At Craig’s Home, in Craig’s Bedroom, Craig and Valerie are laying in bed, both naked. Valerie is resting on Craig’s chest. Craig has his arms wrapped around her.

CRAIG: I’m glad you decided to spend the night here.
VALERIE: Me too. Last night was…
CRAIG: Amazing.

VALERIE: (laughs) You could say that. If I knew that what happened last night would’ve been that amazing, I would’ve tried to make a move on you a long time ago.
CRAIG: Is that so?
VALERIE: Yes. That is so.
Valerie leans up to kiss Craig. The two kiss.
At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Margo enters the apartment. Katie shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to her. Margo begins to take off her coat. She throws her coat and handbag on the couch.
KATIE: Thanks for coming over so quickly, sis.
MARGO: No problem. So, what’s up? Did you call me over to talk about the new budget for our business? If you hate it, I am totally open to suggestions on how to improve it to fit both of our viewpoints.
KATIE: No. No. No. The budget is fine. That’s not what we need to talk about. In fact, I need to talk to you about something far more serious than a budget.

MARGO: Katie, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?
At the Oakdale County Jail, in the Visitation Room, Carly is brought in. She is handcuffed. A guard is holding her arm. She is sat down by the guard.

CARLY: Do you know who this visitor is?
GUARD: Sorry. I don’t. But, he is on his way in.
CARLY: Okay.
The guard exits. Then, the door buzzes. Jack enters.
CARLY: Oh, Jack, it’s you. Oh, I’m so happy to see you.

JACK: Hello, Carly. We have a lot to talk about.
Carly and Jack stare deep into one another’s eyes.
At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara is sitting at the desk. She rubs her hands over the small box on the desk. She then becomes very deep in thought. Then, Henry enters the room.

HENRY: Good morning, Babs.
BARBARA: Morning.
Henry walks up to Barbara.
HENRY: Is everything okay?

BARBARA: (looking up) Sorry. What?
HENRY: I asked if everything was okay. You just seem off.
BARBARA: Oh...yes...everything’s fine.
HENRY: Okay, I know you better than that. What is really going on? What were you thinking about just before I walked in here?
Barbara stands up. She walks pass Henry and turns around.
HENRY: You can tell me anything.
BARBARA: I know that. And, I will tell you. If you must know, I was thinking about Julian. And, I was thinking about how long will it be before he wakes up from his coma and tells all of Oakdale who shot him.
At Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Alison walks up to the main counter on the floor. She is filling out a patient's chart for it to be filed away. She notices Susan at the table.

ALISON: Hey, Susan, I have a quick question for you. Do you got a second?
SUSAN: Yeah. Sure. Ask away.
ALISON: Have you by chance heard from Casey?
SUSAN: Not today. Why?
ALISON: Well, he didn’t come home last night.
SUSAN: Oh my goodness. Are you serious?
ALISON: Either that or he left real early for work.
SUSAN: Honey, have you called around?
ALISON: Yeah. But, no one has gotten back to me. And, I don’t want to say he’s missing. Susan, I’m just very worried.
SUSAN: I can understand that.
Then, the elevator doors ding open. Two paramedics rush off. A patient is on a gurney. The paramedics are trying to keep him stable.
SUSAN: Come on. Let’s hop on this case. If Casey doesn’t turn up by then, then we’ll call Margo and Tom. Okay?
Alison and Susan rush over to the paramedics. They are immediately shocked. Alison begins to cry as she sees blood splattered on Casey.
ALISON: Oh my god! Casey! Casey! Oh my god!
The camera zooms in on Alison’s horrified face.
Back at Craig’s Home, in Craig’s Bedroom, Craig and Valerie are getting dressed. Craig is standing, buttoning a shirt. Valerie is sitting, putting on a pair of boots. Once they are both finished, they come together at the foot of the bed.
VALERIE: So, what do you wanna do for the rest of the day?
CRAIG: I was about to ask you the same exact thing.
VALERIE: (laughs) Well, I’m not really hungry.
CRAIG: Same here. How about we go to Java and just have a coffee. We’ll decide what we want to do there. How does that sound?
VALERIE: Sounds good to me. Hey, are you sure you don’t need to go to work today? I mean, you do run a fashion empire. And, according to Oakdale Now, you have a showing next month. So, I assume you have some designers to yell at.
CRAIG: (laughs) I’m the boss. And, the boss can take a day off once in awhile. And, today is one of those days. Today is just about me and you.
VALERIE: I like the sound of that.
Craig and Valerie kiss again.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie reenters the room. She is holding a glass of water. She hands the glass to Margo. Margo takes a sip of the water.
MARGO: Sorry if I troubled you. I was just rather thirsty.
KATIE: No problem. No problem at all.
MARGO: Okay. So, now, you can tell me what’s going on.
KATIE: (sighs) Before I tell you, I just need to warn you. I don’t want you to get upset. And, I don’t want you to accuse me of not knowing what I’m talking about. Because, I think I do. And, I’m just trying to examine the situation properly.
MARGO: What situation? Honey, what’s going on? Tell me. Now!
KATIE: (sighs) Okay. Okay. I’ll tell you. I have reason to believe that Tom is the one who shot Julian a couple of days ago.
Back at Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara is standing over by the bar cart. She is pouring herself a cup of coffee. She takes a sip from the cup and then sets it down on the bar cart.
HENRY: Look, there is no need to think about that monster.
BARBARA: Henry, he has hurt the people that we love. And, he is just like James. Evil. Vindictive. Conniving. Just like James was. He is as every bit of a scary man as your father was, Henry. I am scared of Julian. And, I’m scared that when he wakes up, this town will face his full wrath.
HENRY: You are not scared of anyone, Barbara. And, you have nothing to be scared of. I will protect you. I will never let Julian hurt you. Okay?
BARBARA: I’m sorry, Henry. But, you playing the man of this house just isn’t enough for me. If Julian wants to hurt me, if he wants to hurt us, he will find a way. I know he will. But, when he comes after us, I will be ready. I’m always ready. That is something James underestimated about me. And, Julian is bound to make the same mistake.
Back at the Oakdale County Jail, in the Visitation Room, Jack is now sitting across from Carly. He puts his hands on the table.
CARLY: How are the kids?
JACK: They’re good.
CARLY: Good. And, how are you?
JACK: I’m good. But, I don’t want to talk about that right now. We need to have a very serious discussion right now, Carly. We need to talk about where we stand.
CARLY: Oh. Right. Yeah. We need to talk about rather or not you want to call it quits again. In my opinion, we’ve been through way worse.
JACK: Carly, you’ve been arrested for involuntary manslaughter. You are about to go in front of a jury in a couple of weeks.
CARLY: I know that. I know. But, Casey has built a very strong case. And, I am confident that I will walk away from this. You know I did not mean to run down our son’s fiance on his wedding night. You know that. And, since you know that, I think you would be by my side.
JACK: Carly, I want something meaningful. We are both old enough to not keep making the same mistakes. I told you to leave well enough alone. I disapproved of our son dating an older woman. But, I approved of him being in love. I just wish that you would’ve been able to do the same thing. But, no, you just had to end that relationship at any cause. Now, look where it has gotten you.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Margo sets down her glass of water on a table. She then steps up closer to Katie.
MARGO: What did you just say? Did you just say that you think Tom...of all people...shot Julian? Katie, I think you need to go to the hospital. There is clearly something wrong with your head. And, I don’t mean to offend you. However, think about what you’re saying!
KATIE: I know what I’m saying! Margo, I know what I saw!
MARGO: You know, you are accusing my husband of shooting someone. But, how do I know you didn’t do it? How do I know you aren’t lying to save your ass?
KATIE: Margo, come on.
MARGO: No! You come on! You dish it out but you can’t take it! You have just as much a motive as the rest of us. Julian has been a virus in your life for two and a half years now. He has stalked you. He has decided not to let you out of his life. That all seems like a motive to me. So, there, how does it feel?! How does it feel to be accused of attempted murder?!
KATIE: Margo, this is exactly what I didn’t want. I didn’t want you to act out like this. I just wanted us to discuss this as sisters.
Margo rolls her eyes. Then, her phone rings.
MARGO: Excuse me.
Margo takes her phone out of her pocket. The phone is still ringing. She answers the call and puts her phone up to her ear.
MARGO: (on the phone) Hello? Hi, Susan. What? Oh my god. Are you serious? Oh my god. Yes. I’ll be right there. Thank you.
Margo hangs up her phone.
KATIE: What is it?
MARGO: Casey has been shot.
KATIE: Oh my god. Is he okay?
MARGO: (collecting her things) What do you think Katie? No!
Margo and Katie walk to the door.
KATIE: I’ll come with you.
MARGO: No, you will not. For all I know, you might accuse Tom of shooting his own son. I don’t want you there, Katie. So, please, don’t follow me to the hospital.
Margo exits the apartment. She slams the door behind her. The camera cuts to Katie. The camera then zooms in on her. A regretful expression comes across her face.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Trauma Room 2, medical professionals are crowded around Casey. Dimitri, a new intern is starting an IV.
SUSAN: You got that IV in yet, Dimitri?

DIMITRI: Yes, I do, Doctor.
SUSAN: Good. Eliza, how are his breath sounds?

ELIZA: I don’t know. Let me check.
Eliza checks his breath sounds.
ELIZA: They’re good.
SUSAN: Great. It seems like he’s holding on. Get me a portable x-ray and prep him for surgery. I’m gonna go update Alison. Let’s move people!
Susan makes her way out of the trauma room. She then goes over to Alison.
ALISON: Susan, how is he?!
SUSAN: He’s doing just fine. He’s a fighter. And, we are prepping our fighter for surgery right this very moment. Everything is gonna be just fine.
ALISON: Okay. Okay. Good.
Then, a loud beeping comes from Casey’s room. Susan rushes in. Alison follows her. The two then enter the trauma room.
SUSAN: What’s happening?
ATTENDING: We have to get him to the seventh floor now! His lung collapsed and it looks like the bullet punctured the heart. Let’s move people!
Casey is rushed out of the room. Alison begins to cry uncontrollably. Susan holds Alison in her arms. The camera zooms out.
SUSAN: Shhh, darling. Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 165***
***END OF EP. 165***
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