Tuesday, February 21, 2017

EP 57 - Paul & Betsy Hatch A Plan


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At Susan’s Home, there is a knock at the door. Susan comes down the stairs. She has just finished a nap.

SUSAN: Who is it?!

EMILY: (on the other side of the door) Mom, it’s me!

As Susan gets to the last two steps, her legs give out and she falls.


EMILY: (on the other side of the door) Mom?!

Emily uses her key to get into the house. Once inside, she sees Susan on the floor. She runs to her, and grabs her.

EMILY: Oh my god! Mom!

At Java Underground, Brooklyn enters. She sees Natalie and goes to her. She sits down across from Natalie.



NATALIE: Thanks for meeting me.

BROOKLYN: Yeah. No problem. Your text sounded urgent.

NATALIE: It was urgent that I see you.

BROOKLYN: Okay. What’s up?

NATALIE: Tonight’s the night. Tonight I tell my parents that I’m a lesbian. Tonight I tell my parents that I am completely in love with you.

At FairWinds, Betsy and Paul enter the living room.

PAUL: So, Betsy what brings you by?

BETSY: I wanted to talk about the recording.

PAUL: Oh. What about it?

BETSY: I have an idea.

PAUL: Okay, what’s the idea?

BETSY: Why don’t we steal the recording...tonight?

At Memorial Hospital, Janet is asleep in her hospital bed. Dusty quietly enters and goes to her. He sits on the bed with her. He wakes her up.

JANET: H...he...hey, baby.


JANET: Wh...what’s going on?

DUSTY: I have a surprise for you.

JANET: Oh. I love surprises.

DUSTY: I know that you do. (hollering) Alright! Come in!

Then, Janet’s door is opened. Lorenzo, Terri, Johnny, and Liberty all enter Janet’s room with balloons and stuffed animals.

JANET: Oh my lord.

LIBERTY: Hi, mom.


TERRI: Hey, sis.

LORENZO: Hey, mom.

JANET: Aw. You guys. (coughs) Hi.

At BRO, in the conference room, Tom pours himself a glass of water.

ROSANNA: I think it is a fair question.

CARLY: Why do you assume that something is in it for me?

ROSANNA: Carly, I’m not stupid. You are sitting right there with Barbara. That means that you two made this deal together.

CARLY: Fine. You caught me. There is something in it for me.

Back at Susan’s Home, Emily manages to get Susan to the couch.

EMILY: Are you sure that you’re okay?

SUSAN: I’m fine.

EMILY: How did this happen?

SUSAN: My legs just got weak.

EMILY: Have you taken your pills today?

SUSAN: Yes. Yes, I have taken my pills.

EMILY: Mom...are you sure you’re alright?

SUSAN: No. No. Actually, I’m not alright.

EMILY: Talk to me. What’s wrong?

SUSAN: I...I...I’m just so scared.

EMILY: What are you so scared about?

SUSAN: That I’m going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life. That I’m going to have to sell this house all because I can’t walk up the stairs.

EMILY: Alright. That’s enough. This not the Susan Stewart that I know. You have always been my strong mother no matter what. You will fight this. I checked up on this disease you have. Most cases don’t carry on with permanent paralysis.

SUSAN: Look, I appreciate that you checked into this for me but I think mine will be one of the very few that are permanent.

EMILY: That’s it. (standing) Grab your coat.

SUSAN: What?

EMILY: We are going out. There’s a new rom-com and I would love to see it with my mother. I was going to drag Paul to it but he really doesn’t want to go.

SUSAN: Alright. Let’s do it.

Back at FairWinds, Betsy and Paul sit down.

PAUL: You want to steal the recording tonight?

BETSY: Yes. Tonight will be the perfect.

PAUL: How do you know that?

BETSY: Because, I checked up on Diego’s schedule.

PAUL: How did you get his schedule?

BETSY: I know a hacker. That is all you need to know. Anyway, he is booked wall to wall in meeting. Plus, he’s meeting with a focus group.

PAUL: How do we get ahold of his phone?

BETSY: That’s another thing I meant to tell you. His phone is at Walter’s Repairs. He dropped it and cracked his screen.

PAUL: So, all we do is break into Walter’s Repairs, steal the phone, and then get rid of his phone? That’s it?


PAUL: How can we be so sure that there aren’t other copies?

BETSY: Steve is going to break into his hotel room and check it out.

PAUL: You’ve just thought of everything.

BETSY: I really have. Let’s do this thing.

PAUL: Let’s.

Back at BRO, Tom is flipping through the contrat that the lawyers at BRO drew up for the buying of CT Designs.

CARLY: Barbara, we should tell her.

BARBARA: Go right ahead. We have nothing to hide.

CARLY: Barbara has agreed to let me stay on as lead designer.

ROSANNA: That’s it? That is the only thing that will happen?

TOM: It appears so. BRO buys the company, you drop the lawsuit, Carly remains lead designer, and you and Carly part ways.

ROSANNA: That’s all we have to do?

TOM: Yes. That is all.


CARLY: So, are you agreeing to the terms?


BARBARA: Wonderful. Go ahead and sign.

Tom signs his signature, then Carly, then Rosanna, then Barbara.

ROSANNA: Congratulations. You won.

As Rosanna gets up, Carly gets up too.

ROSANNA: Carly, sit down. Don’t follow me.

Rosanna walks out.

BARBARA: Yay! The company is ours! We won!

CARLY: (to herself) Did we?

Back at Java Underground, Brooklyn comes back to the table. She hands a cup of coffee to Natalie and has one for herself.

NATALIE: Thanks for getting me a refill.

BROOKLYN: Sure. Yeah. No problem. So, are you sure that you are ready to do this? Are you sure that you’re ready to sit down with you parents tonight?

NATALIE: I’m sure. I can do this. I can be a big girl. Listen, there’s just one thing I have to ask of you before any of this happens.

BROOKLYN: Alright. What’s up?

NATALIE: Will you be there with me tonight?

BROOKLYN: Seriously?


BROOKLYN: I am so flattered. Of course I’ll be there.

NATALIE: Great. Thank you.

Natalie and Brooklyn smile at one another.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Janet’s Hospital Room, everyone is gathered around Janet. They are all trying to be festive.

JANET: Dusty, did you put this all together?

DUSTY: I did. You needed some cheering up.

LIBERTY: We were happy to show up.

TERRI: I wouldn’t miss saying goodbye to my sister.

Terri wipes tears off of her face.

JANET: Goodbye. I can’t believe we all have to say goodbye. (crying) I can’t believe this is all happening. Today. Right here.

LORENZO: I love you, mom.

Janet gives Lorenzo a hug.

JANET: I love you too, honey.

DUSTY: (sighs) Alright. Are you ready?

JANET: Yeah. I’m ready. Let’s do this.

DUSTY: Alright. Terri. You should start. Let’s go guys.

Everyone exits the room except Terri. Terri goes up to Janet. They smile at one another, trying to hold back tears. The camera pans to their faces.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 57***

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EP 171 - The Finale