Monday, October 31, 2016

EP 27 - The Funeral of Dr. Dixon


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum

Special Guest Star: Dana Delany as Haley Wilson


At Memorial Hospital, Lucinda is in a wheelchair. Sierra is behind her. Part of Lucinda’s face is bandaged, the other half.

photo-002121.jpgSIERRA: (sighs) Do you have everything you need?

LUCINDA: Yeah. Do you think we will be late, to the funeral?

SIERRA: Mom, I would never make you late for John’s funeral.

240px-Lucindawalsh.jpgLUCINDA: Correction.

SIERRA: Excuse me?

LUCINDA: He’s my husband, Sierra. You are supposed to say that you would never make me late, for my husband’s funeral!

SIERRA: Sorry, mom.

LUCINDA: No, I’m sorry. I never meant to yell.

SIERRA: Are you sure that you are ready for this?

LUCINDA: Yes. Let’s go.

Sierra begins to wheel Lucinda, out of the room.

At Bancroft, Barbara is the living room. She is pouring herself a cup of tea.

BARBARA: (on the phone) Hello, Paul. This is your mother. I hope to see you at the funeral. I’ll be there soon. Listen, Diego didn’t take the money. That only means one thing. He’s staying here, to exact revenge. Please, whatever you do, don’t let Emily out of your sight.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, Margo and Tom are in the living room. Margo is putting on her earrings, as Tom puts on his suit jacket.

Dt_atwt_240_sholmes.jpgTOM: Honey, if you don’t wanna go, I understand.

MARGO: Of course, I’m going. He was my father.

TOM: (sighs) I love you. And, I’ll be there with you, every step of the way.

Margomontgomery.jpgMARGO: Thank you, dear.

Tom kisses Margo.

TOM: Are you ready?

MARGO: As ready as I’ll ever be.
Outside of St. Mary’s Church, a sign is there. THE SIGN READS:
Funeral of Dr. Jonathan Michael Dixon
Kim, Bob, Andy, Carly, Jack, Iva, Casey, Alison, Katie, Ian, Haley, Lisa, Susan, Holden, Emma, Faith, Natalie, Ethan, Jacob, Lorenzo, Johnny, Dusty, Janet, Barbara, Henry, Margo, Tom, Lucinda, and Sierra, have all arrived, to John’s Funeral.

REVEREND: We are here today to honor the life, that was Doctor Jonathan Michael Dixon. Dr. Dixon lived for 77 years. 42 of those years were spent at Memorial Hospital. He quickly worked up the ranks of the hospital, and became a respected doctor, among his peers. John was also a loving father, husband, friend, and even at one point a loving son. Today, family and friends, from all parts of the world, have gathered to honor his memory. At this time, we invite anyone who would like to speak, to do so.

Kim steps up to the podium.
240px-Kimhughes.jpgKIM: Hello, everyone. My name is Kim Hughes. (sighs) In the short time that I was not married to my wonderful husband, Bob, I was with John. We were husband and wife. We had a son together, who is with us today. Andy, is a product of a great marriage. John was such a good person. He did so much for this community. His work will never be matched, again. He was such a charmer, too, as many of us know. I can’t thank that man enough for giving me a son. A son, that I love very much. I’ll miss you Johnny. I’ll miss you, dearly.

Kim steps down, as Bob goes up.
don-hastings-01.jpgBOB: Hello. I’m Bob Hughes. I would just like to say that I spent decades working with John. Yes, we had our medical battles. However, with that being said, he was still one of the greatest doctors, I have ever known. John was funny, and kind hearted. But, he could get down, with the best of them. Believe it or not, but John’s life was cut too short. When I retired, he took over, as chief of staff. I truly could not have envisioned anyone better, for the job. The hospital, and this community, is going to feel such a gap, with John gone. Goodbye, my medicine brother. I love you, John.

Bob steps down, as Andy comes up.
ANDY: Hello, everybody. I’m Andy. I know you all haven’t seen me in awhile, which is sad. I, like many of my siblings did not spend enough time with the man, (pointing) in this urn. For that, I will never forgive myself. My dad, was a special man. One of those men, that only come once in a lifetime. One of those people, that only come once in a lifetime, for that matter. (sobs) I’m gonna miss you, dad. I’m gonna miss you.

Andy sighs, and steps down. Carly emerges from her seat, and goes to the podium.
CARLY: Oh, John. Where do I begin? I’m Carly. I guess I’ll start there. Johnny Dixon and I, had our fun. He embodied the word, friend. That’s what John was, to every single person, in this room. At the end of the day, he was a friend. I don’t think Oakdale will ever see another person like that. I know I won’t. I just wanna say to John, “thank you”. That’s all I know how to say, to such a great man. Thank you.

Carly blows a kiss to the picture. She steps down. Iva comes up.
CBS_BOLD_6582_BONUS_640x480_31681091917.jpgIVA: I like what Carly said, because that is the truth. John was a friend. Long after our relations ended, I knew I could always call John. No matter what. I knew our son, could always call his father. Sadly, our son could not be here, today. Not being able to say goodbye, to his father, has torn him apart. However, I know that John will always be with our boy, in spirit.

Iva takes one last look at John’s picture, and steps down.
JANET: (whispering to Dusty) Do you wanna say something, hon?

DUSTY: (whispering to Janet) To be honest, I don’t think I could gather the strength.
LORENZO: (whispering to Dusty) I love you, dad.
all-my-children-eric-nelsen.jpgJOHNNY: (whispering to Dusty) We’re here for you.

DUSTY: (whispering to Lorenzo/Johnny) Thanks, boys.

Alison goes to the podium.
ALISON: Hey, everyone. I’m Alison. Um…, my handsome husband is too grief stricken, to say anything. However, I just wanted to say a few words. When I first started out, as an intern, at the hospital, John took me aside. It was a group of ten of us. This great doctor, was leading ten interns. But, he took me aside. Now of course, I thought, “Oh great. I’m getting fired, on my first day.” But, that wasn’t the case. When Dr. Dixon, took me aside, he said, “I see something in you, Alison. I see a strong woman. I see a doctor, who will soar above the rest. Good luck.” He then sent me on my way. Later, in the breakroom, he made me promise, that six years later, I would do the same. I would pull an intern aside, who I thought was special, and utter those same words. There will never, ever, be a doctor like John Dixon, again. Goodnight, Dr. Dixon. Fly high.

Alison walks off. The Reverend walks back up to the podium.

REVEREND: If anyone else would like to speak, we invite you to do so.

IAN: (whispering to Haley) Are you gonna go up there, sis?
HALEY: (whispering to Ian) I don’t think I can.
BETSY: (whispering to Susan) Are you okay, mom?
SUSAN: (crying) No. No, I’m not.

Susan get’s up, and walks out.

SIERRA: (whispering to Lucinda) Mom, I think you should say something.

LUCINDA: (whispering to Sierra) No.

SIERRA: (whispering to Lucinda) This is your last chance.

LUCINDA: Do you want me to act like I’m dealing with this? Because, news flash, I am not! So, no, I will not say a damn thing!

REVEREND: Miss, in the back, would you like to say something?

LUCINDA: You want me to say something?

Lucinda wheels her wheelchair, to the front. Everyone follows her.

LUCINDA: Hello, everyone. I am Lucinda Walsh Dixon. That’s right, John’s wife. Some of you, came to my wedding. The one that was supposed to set the stage for John and I’s life. However, a madman was free to set that church on fire, with a bomb. A bomb! My husband, is dead because of that! (cries) I will never get to hear his voice, again. I will never get to see his face, again. I will never be able to feel his arms wrapped around me, again. I will find the man who did this. When I do, I am going to kill him with my bare hands. No one! And, I mean no one, kills my husband, and gets away with it. Once I find out who did this, they will face the full wrath of Lucinda Walsh Dixon. If it is the last thing I do!

Lucinda in rage, wheels herself out of the church. Everyone is in shock.

Margomontgomery.jpgMARGO: (whispering to Tom) Should I go check on her?

TOM: (whispering to Margo) I would let her be.

LISA: Poor Lucinda.
HENRY: What is this town going to do?
NATALIE: Wow. I can’t believe Grandma did that.
Jessica_Lowndes_24.jpgFAITH: She’s in a grief stage.
ETHAN: You’re right.
HOLDEN: Yes, your sister is right.


Emma and Lisa see Lucinda. They approach her.

EMMA: Lucinda.

LISA: Honey, are you okay?

LUCINDA: No. I just want him back. By my side.

EMMA: We all do.

LUCINDA: Can I ask all of you a question?

LISA: Of course.

EMMA: What is it?

LUCINDA: Where do I go from here?

EMMA: Oh, honey.

LISA: Only you can answer that question.

LUCINDA: Will you two go in the church, and tell everyone I’m fine?

Emma and Lisa look at one another.

LISA: Sure.

EMMA: No problem.

As Lisa and Emma enter the church, Lucinda cries. She then feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns her head.

download.jpgJOHN: (ghost) I’m here, Lucinda, I’ll always be here. I love you.

LUCINDA: I love you too, John. I love you, too.

Lucinda then leans on the hand.

JOHN: I’ll always be here. You can count on me.

The camera zooms in on Lucinda’s hand. She still has her wedding ring on. The diamond shines, as a light from the sky, hits it.

***FADE OUT***

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EP 171 - The Finale