Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman
At Janet and Dusty’s Home, Janet enters the living room, with two mugs of hot chocolate. Dusty is on the phone. She hands one to him, and she sits on the couch.
Dusty hangs up, and sits next to Janet.
JANET: Hey, baby.
Dusty remains silent.
DUSTY: Not really.
JANET: Baby, what’s wrong?
DUSTY: That explosion at Lucinda and John’s wedding…
JANET: What about it?
DUSTY: It killed someone.
DUSTY: John.
At the Walsh Mansion, Sierra is upstairs in Lucinda’s Bedroom. She is on her cell phone.
As Sierra hangs up, Craig enters.
CRAIG: Hey. The maid let me in. Told me to come up.
SIERRA: How did you know I was here?
SIERRA: Listen, I’ve got a million things to do. I don’t have time to hash out our history. I’ve gotta get this stuff to Memorial.
CRAIG: Sierra, we need to talk. I know something you don’t.
SIERRA: What the hell are you talking about?
CRAIG: I just got news that Iva is back in town.
At Bancroft, Barbara is in the living room, on her cell phone.
As Barbara hangs up the phone, Henry enters.
Henry gives Barbara a kiss on the cheek. Barbara begins to shed a tear.
HENRY: Babs, what’s wrong?
BARBARA: Not now, Henry.
HENRY: You are my wife. Tell me what’s wrong.
BARBARA: (sobs) John Dixon is dead.
At Kim and Bob’s Home, Kim is in the living room. She is curled up on the couch. The lights are all turned off. She is crying. Bob enters. He turns on the lights.
KIM: Have you not heard the news?
Bob sits next to Kim.
BOB: No.
BOB: What?
KIM: John. John Dixon, has died.
At Memorial Hospital, Sabrina and Iva are now there. Iva comes off a hug with Susan.
IVA: Susan, do you know where Holden is?
SUSAN: He’ll be here soon. He went to go get coffee. When did you get back into town?
IVA: Yesterday evening. I stayed at the Lake View.
IVA: God, I can’t believe this news about John.
SABRINA: I truly can’t either.
SUSAN: You can say that again. Please, excuse me.
Susan walks off.
ETHAN: What do you think we should tell, grandma?
Then, Holden enters.
FAITH: Thanks dad.
Everyone grabs a coffee.
HOLDEN: I’ve got one more. Anyone?
Then, Iva walks up to Holden.
IVA: Will I do?
In shock, Holden drops the other coffee.
IVA: In the flesh.
In the Hospital Chapel, Susan is lighting candles.
SUSAN: (sighs) Hey God. I just wanted to say that you should protect John. He’s a good man. He really is. Gosh, he’s the only one who knows my secret. The only one.
Outside of Memorial Hospital, Carly is sitting on a bench. Jack walks out of the hospital, and spots Carly. He walks up to her.
Carly scoots over, and Jack sits down.
JACK: How you holding up?
JACK: I know John was a big part of your life.
CARLY: He was. Even though our marriage was this whole plan to trick Barbara, we still connected. He became a friend.
JACK: I’m sorry.
CARLY: (sniffles) Thank you. Life is not gonna be the same without him.
JACK: That is definitely true. (sighs) Victoria said she is on her way back.
CARLY: I don’t wanna hear about her.
JACK: Sorry.
CARLY: (sighs) Jack…
JACK: Yeah?
CARLY: Can I tell you something?
JACK: Anything.
CARLY: I really appreciate it that you came out here to check on me.
JACK: Of course. It was my pleasure.
Carly and Jack smile at one another.
Back at Janet and Dusty’s Home, Janet and Dusty are curled up on the couch. Dusty is looking at a picture of him and John.
JANET: How are you holding up?
DUSTY: I just can’t believe that he is actually gone. This man meant so much to me. He was a father to me. I know not biologically, but that doesn’t matter. When James Stenbeck tried to kill me, John was the one who saved me.
JANET: That’s who he was. He was a saviour.
DUSTY: Without a doubt. I think I should make a few calls. See how everyone is.
JANET: Dusty, I don’t think you should put that much pressure on yourself.
DUSTY: Well, (sighs) maybe you are right. I should check in with Margo, at least. She won’t stop, until she knows who killed her father.
JANET: No, she won’t.
DUSTY: I won’t either.
JANET: Dusty, promise me you won’t do anything stupid.
DUSTY: What do you mean by that?
JANET: Every time somebody you love gets hurt, or someone interferes with some one you love, you’ve always done stupid things.
DUSTY: I got Johnny back the legal way. Craig went to jail, and Rosanna had too much on her plate. Now, everyone considers me to be Johnny’s father.
JANET: Well, Craig was never a father to him. Anyways, I’m sorry for your loss. Do you know when the funeral is?
DUSTY: There hasn’t been a date set. I just don’t wanna say goodbye to him.
JANET: (embracing Dusty) I know. I know.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, in Lucinda’s room, Sierra begins to fold the clothes, and put them into a suitcase.
SIERRA: (sighs) Iva’s back in town?
SIERRA: How’d you find this out?
CRAIG: I have a connection at the hospital. I wanna make sure everyone is safe…
SIERRA: Oh, because you have so many friends there?
CRAIG: Just listen to me.
SIERRA: Why? You stated your business. You told me Iva is back. Fine. Leave. Bye.
CRAIG: (sighs) Well, I actually wanna make sure you are okay? Because…
SIERRA: Because, of John? I’m fine. I’m dealing.
CRAIG: This is probably putting a lot of stress on you.
SIERRA: Craig, you know better than anyone that I can carry stress. I was married to you. If that isn’t stressful enough, I don’t know what is.
CRAIG: Good point. Listen, how about I take you back to the hospital?
SIERRA: I have a taxi waiting for me.
CRAIG: Okay. Fair enough. I’ll go, then.
SIERRA: Good idea. Bye, Craig.
CRAIG: Seya.
Craig walks out. Sierra wipes away some tears, grabs the suitcase, and walks out.
Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim reenters the living room, in tears. She hangs up the home phone, and sets it on the hook.
KIM: I just got off the phone, with Andy.
BOB: Can he make it out?
KIM: Yeah. He said he would catch a flight, for the funeral.
BOB: Okay. (going to Kim) How are you doing, darling?
KIM: (sobbing) I just can’t believe this is happening. It doesn’t seem real. It all seems like some horrible dream, that I need to wake up from. Wake me up, Bob.
BOB: I wish I could.
Kim falls back into Bob’s arm, as she continues to cry.
Back at Bancroft, Barbara pours a glass of brandy.
BARBARA: John Dixon and I went through so much together. You would be surprised at the story, I could tell you.
HENRY: I’ve got time, if it makes you feel better.
BARBARA: Sounds good. Let me fill you in.
Barbara and Henry walk over to the couch.
BARBARA: So, let me set the stage here. The year is 1995. At this time, John’s career was almost destroyed by Lisa. Now, it had something to do with her husband dying. Anyways, long story short, John and I worked together. We became very close, and one night, we had relations. I found out I was pregnant. At this time, John had already knocked back enough marriages to last a person a lifetime. So, I made him prove himself. He did, and we stuck things out. So, we got married. A few months later, I was injured in a bombing accident. John had to authorize the premature birth of our baby. The child died, Henry. It was too premature.
HENRY: Babs, how come you never told me this?
BARBARA: (sniffles) Honestly, I thought you knew.
HENRY: Why’d you think that?
BARBARA: Because, John brought Carly into our lives.
HENRY: How so?
BARBARA: After I lost our child, I thought about going back to Hal. John conspired with Carly, to keep Hal and I apart.
HENRY: How’d they keep you two apart?
BARBARA: John inseminated her.
HENRY: There’s the part of this town I love so much.
BARBARA: Anyways, let’s get to the bottom of things. John never got over the loss of our child. I haven’t either. I love you, Henry. However, I always think about what could have been.
HENRY: I understand.
BARBARA: I love you.
HENRY: I love you, too.
Barbara and Henry kiss.
Back at Memorial Hospital, Susan reenters the waiting room. Ethan, Faith, and Natalie have left the room.
HOLDEN: What are you doing here, Iva?
IVA: I had to come back. For some personal reasons. When I returned, Sabrina filled me in on the news. This is terrible.
HOLDEN: Have you called your son?
IVA: No, I haven’t. I also heard about Lily and Lucinda.
HOLDEN: We are all pretty shaken up.
SABRINA: I assume so.
SUSAN: Iva, how long are you staying?
IVA: Well, due to my recent hiccup in life, I’ve decided that I am once again, going to call Oakdale home. That’s right. I’m back for good.
Back outside of the hospital, Carly and Jack stand.
CARLY: Well, I think we should get back, inside.
JACK: We should.
Just as Carly and Jack are about to walk back in, Carly drops her purse. Things come spilling out, all over the ground.
CARLY: (sighs) Just my luck.
Carly and Jack begin to pick everything up.
CARLY: Thanks for the help, g-man.
Carly collects all her things, and the two stand back up.
JACK: Wow. You haven’t called me that…
CARLY: In five years.
JACK: Yeah. Listen, why don’t we just head in?
CARLY: Sounds good.
Carly and Jack wrap their arms around one another.
CARLY: You can buy us coffee.
JACK: Oh, me? I think rock, paper, scissors is in order.
CARLY: (laughs) You think so?
JACK: I do.
As they enter, Victoria watches them from a distance.
VICTORIA: You will not get him, Carly. I will make sure of it.
Victoria then starts heading towards the entrance.
***FADE OUT***
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