Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman
At Tom and Margo’s Home, Margo and Tom enter through the back door, into the kitchen. Margo sets her purse on the counter. Tom throws the car keys, into a bowl.
Margo begins to make tea.
MARGO: Yeah. It really was.
TOM: How are you holding up?
TOM: Of course. You can tell me, anything.
MARGO: I hate this, and I wish so bad, that this wouldn’t have happened.
At Ruffles, Iva has entered, and she sits on a bar stool.
BARTENDER: Hey, miss. What can I get you?
BARTENDER: Bold choice.
The bartender gets Iva’s drink.
IVA: After the day I’ve had, this will do. Thank you.
As Iva takes a sip, Holden enters. He walks up to the stools, and has a seat.
IVA: Holden, hi. How you doing?
HOLDEN: Good. Listen, I was actually gonna talk to you, tomorrow. But, since you’re here, I guess I’ll do it, now.
IVA: What’s up?
HOLDEN: I just wanna know why you really came back to Oakdale.
At Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Casey and Alison are snuggled up, on the couch.
CASEY: Losing my granddad, really sucks.
ALISON: I know baby. That’s why I think you need some cheering up.
CASEY: How do you expect me to cheer up?
ALISON: Well, I have some news for you. Some news I think you will like. Love, even.
CASEY: Well, don’t keep me in suspense. What is it?
Alison smiles at Casey.
At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda and Sierra enter through the door. Sierra closes the door, and the two go into the living room.
SIERRA: Oh, what? Anything is fine.
SIERRA: Mom, are you sure that is a good idea?
LUCINDA: Sierra, my skin being burned, doesn’t make me stupid. I mean what I say. Please, go get them.
Sierra walks off. Lucinda goes to her bar cart, and pours a glass of scotch.
LUCINDA: To you, darling.
Lucinda takes a drink.
In Oakdale Park, Carly is sitting on a bench. Dusty walks up to her, and sits.
DUSTY: Well, this day has been stressful, for the both of us.
CARLY: You needed to get away. I get that. So did I.
CARLY: Ah. Yes. The news on Craig.
DUSTY: So, what is it? What is Craig gonna go back to prison for?
CARLY: How does murder, and arson sound?
Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Margo and Tom are sitting at the table. They both have tea cups in front of them. Margo pours them both tea.
TOM: Thanks, honey.
MARGO: Yeah. Have you checked in on Casey, since he left?
TOM: Yeah.
MARGO: And…?
TOM: He said he is doing fine.
MARGO: I hope so.
TOM: So, is there any progress on the investigation?
MARGO: It’s funny that you say that.
TOM: Why is that?
MARGO: Well, yesterday, Dusty paid me a visit. The guy or gal, who blew up the church, contacted him.
TOM: You’re kidding?
MARGO: Nope. In fact, the bomber sent Dusty to the park. He or she sent an assistant. The assistant, gave Dusty a briefcase. There was a note. The note outlined specific instructions. This bomber wants me to stop the investigation, or the bodies will continue to pile up. There was also 1.2 million dollars, in unmarked bills. Bribe money, of course.
TOM: Dear God. So, what are you gonna do?
MARGO: I’m gonna secretly continue the investigation.
TOM: Margo, are you sure that’s for the best?
MARGO: Damn right I’m sure.
Back at Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Casey hands a glass of water to Alison. He then sits next to her, on the couch.
CASEY: So, there’s your glass of water.
ALISON: Thank you, baby.
CASEY: So, can you tell me your news, now?
ALISON: Yeah. No problem.
CASEY: So, what’s up?
ALISON: I’m pregnant.
CASEY: (laughs) Are you serious?
ALISON: (laughs) Yeah. We can stop trying. I went to my doctors office. They gave me the news. Isn’t this great.
CASEY: It’s more than great. It’s fantastic. Come here.
Casey and Alison kiss.
CASEY: I love you so much, Alison.
ALISON: I love you too.
Back at Ruffles, the Bartender hands Holden another beer.
IVA: (sighs) Holden, I really don’t feel like being interrogated. I told you, why I came back. My marriage to Jason ended. My son is at college. That was cause for me, to come back.
HOLDEN: See, I just can’t believe that.
IVA: Why not?
HOLDEN: Because, I know you.
IVA: Stop it. Stop this, now.
Iva stands, and grabs her handbag. She throws some money on the counter.
IVA: No, Holden. I’m doing this, with you. You’re getting drunk, and you’re sad. Have a nice night, Holden.
Iva walks out.
Iva retrieves her phone, from her handbag. She dials, and puts it to her ear.
IVA: (on the phone) Hey. We’ve got a problem. Just a minor one. My son-in-law is fishing for information. Yes, I’m still using the cover story. I just don’t want anyone, to know about us. I love you too. Alright, I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Iva hangs up the phone, and walks off.
Back in Oakdale Park, Dusty stretches out, on the bench.
DUSTY: Carly, you just made my day.
CARLY: I try to do that for people.
DUSTY: Alright, tell me the whole story.
CARLY: Back in 1984, Craig committed a crime, that no one in Oakdale knows about.
DUSTY: How’s that possible?
CARLY: Because, everyone believes that Craig didn’t do it. That he’s the hero.
DUSTY: Alright, what does this involve?
CARLY: A drug dealer, by the name of Richard Fairchild, came to town. He got in Craig’s way. Craig set fire to the Refuge, to get rid of him. However, Margo was trapped. Craig looked like a hero, saving her. However, this caused the death of Richard, and Margo went deaf, for a bit. Craig was all responsible for this. However, he was able to trick the police.
DUSTY: That sneaky son-of-a-bitch.
CARLY: Exactly. A few days ago, I reached out to Richard’s sister, Courtney.
CARLY: She agreed to bring Craig down, with us.
DUSTY: (chuckles) Say farewell to your freedom, Craig.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda is in the living room. She is sitting on the couch. She is sitting on the couch, constantly refilling her drink.
LUCINDA: Alright, I think I can do this.
Lucinda pours a full glass, of scotch.
LUCINDA: You can do this, Lucinda. You can do this.
She sighs, and takes a sip of her drink.
LUCINDA: Here goes nothing.
Lucinda wipes away tears, as she opens a scrapbook.
LUCINDA: To you, my love.
Lucinda, sobbing, looks at the photos.
Lucinda sighs, and closes the scrapbook. She takes her drink, and stands up. She goes over to the fireplace, and looks at a photo of John.
LUCINDA: We had a good run, John. (sobs) You know, what’s funny? We promised one another that we would be together, forever. Who knew that forever, would last such a short amount of time. God, I miss you already. But, I know, that if I’m going to move on, (sniffles) I have to say goodbye. (cries) I have to say goodbye, to my one true love. You made me smile for so many years. I was blessed, by the grace of God, to have you be apart, of my life’s journey. You were one of a kind, Dixon. One of a kind. I will never know anyone else like you. You were my true love.
Lucinda takes a sip of her drink. She then grabs John’s photograph, and heads to the couch. She curls up with the photo, and her drink. She sobs, quietly, as the camera zooms out.
***FADE OUT***
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