Thursday, October 20, 2016

EP 24 - Rosanna Discovers A Horrifying Truth


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Snyder Farm, Carly comes down the stairs. There is knocking at the door, as she puts on her earrings. She heads to the door.

CARLY: (opening the door) Sis. Hey. Come on in.

ROSANNA: Thanks.

Rosanna enters.

CARLY: So, what brings you by?

ROSANNA: We need to talk.

CARLY: About what?

ROSANNA: I want the truth.

CARLY: The truth about what?

ROSANNA: Did you sleep with Craig?

At Jack’s Apartment, Jack and Victoria are in the kitchen. Jack pours two cups of coffee.

JACK: I am so happy that you are back.

The two kiss, and head into the living room. They sit on the couch.

VICTORIA: It is so good to be back. How are you feeling?

JACK: Good. I just had a headache is all. Other than that, the explosion didn’t cause any big damage, to me.

VICTORIA: Well, thank goodness. But, that headache might come right back.

JACK: Why’s that?

VICTORIA: Because, we need to discuss Carly.

At the Mona Lisa, Craig and Casey are having breakfast.

0cce6f5fba2fbefb409138069bc65325.jpgCASEY: I’m a tad shocked that you requested my services.

CRAIG: Well, I needed a lawyer.

CASEY: Okay. That worries me.

CRAIG: Why do you say that?

CASEY: (sarcastically) Really, Uncle Craig?

CRAIG: Good point.

CASEY: Anyways, why do you need my services?

CRAIG: Because, I want my son back. Johnny. I want him back.

At Dusty and Janet’s Home, Dusty shuts the door, as Holden and Sierra enter. The three then walk into the living room.

DUSTY: Thanks for coming, guys.

HOLDEN: Yeah. No problem.

photo-002121.jpgSIERRA: Where’s Janet?

DUSTY: She drove up to get Lorenzo.

SIERRA: Oh that’s right. I forgot he was coming back from boarding school.

HOLDEN: It has been forever, since I have seen that little guy.

DUSTY: Well, he’s not little, anymore.

SIERRA: That’s for sure. Anyways, I’m glad that you decided to help plan the funeral. My mom, and Lily aren’t exactly fit, at the moment.

DUSTY: Well, shall we get started?

HOLDEN: Sounds good.

Dusty, Holden, and Sierra sit down.

At Margo and Tom’s Home, Margo is doing the dishes, in the kitchen. She is continuously wiping a plate with the rag, as she stares out the window. Katie comes down the stairs, and sees the sight of Margo.

coloumbino-main.jpgKATIE: Margo.

Katie walks over to Margo.


Katie then, taps Margo. Margo jumps.

MARGO: Oh, Katie.

KATIE: Hey. I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you again?

MARGO: (sighs) Yeah.

Margo finishes the dishes, and wipes her hands.

MARGO: Sorry. I just got distracted.

KATIE: Listen, I’m sorry about your dad.

MARGO: It's fine.

KATIE: He helped so much with Chris. John was a great man.

MARGO: Yes, he was. He was also a great dad. I don’t know what I will do without him. I just need to find out who planted that bomb. I think I might have an idea.

KATIE: Really?

MARGO: We got some evidence. A note, from the bomber.


MARGO: The note had the initial J.S.

KATIE: What does that mean?

MARGO: It means that James Stenbeck probably isn’t dead, and that he finally fulfilled something on his wish list, by killing my father.

Back at Jack’s Apartment, Victoria crosses her legs, as she sets her mug on the coffee table. Jack takes a small sip.

JACK: Why do we need to talk about Carly?

VICTORIA: Well, I got back last night. Instead of coming her first, I wanted to come to the hospital. I wanted to see if you needed me. I saw you and Carly outside, on the bench. Saw the whole thing.

JACK: That was nothing.

VICTORIA: She put her arm around you, Jack.

JACK: It was a buddy-buddy thing.


JACK: Yes.
VICTORIA: I also witnessed when she spilled all that stuff, out of her purse. You two caught one another’s gazes.

JACK: Are you insinuating that Carly and I were going to kiss?

VICTORIA: I get it. This is a very hard time, for the both of you. A friend just died. A very special friend. But, I just want to know, if you still love me.

JACK: What is that supposed to mean? Of course I still love you.

VICTORIA: You and Carly have such a special bond. I just feel like I can’t compete with your ex-wife. Frankly, I don’t know if we are working anymore.

JACK: Are you breaking up with me?

VICTORIA: No. I’m leading into a question.

JACK: What question?

VICTORIA: Do you still love her?

Back at Margo and Tom’s Home, Margo is looking through a photo album of her and John, and the rest of the family. Katie sits next to her on the couch.

KATIE: That’s a good album. Some of the best photographs are in there.

MARGO: I agree. It’s my favorite.

KATIE: Margo, can we talk?

MARGO: Sure.

Margo closes the album, and sets it down.

MARGO: What’s up?

KATIE: I want to talk about my father. Your former stepfather. When he passed, I was devastated. I know what you are going through, Margo.

MARGO: Where is this leading?

KATIE: I just want you to know, that you have me to come to. You can lean on me. I have got your back. I am here to support you. If you wanna cry, let it all out. If you wanna talk about your favorite memories of John, then I am here to listen.

MARGO: Thank you, Katie.

KATIE: Bring it in.

Katie and Margo hug.

Back at Dusty and Janet’s Home, Holden puts on his leather jacket, as him and Sierra head to the door. Dusty opens the door.

DUSTY: Thanks for stopping by, guys.

SIERRA: It was our pleasure.

HOLDEN: Are you sure that you are alright?

DUSTY: Yeah, I’m good. Hey, give Lucinda and Lily my best.

SIERRA: Yeah. Sure.

HOLDEN: No problem. Seya later.

DUSTY: Yeah. Seya.

Sierra and Holden exit. Dusty shuts the door. As Dusty heads back into the living room, his cell phone rings. He retrieves it, from his pocket.
DUSTY: What in the world?

Dusty begins to reply.
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Dusty then hears a ding sound.
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Dusty stares on, confused.

Back at the Mona Lisa, a waitress clears the table.

CRAIG: Thank you.

WAITRESS: Of course.

The waitress walks off.

CASEY: So, you want to try and get full custody, of Johnny?

CRAIG: Yes. After all, he is my son.

CASEY: Uncle Craig, can I be straight with you?

CRAIG: Yeah. Sure.

CASEY: You frankly don’t have a shot at getting full custody.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Rosanna sets her purse down.

CARLY: Did you just ask me, if I slept with Craig?

ROSANNA: Is it true?

CARLY: Rosanna, what lead you to ask me this?

ROSANNA: I met with him, one day. It was just a quick meeting. We had a drink. That was all. But, he wanted to meet with me, because of you. He said that you had fallen off the wagon, and slept with him. I initially did not believe him. However…

CARLY: You’ve started to believe him.


CARLY: So, what do you want from me?

ROSANNA: The damn truth. Did you sleep with Craig?

Carly zones out for a moment, and flashes back.


Carly is drunk, at Ruffles bar.

CRAIG: Let me take you home.

CARLY: I’m fine. I don’t need you.


CARLY: Did we have sex?



ROSANNA: Carly?!


ROSANNA: Did you sleep with my ex-husband?


ROSANNA: Just answer the damn question.

CARLY: Yes! Okay! I slept with Craig!

Rosanna looks at Carly, for a second. She is heartbroken.

CARLY: I’m so sorry.

Rosanna then slaps Carly.

ROSANNA: Go to hell!

***FADE OUT***

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EP 171 - The Finale