Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman
At BRO, In Barbara’s Office, Barbara is sitting behind her desk, and is on the phone.
Barbara hangs up the phone, and opens a file. Then, her phone beeps.
WOMAN: (over intercom) Mrs. Coleman, someone is here to see you.
BARBARA: (pressing phone button) Send ‘em in.
As Barbara’s finger comes off the button, someone enters.
BARBARA: What the hell are you doing here?
At Memorial Hospital, Susan is in the chief of staff office. She is unpacking a box. Susan sits a nameplate on the desk. The nameplate reads, DR. SUSAN BURKE, Chief of Staff.
SUSAN: (sighs) Welcome to your new job, Susan.
Susan walks over to the counter, next to her desk. She pours a glass of water, and grabs her pill bottle, from her purse. She opens the pill bottle, and looks inside the bottle.
Susan takes a pill, and swallows it, while drinking water. As she closes the bottle, and puts the bottle, back into her purse, Betsy knocks on the door, and enters.
SUSAN: (turning around) Honey, hi.
SUSAN: What are you doing, here?
BETSY: Can’t a gal just wish her mom luck, on her new job?
At the Oakdale Police Department, in Margo’s office, Margo is on her cell phone. She is leaning against her desk.
As Margo hangs up, she turns back to her desk. She puts her reading glasses on, and grabs a file. She opens the file. Then, Emily burst through the door.
EMILY: Margo! Thank God, you are here!
MARGO: (looking up) (sighs) I really need someone to watch that door.
Margo takes her reading glasses off, and sets the file down.
MARGO: What is it, Emily?
EMILY: Am I gonna go away for the attempted murder of Diego Santana?
At Java Underground, there is a man sitting at a booth. He is having a cup of coffee. Katie enters, and races up to him.
Katie puts her coat on the back of her chair, and sits.
MAN: Oh, no. It’s fine.
KATIE: Anyways, you must be, Julian.
KATIE: I am. It’s nice to finally meet you. You know, besides on a chat room.
JULIAN: Feelings are mutual. It is always nice to get out of the whole dating site, and actually meet these people.
KATIE: I agree.
JULIAN: Anyways, shall we order some breakfast?
KATIE: I think that we shall.
JULIAN: Wonderful.
Katie and Julian pick up menus.
At Dusty and Janet’s Home, Dusty is in the living room. He is looking at a copy of the letter, the bomber wrote. The copy is on his IPAD. He zooms in. The writing is being compared to a note by the deceased, James Stenbeck.
As Janet comes down the stairs, Dusty hears her footsteps. He turns around, as he shuts off the IPAD. They go to one another.
Janet goes to pour herself a cup of coffee.
DUSTY: You look pretty, today.
JANET: Thank you, honey. What’s going on?
DUSTY: Excuse me?
JANET: I just feel like you want something.
DUSTY: Can’t a man just appreciate his wife’s beauty?
JANET: Dusty…
DUSTY: Okay. I need something big, from you.
JANET: Honey, I will do anything for you. What’s up?
DUSTY: I need you to contact Liberty.
JANET: Why do you need me to contact, my daughter?
DUSTY: Because, I need her computer skills.
Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara comes out from behind her desk.
BARBARA: You wanna chat, with me?
DIEGO: Yes, I do.
BARBARA: You had the opportunity to talk to me. That was when you were supposed to take that one million dollars, I offered you. However, you didn’t take that. Therefore, you missed your opportunity.
DIEGO: Barbara, I don’t care about that.
BARBARA: Diego, you are making this sound more urgent, than it probably is.
DIEGO: This is urgent. For you.
BARBARA: Stop dancing around, in the gigantic circle.
DIEGO: If you would not stop mentioning the money, then I will tell you.
BARBARA: Okay. What’s up?
DIEGO: I just wanted to tell you that I’m coming for you.
BARBARA: Excuse me?
DIEGO: You heard me. I’m coming for you, and everyone else, in Oakdale.
BARBARA: You think that scares me? Honey, I fought off James Stenbeck. Compared to him, you are a walk in Central Park.
Back at Dusty and Janet’s Home, Janet takes a sip of her coffee.
JANET: You need me to call Liberty, because you need her computer skills?
DUSTY: Yes. It is very important. Didn’t you say she got that job with the FBI, because that fashion designing didn’t work out?
JANET: Yes. That’s true. Anyways, I will do it.
DUSTY: Thank you.
JANET: As soon as you tell me, what you need Liberty’s skills for.
DUSTY: I can’t do that.
JANET: Dusty, please. Don’t keep secrets from me. I had to pry that Carly secret, out of you. Just tell me the truth.
DUSTY: Janet, this is for your own good.
JANET: Can you at least tell me, who it involves?
DUSTY: No. This has to be on lockdown.
JANET: Okay. I understand. I do. After I finish my breakfast, I will give her a call. Plus, it will be nice to catch up, with my daughter.
DUSTY: (kissing Janet) Thank you, for this.
JANET: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Love you.
DUSTY: Love you too.
Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Emily and Margo are sitting on Margo’s Office couch. Emily takes her purse, and puts it in her lap.
MARGO: Emily, you have nothing to worry about.
EMILY: Wow. I wish I could say the same.
MARGO: Why are you thinking this way?
EMILY: Because, he’s out of the hospital.
MARGO: Honey, that doesn’t mean a thing. I paid off those officers. I paid off a lot of people. I called in a lot of favors. There is nothing to worry about.
EMILY: What if we get caught?
MARGO: (sighs) Can I just be real, with you?
EMILY: Sure.
MARGO: You need to stop worrying. You need to stop with the “what ifs”. There is nothing to worry about. I have everything under control.
EMILY: Are you sure that he isn’t going to come after me, with this?
MARGO: He’s going to come after you. However, I’ll be damned if he goes after you, with this attempted murder charge.
EMILY: Margo, I can’t thank you enough.
MARGO: It is my job to protect the ones, I care about. Diego isn’t going to get anywhere near you, with this. I promise.
Back at Memorial Hospital, Susan finishes her glass of water.
SUSAN: It was nice of you, to stop by.
BETSY: Oh, my pleasure. I’m happy that they chose you as the new Chief of Staff. You deserved it. Plus, I know John would be happy, with his replacement.
SUSAN: Aw, that's sweet of you to say. Listen, I hate to rush you out, but I have so much to do. First day in this new position, but the work doesn’t stop.
Susan and Betsy walk over to the door.
BETSY: I know the feeling. Plus, I’ve gotta let the movers into my penthouse.
SUSAN: I will have to stop by.
BETSY: Trust me, you will want to. I got my furniture from that new place, right here in town. You know, the one on Jefferson Avenue.
SUSAN: Oh, yes. Mattson’s.
BETSY: Yeah. Alright, I’ll seya soon.
SUSAN: Sounds great. Bye.
Susan opens the door, and Betsy exits. Susan then closes the door, and goes back over to her box. She takes out a photo of John.
SUSAN: Don’t look at me, like that. I’ll tell her, soon. I just need to know where my next doctor’s appointment where go.
Susan sighs, and puts the picture on her desk.
SUSAN: You can do this, Susan. Just keep your head, above water.
Back at Java Underground, Julian pulls out Katie’s chair, as she stands. Katie grabs her coat, and puts it on. She also grabs her purse.
KATIE: Thank you so much for paying for breakfast.
JULIAN: My pleasure.
KATIE: It was absolutely delicious.
JULIAN: I can’t wait to do it again, sometime.
KATIE: You want there to be a second time?
JULIAN: I would love there to be.
KATIE: (laughs) I would love that too. Seya, Julian.
JULIAN: Seya, Katie.
Katie walks off, and Julian smiles at her, as she does. He then puts his coat on, and walks out. Outside, he goes to a corner. He takes out his phone, dials, and puts it to his ear.
JULIAN: Hi. Did you get the job taken care of? Wonderful. Do they have a clue, about anything? God, the Oakdale police are stupid. My brother was right. Yes, I know tomorrow is James’ birthday. I’ve got something plan for it. No one will find out. I promise that. No one will find out that I am the brother of James Stenbeck, and that I am here to avenge him. Listen, I’ve gotta go. I have a business meeting. Talk to you later. Bye.
***FADE OUT***
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