Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman
At Oakdale’s AIDS/HIV Research Offices, Iva is in her office. She is sitting behind her desk, with reading glasses on. She is looking through budget charts. As she continues to work, there is a knock at her office door.
Sabrina enters. Iva looks up.
IVA: (taking off her glasses) Hey, boss. What brings you by?
IVA: Uh…, what’s up?
SABRINA: I know you went to see Lucinda, on your lunch break.
IVA: Yeah. Sorry. I know I didn’t make it back, in time.
SABRINA: That’s fine. I just want to know, one thing.
IVA: What?
SABRINA: How’d it go?
At Craig’s Hotel Room, Craig is watching the news.
NEWS REPORTER: (on tv) A recent development in the church explosion case, has developed. The police say that there number one suspect, is the deceased James Stenbeck.
Then, there is a knock at the door. Craig turns off the tv.
Craig then opens the door. Casey barges in.
CRAIG: Sure, nephew. Come on in.
CRAIG: What?
CASEY: I believe that you can get full custody of Johnny, after all.
At the Oakdale Police Department, Margo is in her office.
Margo let’s out a sigh. Just as she is about to get back to work, Dusty barges in.
MARGO: Dusty, what in the world?
MARGO: What is it?
Dusty then throws the briefcase on to Margo’s desk.
At Holden and Lily’s Home, Holden and Faith enter from the back door, into the kitchen. Once inside, Holden grabs two waters, from the fridge. The two go to sit at the island.
HOLDEN: Yeah. We are one step closer to getting this Justin guy, behind bars.
FAITH: Can I ask you a serious question, dad.
FAITH: Will I ever get the justice I deserve?
At the LakeView, in the restaurant portion of the hotel, Carly steps off the elevator. She spots Jack from a distance, and begins to walk towards him. Jack is sitting at a table, having a scotch.
JACK: Hello, Carly.
CARLY: So, what has you so down?
Back at Craig’s Hotel Room, Craig shuts the door.
CRAIG: I’m sorry. Did I hear you correctly?
CASEY: If you heard the part where I said that I think I can get you full custody of Johnny, then you heard correctly.
CRAIG: Casey, this is the best news I have heard all day.
CASEY: Anyways, would you like to hear how?
CRAIG: Of course I would.
CASEY: Well, all you have to do is prove that Dusty and Janet are unfit to raise this boy. Yes, there is the part where you have committed several crimes, but so have they.
CRAIG: So, they can crucify me, but I can do the same?
CASEY: You bet.
CRAIG: You are a genius. I knew there was a reason why the state hired you to be ADA.
CASEY: (laughs) I try. Listen, let’s set up another meeting. I’ll file the papers with the court. We should be able to get started, soon.
CRAIG: Thank you. Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.
CASEY: (smiling) Alright, well, I’ve gotta get back to the office. Seya, Uncle Craig.
CRAIG: Seya, kid.
Casey exits.
CRAIG: Yes! Take that Janet and Dusty!
Back at the AIDS/HIV Research Offices, in Iva’s Office, Iva comes out from behind her desk. She pours herself a glass of water.
IVA: It went…, as well as could be expected.
SABRINA: What does that mean?
IVA: She wasn’t exactly happy, to see me.
SABRINA: Why not?
IVA: Well, she brought up that I have not been in contact.
SABRINA: For how long?
IVA: Thirteen years.
SABRINA: Wow. Is that true?
IVA: Yeah.
SABRINA: Why haven’t you been in contact, for that long?
IVA: Well, I was kind of raising my son.
IVA: But, then she brought up Lily. She told me that Lily needed me, in that time.
SABRINA: So, why didn’t you reach out?
IVA: Lily and I are on good terms. However, when it came to accepting someone as a mother, Lily just went with Lucinda.
SABRINA: So, you didn’t think it was a good idea?
IVA: Yes. That is true.
SABRINA: So, now that you are back in Oakdale, are you going to change that?
IVA: Do you think it is a good idea?
SABRINA: I definitely think it is worth a damn good shot.
IVA: Well, we’ll just have to see what happens.
SABRINA: Sometimes, that is all we can do.
IVA: Amen to that.
Iva takes a sip of her water.
Back at Holden and Lily’s Home, Holden is on the phone.
HOLDEN: Alright, thanks for calling me Luke. I’m glad you landed safely, back in New York. Tell Noah I said “hi”. Alright. Love you too, son. Bye.
Holden then hangs up the phone.
HOLDEN: Sorry, about that.
FAITH: It’s fine, dad.
HOLDEN: Anyways, back to your question. Faith, you have a kick ass team. You have the support of all of Oakdale. You have Margo and Jack. Justin is not getting away with this. I can assure you that.
FAITH: I’m just so worried.
HOLDEN: I know you are.
FAITH: And, I’m scared.
HOLDEN: Listen, I don’t want you to be scared or worried. You will get the justice, you deserve. Everyone is on your side. We will put that creep away, for life. Hell, he might even get a death sentence.
FAITH: Thanks, dad.
HOLDEN: For what, pumpkin.
FAITH: For always being there. I love you.
HOLDEN: I love you too.
Back in the restaurant area of the LakeView, Jack is handed a refill on his scotch.
CARLY: (sighs) How many of those have you had?
JACK: This is only my third.
CARLY: Okay. Anyways, why do all your problems stem from me?
JACK: Victoria think that I am still in love with you.
CARLY: Does she now?
JACK: Yes. We got in this huge argument, and she walked out on me.
CARLY: Jack, I’m so sorry.
JACK: Movers are over at my place, packing her things.
CARLY: Is she staying in Oakdale?
JACK: No. She’s moving back to L.A., with her sister.
CARLY: Listen, I hope you don’t completely blame for this.
JACK: I don’t. It was stupid of me, to say that I do. Sorry.
CARLY: It’s okay.
JACK: So, you look like hell too. What’s that about?
CARLY: Well, you might hear it anyways. So, I might as well, tell you.
JACK: Tell me what?
CARLY: Rosanna found out my deepest kept secret. I slept with Craig, while drunk.
JACK: Carly, you fell off the wagon?
JACK: And, slept with Craig. What the hell were you thinking?
CARLY: I know. I know. I’ve already been to three AA meetings.
JACK: What about the Craig issue?
CARLY: I’ve steered clear of him.
JACK: Was he the one that told, Rosanna?
CARLY: Yup. So, if you see a news report about Craig’s dead body…
JACK: I’ll provide an alibi.
Carly laughs.
JACK: I’ve missed that.
CARLY: Missed what?
JACK: That natural laugh of your’s.
For a couple of seconds, there is a silence between Carly and Jack.
CARLY: (sighs) Well, I should be going. I’ve got the funeral early, tomorrow.
JACK: Yeah, of course.
CARLY: (standing) Remember to call a cab.
JACK: I will.
CARLY: Night.
JACK: Night.
Carly heads for the elevator. Jack sighs, as he finishes his drink.
Back at the Police Station, Margo is shocked, as she finishes the letter.
MARGO: I can’t believe this.
DUSTY: I know. There’s even 1.2 million dollars.
MARGO: Bribe money.
DUSTY: All in unmarked bills.
MARGO: Of course. Did you get a clear look at the guy?
DUSTY: (sighs) No, he wore a mask.
MARGO: Dammit. I truly don’t think this is James anymore. James’ tactics are a lot smarter. He does his work, himself.
DUSTY: So, who do you think it is?
MARGO: A copycat. Someone trying to relive the Stenbeck glory days.
DUSTY: So, what do we do?
MARGO: Well, I’m not stopping this investigation.
MARGO: Dammit, Dusty! This man killed my father! Your former guardian! We can’t let this damn person get away with it! I won’t stand for it! (sobs) I can’t stand for it.
DUSTY: Oh, Margo. Come here.
Dusty embraces Margo.
MARGO: This son-of-a-bitch is not gonna get away with this!
The camera zooms in on Margo’s teared up face.
***FADE OUT***
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