: Lily, I discovered the truth.

LILY: The truth? About what?

SIERRA: Before I stepped in as CEO, you were killing the company. You made a crappy deal for robots in our factories.

LILY: Damn.

SIERRA: What? Were you hoping that no one would ever discover the painful truth that you were driving the company into the ground?

LILY: That’s not it at all.

SIERRA: Listen, no one has to worry anymore. I am running the show now. I will get WorldWide back to black in finances.

LILY: Like hell you will.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Jack puts his phone back in his coat pocket.

CARLY: Why was Victoria calling you? Does she want you back?

JACK: (sighs) No. She accidentally left a very expensive purse at my house. She wants me to ship it to her. I keep forgetting.

CARLY: I’ll take it.

JACK: No, I’ll ship it.

CARLY: Okay. Well, I tried. Listen, we need to get something straight.

JACK: What?

CARLY: If we are really going to have a fighting chance at this relationship then you need to lose Victoria’s number.

JACK: Way ahead of you. There’s going to be a note attached to that package that I am going to ship her. The note will tell her that this purse is the last bit of contact we will ever have. I can promise you that.

CARLY: This is why I am so attracted to you. You always make the best promises.

JACK: Is that the only reason?

CARLY: Well, I’ve seen you with that shirt off…, so no. You making the best promises is not the only reason, G-man.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Bob presses the DOWN elevator button.

BOB: (sighs) What the hell am I going to do now?

Bob steps onto the elevator. The elevator doors close.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 53***

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EP 171 - The Finale