Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman
At Jack’s Apartment, Victoria and Jack stand face to face, in the living room.
JACK: Victoria, I will always feel something for Carly. This is a woman who I have children with. But, when it comes to love, you are the woman I love.
VICTORIA: See, I just am not sure that is entirely true.
At Craig’s Hotel Room, Craig is pouring himself a glass of vodka, as he loosens his tie. There is then a knock at the door. He takes a small sip of his drink, and sets the glass down. He then goes to the door.
BETSY: Hey, Craig. Can I come in?
CRAIG: Sure.
Betsy enters. Craig shuts the door.
CRAIG: What brings you by?
CRAIG: What about?
BETSY: The night you kissed me.
In Oakdale Park, Dusty walks up to the footbridge. He waits for a second.
Then, a man walks up to him.
MAN: Are you Dusty Donovan?
The man hands Dusty a briefcase.
MAN: Here are your instructions.
At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open, as Iva steps off. She walks up to the receptionist desk.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, yes. Just one second.
The receptionist types on the computer.
IVA: Thank you.
Iva walks off to room 222. Once she gets there, she looks through the window. She sees Lucinda. Part of Lucinda face is bandaged, along with parts of her body. Iva then decides to quietly enter.
IVA: It’s me. Iva.
LUCINDA: Excuse me?
IVA: Iva.
LUCINDA: Yeah. I heard you. I’m just wondering what the hell you’re doing here.
At the Snyder Farm, Rosanna sets her purse down on the couch.
CARLY: Yes! Okay! I slept with Craig!
Rosanna looks at Carly, for a second. She is heartbroken.
Rosanna then slaps Carly.
ROSANNA: Go to hell!
CARLY: Rosanna.
ROSANNA: Don’t you Rosanna me! How could you do this to me, Carly?! How?!
Back at Jack’s Apartment, Victoria turns to the window.
VICTORIA: How could I let myself do this?
JACK: Do what?
VICTORIA: (turning back) Love you. That’s right, Jack Snyder. One of us in this relationship, actually loves the other.
JACK: I do love you.
VICTORIA: No you don’t. When I returned to Oakdale, I saw you and Carly. After that, I said to myself, “You will not get him Carly.” Do you know why I said that? I said that, because I thought deep down, I could make myself believe that.
JACK: Victoria, Carly and I are in the past.
VICTORIA: How many times do you think you have said that, to reassure women? Did you say it to Julia? Did you say it to Katie or Janet?
JACK: Those were different times. This is now.
VICTORIA: Well, it appears those different times are coming right back, to the surface. You and Carly are like a movie franchise. You just keep going and going.
JACK: Victoria, I don’t want “us” to end.
VICTORIA: Jack, who are we kidding? There was never an “us”.
Victoria grabs her purse, and car keys.
VICTORIA: I’ll call someone for my things.
Victoria walks out. She slams the door. Jack is heartbroken.
Back in Craig’s Hotel Room, Craig pours Betsy a drink.
BETSY: (accepting the drink) Thank you.
CRAIG: Yeah. No problem. So, you wanna talk about our kiss?
BETSY: I do.
CRAIG: What needs to be said?
BETSY: Well, I want to apologize. I should not have stormed out like that. It was wrong of me, to do so. I truly do apologize.
CRAIG: Okay. Thanks, I guess.
BETSY: Listen, I also wanted to come by and say, that it can’t ever happen again. Craig, I haven’t had feelings for you in a long time. Plus, I’m still dealing with this whole Diego really isn’t César thing. It is taking a toll on me. It is also taking a toll on Danielle.
CRAIG: I understand, completely. Like I said before, that kiss, was just an impulse. It will not happen, again. I can promise you that.
BETSY: Wonderful.
Betsy then stands.
BETSY: Well, I should be going.
CRAIG: Let me walk you out.
BETSY: I think I can manage. Have a good rest of the day, Craig.
CRAIG: You too, Betsy.
BETSY: (walking to the door) I’m glad we got this all cleared up.
CRAIG: I am too. Seya.
BETSY: (opening the door) Bye.
Betsy walks out. Craig sighs for a moment. He then finishes his drink, and throws his drinking glass, across the room.
Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly comes off the slap.
CARLY: Rosanna, I never meant to hurt you.
ROSANNA: Well, you did. I trusted you, Carly. I put all my trust, in you. I thought that you would make everything better. You swore, up and down, that we have this strong, built in, sister-to-sister relationship. You swore that no one could come between us. I guess you were wrong. A bottle, and Craig came between us.
CARLY: I can’t tell you how sorry I am. It was never supposed to get this out of hand. Rosanna, it was not my intention to sleep with him. It wasn’t even my intention to get drunk.
ROSANNA: What supposedly, made you do this?
CARLY: The day this took place, I had just gotten away from an explosive fight. Jack and I fought, over the miscarriage, and why we split up. All these memories came flooding back, to me. I couldn’t handle it. So, I took a drink. A couple. Craig found me, and he offered to take me home. I was reluctant. I promise you. The next morning, I got out of bed. I had this screaming headache. I went over to my make up stand. It was then, that I saw Craig. I screamed. He stood up, naked. I asked him if we slept together, he said, “yes”.
ROSANNA: (sobs) I was just beginning to feel again. Did you know that? I thought you were on my side. I thought that we were finally what sisters, were meant to be. I loved you.
CARLY: Rosanna, I love you. You are my sister. None of that is changing.
ROSANNA: This changes it! This changes everything! You slept with Craig! Do you know what that makes you, Carly? That makes you the same slut, you’ve always been.
CARLY: Rosanna, just calm down. You can understand. How can I get you to understand?
ROSANNA: I will never understand, this. Ever! I am done, with you!
Rosanna grabs her purse, and storms out. Carly then begins to cry.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Lucinda’s room, Iva pulls up a stool.
LUCINDA: Why have you come back to Oakdale?
IVA: (sighs) Jason and I got a divorce. I decided to come back here, for a fresh start. Have a new life, while sinking back into my old one. I thought you would be happy to see me.
LUCINDA: Why did you think that?
IVA: I thought that we were on good terms.
LUCINDA: You thought wrong. I have not seen or heard from you, in thirteen years. Yes, it has been that long.
IVA: Lucinda, I’ve been busy raising a child.
LUCINDA: Iva, (sighs) that’s great. I get it. You raised a child. However, Lily needed you through those thirteen years. You and Lily built such a good foundation. Go see her. Go be with her. Not with me. I don’t want you here.
IVA: Lu…
LUCINDA: Go! Get out! Now!
At Janet and Dusty’s Home, Dusty races inside the house, with the briefcase. He goes over the couch. He sets the briefcase, on the coffee table. He then, opens the briefcase. Inside are countless pieces of paper. He picks up one, a letter. The letter reads…
Dear Dusty,
Thank you for following the instructions, outlined via text message. I am very sorry for your loss of Dr. Dixon. However, I need everyone in Oakdale to stop investigating, who the bomber is. If you are wise, you will take this to Commissioner Hughes, so she will get the message. If the investigation, does not end, the body count, will only RISE.
DUSTY: Oh my god.
The camera zooms in on Dusty’s shocked face.
***FADE OUT***
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