At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda comes down the stairs. She enters the Living Room. She then walks over to the bar cart. She is about to fix herself a drink when she becomes deep in thought. The camera zooms in on her.
Lucinda walks into what appears to be a gas station bathroom. She has blood all over hands. She also has blood on a white blazer she is wearing. She begins to scrub her hands quickly. She is lightly sobbing. She then stops scrubbing her hands. But, she leaves the water on. She looks in the mirror. She raises her eyebrow.

LUCINDA: Oh Lucinda, what have you done?
Lucinda is jolted out of her thoughts upon dropping a scotch glass. She lets out a deep breath. The camera zooms in on her. She once again lifts her eyebrow.
At Java Underground, Johnny and Madison are sitting at a table and having lunch.

MADISON: This has been the perfect day. First, we got to see our little girl on an ultrasound. Then, we got to meet with a cake decorator. And, all before lunch. And, now we are having this lovely lunch. Am I rambling? I feel like I am. Stop me if I am.
JOHNNY: (laughs) It’s okay. I’m glad you have a smile on your face today. If I am making you happy, then I am happy. I can’t wait to be married to you. And, I can’t wait to be a father to our amazing little girl.
MADISON: I love you so much.

JOHNNY: I love you too.
The two lean in for a kiss.
MADISON: Now, can we please order some more cheese fries?
JOHNNY: (laughs) Your wish is my command.
Johnny gets up from the table. The camera zooms in on Madison’s smiling face.
At Dusty and Rosanna’s Home, in the Living Room, Rosanna comes down the stairs. She is holding two suitcases. Then, Dusty enters from the Kitchen.

DUSTY: Rosanna…?
ROSANNA: Hello, Dusty.
DUSTY: What are you doing?
ROSANNA: I’ll be staying at the LakeView for a few days.
DUSTY: Wait. Why?
ROSANNA: Because, I refuse to live in a house full of lies. So, until you tell me why you are lying to me about where you were the night Julian was shot, I will not be living here with you. And, I will certainly not be marrying you.
At Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Margo, Alison, Tom, Bob, Kim, and Lisa are all pacing around the room. They are waiting on news from Susan. Margo walks up to Alison.

MARGO: Honey, is there anything I can get you?
ALISON: No. I’m fine. Thanks, Margo. Can I return the favor?
MARGO: No, I’m fine. Thank you though.

ALISON: Of course.
MARGO: Do you mind if I go check on Tom?
ALISON: Not at all.
MARGO: Okay. I love you, honey.
ALISON: Love you too.
The camera pans over to Bob and Kim.

BOB: Are you holding up?

KIM: Yes. I’m just so worried. What if he doesn’t make it?
BOB: Don’t think like that. Casey will be just fine. He’s a strong man.
Lisa walks up to Bob and Kim.
LISA: Damn right he is. He is stronger than anyone I know.
BOB: That’s how he was raised. He’ll pull through. I’m confident.
LISA: So am I.
Then, Susan enters the room. Everyone turns their attention to her.

TOM: Susan, how is he? How is Casey?
At Bancroft, Outside, Jack and Vanessa walk up to the door.

VANESSA: Well, are you ready to question Mrs. Coleman?

JACK: You bet I am.
Jack knocks on the door. A couple of seconds later, Barbara opens the door.

BARBARA: Jack, hello.
JACK: Hi, Barbara.
BARBARA: This is quite the surprise. What are you doing here?
JACK: First of all, this is (pointing) Special Agent Vanessa Russell.
BARBARA: Oh, hello.
VANESSA: Hi. Mrs. Coleman, can we come in?
BARBARA: Maybe. That depends on why you are here.
JACK: Barbara, we’re here on official police business. We need to question you about where you were the night Julian Stenbeck was shot.
Back at Java Underground, Madison takes a sip from her glass of iced-tea. She then sets the glass down in front of her on a coaster.
MADISON: Thank you.
JOHNNY: For what?
MADISON: For being you. You know, it has been hard adjusting to my life without my mother. But, you have picked me up and loved me even more than you already did. You are the best man a woman could ever ask for. I am very lucky to have you.
JOHNNY: Wow. Thank you so much for saying those things. I am so ready to be a good man for you. I am so ready to be the man that you need.
MADISON: Till death do us part?
JOHNNY: Till death do us part.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda is sitting on the couch. She is drinking a martini now. She is once again deep in her thoughts.
Lucinda steps off of the elevator at the Oakdale Penthouse Building. The elevator doors close behind her. She walks out to the door of Julian’s Penthouse. She then pulls out a gun.
Lucinda takes a sip of her martini.
LUCINDA: (sighs) What did I do that night? What did I do?
Back at Dusty and Rosanna’s Home, in the Living Room, Rosanna sets both of suitcases down by the door. She then walks over to Dusty.
DUSTY: You can’t leave like this.
ROSANNA: Why not? You’ve heard my terms. I think they are rather reasonable. Why should I put my standards behind me? Why should I stay with a man who isn’t honest with me?
DUSTY: Rosanna, there is a damn good reason I can’t be honest with you about where I was that night. And, I just wish that you would let it go.
ROSANNA: Oh my god. So, you did do it? You shot him.
DUSTY: No! I did not shoot him!
ROSANNA: Then what the hell did you do?! What did you do that night, Dusty?! And, if you don’t start talking we are finished! For good.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, everyone gets closer to Susan. Susan is holding Casey’s chart.
TOM: Susan…? Please tell me he is alright.
ALISON: Did he pull through?
MARGO: What’s his current state?
SUSAN: Everybody, take a deep breath. This is a very tense room. I know all of you love Casey very much. And, I do as well. I am happy to report that surgery was a success.
LISA: Oh, thank God.
KIM: Hallelujah.
BOB: But…? Susan, I worked with you long enough. I can tell that there is something else. What is going on? Tell us now.
SUSAN: (sighs) You’re right Bob. There is something else. We put Casey in an induced coma for now. We had no choice. Even though the surgery was a success, we did project some slight healing complications. He should wake up on his own though.
KIM: But, there is a chance he won’t.
MARGO: Wait. What?
ALISON: She’s right.
TOM: What is everyone talking about?
BOB: When a person is put into an induced coma, there is a chance they might not wake up. But, considering how healthy Casey is, and considering the fact that the surgery went well, he should be just fine.
SUSAN: Yes, he should. Casey will be fine. Just fine.
Back at Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara, Vanessa, and Jack enter the room. Barbara shuts the double doors behind them.
BARBARA: I think you will come to find out I have nothing to hide.
VANESSA: Good. We’re hoping you don’t hide anything from us.
BARBARA: Of course. So, go ahead, ask away.
JACK: Let’s just cut to the chase. Where were you the night Julian was shot? And, can you verify your whereabouts, Barbara?
BARBARA: I was at BRO. I had some late night work to do. The janitor that cleans the executive floor can verify that. And, then, after I was done, I came home. Henry and I talked. He can verify that of course.
JACK: Of course.
BARBARA: Look, I do have to get back to the office. I only came home for lunch and to grab a file. So, do you two have anymore questions at the moment?
Jack and Vanessa look at one another, then back at Barbara.
VANESSA: I have nothing further.
JACK: Same here. I think we got all we came for.
BARBARA: Great. Um…, I am in a hurry. Do you mind showing yourselves out? I know it is a little rude...but...I…
JACK: Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.
Jack and Vanessa walks out of the room. Once Barbara hears the door shut, she walks over to the desk in the Living Room. She opens up the small box on the desk. She pulls out a pair of bloody gloves.
BARBARA: It’s time to get rid of these. I have to get rid of them ASAP.
The camera zooms in on Barbara.
Jack and Vanessa are still standing by the door.
VANESSA: Well, Barbara is clearly lying to us.
JACK: You think?
VANESSA: So, what do we do now?
JACK: We get a search warrant. And, we get it as soon as possible.
Jack and Vanessa walk off.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 166***
***END OF EP. 166***
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