Lily is standing over by a small table in her office. She takes a sip of water. Then, there is a knock at the door. She puts down the glass of water and walks over to the door.

LILY: (opening the door) Sierra. Come on in, sis.
Sierra enters. Lily shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to her.
LILY: So, what brings you by?

SIERRA: I need to talk to you about something quite important.
LILY: Okay. What’s going on?
SIERRA: I’m leaving Oakdale. And, I need your help.
Eliza is sitting on top of a gurney. She is writing things down in a notebook. A medical textbook is next to her. Then, Dimitri comes walking down the hallway. He is eating an apple.

DIMITRI: Hey, is there room on that gurney?
ELIZA: Oh. Yeah. Come aboard.
Dimitri sits on top of the gurney.
DIMITRI: What are you doing?

ELIZA: Looking over some vocabulary words.
DIMITRI: Cool. How about you take a break?
ELIZA: A break? Why?
DIMITRI: Because, I’d love to get to know you a little better.
Eliza looks up from her textbook. She smiles at Dimitri.
Carly is sitting down at a table. She is handcuffed to the table. Then, a buzzing sounds is heard at the door. A woman enters. She is wearing a grey pant suit and carrying a briefcase. She sets the briefcase down on the table and takes a seat.

CARLY: Thank you so much for agreeing to be my lawyer. After Casey was shot, I didn't know who else to hire. You were the first person I thought of.
The camera pans over to the woman. She is revealed to be JESSICA GRIFFIN!

JESSICA: Well, I am so happy that you thought of me. And, I have been brought up to speed on your case. So, now, we can spend time thinking of a plan to get you out of here.
In Casey’s Hospital Room, Alison pulls up a chair next to Casey. She then grabs his hands and rubs them in her hands. She lets out a deep breath.

ALISON: Please wake up, honey. Please.
Meanwhile, across the hall, in Julian’s Hospital Room, Margo opens the door very carefully. She then shuts the door very carefully.

MARGO: Well, well, well, Julian. Here we are. You and me. Alone. (making her way to the bed) Except this time, I’m not the defenseless one. You are.
Still at Memorial Hospital, in the Hallway, Dimitri takes another bite from his apple. As he does this, Eliza closes her textbook and notebook.
ELIZA: So, yeah, as you can see, I come from a wild family.
DIMITRI: Regardless of how wild things got when your dad was in a coma last year, I think it is pretty cool that you got into medicine because of him.
ELIZA: All I want to do is help people. And, my dad inspired that. I felt so helpless everytime I would see him in his coma.
DIMITRI: I know the feeling.
ELIZA: You do?
DIMITRI: Yeah. My father was hit by a car. He went into a coma. But, unlike your dad, he never woke up again. He died four years ago.
ELIZA: I’m so sorry. That’s terrible.
ELIZA: So, what made you move from California? I mean, it seems as though you would want to stay close to your family after the passing of your father.
DIMITRI: I needed an escape after he died. And, I knew that I wanted to go into medicine. Oakdale University was my first choice. One day, I heard about the technological advancements made at the medical portion of the campus…
ELIZA: And, you couldn’t resist catching the first flight out of Cali?
DIMITRI: Exactly.
ELIZA: Well, allow me to welcome you to town. I wish you good luck in this program. And, because of our little conversation, you already have an instant friend.
DIMITRI: Thanks so much, Eliza. That means a lot to me.
Dimitri takes Eliza’s hand. She looks down at their hands holding and smiles. She then looks back up at Dimitri, holding the smile.
Back in Casey’s Hospital Room, Alison stokes Casey’s cheek.
ALISON: You know, people in comas can still hear those that are right beside them. And, now, I think it would be the perfect time to tell you what you mean to me. Since we embarked on a relationship all those years ago, my life has never stopped being wonderful. Casey, you bring me so much joy. You bring me so much love. You know, when our baby passed away, I thought I would never be able to love again. But, you picked me back up out of a dark place. And, because of that, I was able to love again. I was able to show and give you all my love. And, I want to be able to continue to do that. So, please, please just open your eyes. Open your eyes and tell me who did this to you. Please. I beg of you, honey. I beg of you.
Back at WorldWide, in Lily’s Office, Sierra puts her light coat and her handbag on the couch in Lily’s office. She then turns around and goes back up to Lily.
LILY: I don’t understand. You’re leaving town?
SIERRA: Yes. I am.
LILY: Sierra, why? This doesn’t make any sense.
SIERRA: I found something out. And, it is something that has hurt me so deeply. And, it is something that has made me recognize that I deserve better. And, I want to go out in the world and try and find something to make my life better.
LILY: Honey, you need to tell me what is going on. Please, help me understand why you have decided to leave town after almost three years of being back. What did you find out?
SIERRA: Marshall has been having an affair.
LILY: Oh my god.
SIERRA: But, you’ll never guess with who.
LILY: Sierra, who was it with?
SIERRA: Your mother.
LILY: Lucinda? What?
SIERRA: No! Iva! It was with Iva!
LILY: Oh my…
SIERRA: That was my reaction too.
LILY: (hugging Sierra) I am so sorry. I had no idea.
SIERRA: I know you didn’t.
LILY: But, Sierra, are you sure you want to leave town over this? Come on. You can stick to your guns. You can make him pay.
SIERRA: Lily, please help me do this. I don’t want to stay in Oakdale anymore. Nothing is left for me here. I can’t live here knowing that there is something better out there for me.
LILY: Okay. Okay. Fine. I get it. I do. (sighs) What can I do to help?
SIERRA: I found out that the Hong Kong office is looking for a new President.
LILY: That’s true. We are.
SIERRA: I would like that position. I would like to move to Hong Kong and help this company prosper and be healthy overseas. So, what do you say? Will you give me a job?
Back at Oakdale County Jail, in the Visitation Room, Jessica’s briefcase is open. She is wearing a pair of black reading glasses and taking some notes.
JESSICA: So, you did call 9-1-1?
CARLY: Of course I did.
JESSICA: This is fantastic. The more you tell me, the more I think we have a slam dunk here. Carly, I don’t think you will be convicted and sent to prison.
CARLY: Really? But, the judge denied me bail.
JESSICA: I know. And, I know that may look like a bad sign. But, I don’t think it is. Plus, I am petitioning the court for a second bail hearing. I hope to at least have you at home as you await trial. That way you can get some time with your family.
CARLY: You are a rockstar. And, you have no idea how humble I am that you decided to come back here and take on my case. It means the world to me.
JESSICA: Just doing my job. Now, get back to your cell and rest up. We’ve got some big weeks ahead of us. I’m gonna save you from a life in prison Carly. You can count on me.
Carly smiles at Jessica. It seems that for the first time in quite awhile, Carly finally has some hope in her body. And, it is apparent she is ready to fight too!
Back in Julian’s Hospital Room, Margo steps closer to Julian.
MARGO: You know, I didn’t shoot you. I promise. But, whoever did deserves a medal. Maybe I should talk to the new Mayor. He might give the person who shot you the key to the city. They deserve it. On the other hand, you deserve nothing. You’ve taken so much from everybody in this town. And, it is time you pay. That is why I will go to great lengths to make sure you never wake up. But, if you do, just know that I will not rest until you are finished in this town. Oh, and here's another piece of information. My son was shot. My handsome little boy was shot. Just like you. Except, he didn’t deserve it. You did. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I’ll be at this hospital a lot. And, I will be visiting you a lot too. I will always be here, Julian. You will never get rid of me, you bastard.
Then, Tom enters. Margo turns around.

TOM: Margo, honey, what are you doing?
MARGO: Oh...nothing...I was just...seeing if he was awake yet.
TOM: Oh. Well, come on. We shouldn’t be in here.
MARGO: (awkward laugh) You’re right.
Margo walks over to Tom.
MARGO: Let’s go see Casey.
Margo and Tom exit. A couple of seconds later, the door opens and shuts once again. The camera pans up from a pair of black pumps walking over to Julian.
WOMAN: Damn! I was hoping you’d be awake. I miss you so much. I wish you would come back to us. Come on. I need you. Please, Julian, wake up for me. Wake up for your sister.
The camera pans up to reveal the woman’s face. The woman is revealed to be Special Agent VANESSA RUSSELL. The camera zooms in on her.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 167***
***END OF EP. 167***
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