At Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig enters the room. Shortly after, there is a knock at the door. He walks over to the door.
CRAIG: (opening the door) Valerie.
VALERIE: Hi, Craig.
Valerie is holding a brown paper bag.
CRAIG: What do you got in there?
VALERIE: Chinese take out and a bottle of red wine. You in?
Craig smiles and lets out a little laugh.
In Oakdale Park, Casey is on his cell phone. He walks up to a bench.
CASEY: (on the phone) Hey, honey, it’s me. Look, my car broke down. I’m gonna be a little late getting home. I don’t know how long auto club will be. Anyway, I love you. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon, baby.
As Casey hangs up the phone, the camera pans over to a group of small trees. It is apparent someone is standing behind the trees, watching Casey.
At Iva’s Home, in the Living Room, Iva is sitting on the couch. She is flipping through a fashion magazine. Then, there is a loud banging at the door. A questionable expression comes across Iva’s face. She puts down the fashion magazine, gets up, and goes to the door.

IVA: (opening the door) Sierra, can I help you?

SIERRA: No. You can’t. But, I do want to know why you’ve been helping Marshall? I want to know why you’ve been helping him feel extra good lately. What do you think gave you the right to help yourself to my fiance, you pitiful slut?
At Steve and Betsy’s Home, in the Living Room, Betsy is standing by the couch. She is drinking a glass of wine and looking down at her phone. She is looking at the two calls she has received from the mystery person. As she lets out a sigh, Steve comes down the stairs.
STEVE: Hey, babe.
Steve goes to her. Betsy puts her phone in her pocket.

The two kiss.
STEVE: So, I just finished painting the upstairs guest bathroom. So, that means for the rest of the night, I am all yours.
BETSY: Really?
BETSY: Oh the things I plan to do to you.
As Steve and Betsy go in for another kiss, there is a knock heard at the door.
BETSY: Oh my goodness, it’s almost ten. I wonder who that could be.
Betsy goes to the door. Steve follows her.
BETSY: (opening the door) Oh my god.
STEVE: Is it really you?

DANIELLE: Hi, mom. Hi, dad.
STEVE & BETSY: Danielle!
BETSY: Oh, my little girl.
STEVE: Come here.
Betsy, Danielle, and Steve group hug. The camera zooms in on Danielle.
At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Tom enters the apartment. Katie is sitting on the couch. She stands once Tom enters. Henry shuts the door. The two men walk over to Katie.
KATIE: Hi, Tom. Thanks for coming.
TOM: Of course. I would just like to know what I am doing here. Is everything okay with you, Katie? And, for that matter, is everything okay with you, Henry?
HENRY: Oh, yeah, I’m fine. See, it’s Katie. She needs your help. You know, the legal kind of help. She needs all your lawyering skills…
TOM: Yeah, Henry, I get it. What’s going on?
KATIE: you know Julian was shot.

TOM: Yes. He was. I know that.
KATIE: Yeah. Anyway, I think I might’ve saw the shooter. And, I just want to know how I tell the police this without implicating myself.
TOM: What do you mean implicating yourself? Just tell them.
KATIE: Well, you see, that night, I brought a gun to Julian’s place. I did not shoot him. Nor did I have the intention of doing so. I went there to confront him about basically stalking me. And, I just wanted the gun for protection. But, this sounds really bad if it isn’t phrased correctly.
TOM: You got that right.
KATIE: So, what do I do?
TOM: There’s only one thing you can do.
KATIE: What’s that?
TOM: You just have to come forward and hope to God the police don’t think you shot Julian and put him into the comatose state he is currently in.
At the Mona Lisa, Alison and Susan sit down at a table.

ALISON: I am so glad that we finally get the chance to have dinner together. It has been far too long. So, tell me, how are you doing these days? How is the Chief of Staff position treating you at the hospital?
SUSAN: Well, it has taken some getting used to. You know, as I got older, I decided that I wanted to be more involved in lab work. That is why I started looking for a diabetes cure. But, after John passed away, the hospital went really down hill. We had two corrupt Chief of Staffers. And, so, I brought it upon myself to carry on John’s legacy and move the hospital in a new direction.
ALISON: That is so amazing. You know, I felt the same way when it came to bringing the nursing staff into a new direction. By the way, I wanted to talk to you about the new budget plans for the remodel.
SUSAN: Oh, darling, let’s not dwell on those tonight. In fact, let’s not talk shop at all. Let’s have a total girls night and enjoy a good dinner. And, I’m buying. So, get your appetite ready. What do you say?
ALISON: I say I think I’ll have the parmesan crusted salmon.
Back at Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig and Valerie are sitting on the couch. They are eating Chinese food and drinking wine. Valerie takes a sip of her wine.
VALERIE: Okay, so, tell me more. So, did you really marry this Barbara lady all so you could steal her great big fortune?
CRAIG: Yeah, I did. As you can see, my past isn’t squeaky clean. But, I have been working hard to build up my reputation.
VALERIE: I think that is very big of you.
CRAIG: Thank you.
VALERIE: You know, my past isn’t squeaky clean either.
CRAIG: Really? Do tell.
VALERIE: I did something really bad once.
CRAIG: What’d you do?
VALERIE: I stole twenty thousand dollars from these rich people I used to clean for. Anyway, I was caught, arrested, did some time.
CRAIG: You’re kidding?
VALERIE: No. But, that is all behind me now. I did the time for the crime. I paid my debt to society. I’m not about that life anymore.
CRAIG: I feel the same way. You know, I’ve been judged pretty harshly for the things I’ve done in the past. But, I’ve learned one thing from it all.
VALERIE: What have you learned?
CRAIG: People can be real hypocrites.
VALERIE: (laughs) I totally agree.
CRAIG: I love that.
VALERIE: Love what?
CRAIG: Your laugh. It’s beautiful. And, so is the smile that comes with it.
VALERIE: Its been a long time since a man has complimented me like that.
CRAIG: Well, those days are long gone.
VALERIE: Are they now?
CRAIG: You bet they are.
Craig leans in and kisses Valerie. The camera zooms in on their passionate kiss.
Back at Steve and Betsy’s Home, in the Living Room, Danielle, Betsy, and Steve are now standing in the room. Danielle sets her things down on the couch.
BETSY: I cannot believe you are home.
DANIELLE: I actually can’t believe it either.
STEVE: Can we get you anything, honey?
DANIELLE: No. I’m fine. Thanks, dad. I just wanted to come and see my parents. I have missed you two so very much.
BETSY: Baby girl, we’ve missed you too.
STEVE: So, what brings you back to Oakdale?
DANIELLE: Well, as you two know, my singing career didn’t really take off the way I wanted it to. So, I got back into forensics. And, I’ve been asked to consult with the Oakdale Police Department on a case.
BETSY: That is wonderful. I’m so glad you have gone back to your roots.
STEVE: I am too. Forensics is where you belong.
DANIELLE: Couldn’t agree more.
Back at Iva’s Home, in the Living Room, Sierra is now standing face-to-face with Iva. The door is shut. Sierra takes off her coat.
IVA: Look, Sierra, I don’t have time for this. I have to get back down to Marshall’s headquarters in an hour. I only came home to grab a quick bite and change my clothes.
SIERRA: Tell me something, did he win?
IVA: Yes he did. Marshall is the new Mayor of Oakdale.
SIERRA: Wow. So, Marshall wins you and he wins the Mayoral race. You two get everything you’ve always wanted. Meanwhile, I’m left out in the dust.
IVA: I get that this hurts you.
SIERRA: You have no idea.
IVA: But, you have to move on, honey. I’ve got him now.
SIERRA: I just found out about your affair tonight. And, you are already telling me to move on? My god is there anything you won’t do to tear me apart from him?
IVA: He clearly wanted me. You couldn’t hang on to him. Face it, I was more powerful than you in how I chose to pursue him. Some men just like the forbidden fruit.
SIERRA: Oh, honey, don’t flatter yourself. Men only like you because of that boob job. At the end of the day, Marshall is only wanting you for sex. You are nothing to him. He is going to treat you like a common whore and then throw you away. You mark my words. This little fling will not last. Enjoy it while you still can.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie lets out a sigh and runs her fingers through her hair.
TOM: Katie, can I ask you something?
KATIE: Of course.
TOM: You said you might’ve seen the shooter.
KATIE: Yeah. That’s correct.
TOM: Who do you think you saw?
KATIE: I don’t know if who I saw was anyone I know. But, I can tell you for sure that I saw a man. Who I saw outside was way too masculine looking to be a woman.
TOM: I see. By now, I am sure that the police have obtained the video surveillance footage from the alley. So, now is your chance.
HENRY: What do you mean?
TOM: I mean that Katie could perhaps collaborate with the police.
Then, Tom checks his watch.
TOM: Anyway, I have to go. I’m sorry. But, I promised Margo that I would fix the pipes under the bathroom sink tonight. You don’t mind…
KATIE: No. Not at all. Thanks for coming, Tom.
TOM: Anything for my favorite sister-in-law.
HENRY: I’ll show you out.
Tom and Henry walk to the door. Tom exits and Henry shuts the door. Then, Henry turns around and walks back over to Katie. He can immediately tell that something is off about her.
HENRY: Oh no. What’s wrong?
KATIE: We have a big problem.
HENRY: What is it?
KATIE: I remember who I saw out in the alley.
HENRY: Oh my god. This is huge. Who? Who did you see?
KATIE: I saw Tom.
Back at the Mona Lisa, a Waiter takes Alison and Susan’s plates. He then walks off. Alison takes a sip from her wine glass. She then sets the glass in front of her.
ALISON: That was absolutely delicious. Thank you for dinner.
Susan takes a sip from her water glass.
SUSAN: You’re absolutely welcome. Are you sure you don’t want any dessert? I heard they have this new chocolate souffle that is to die for.
ALISON: (laughs) Honestly, I couldn’t eat another bite.
SUSAN: How about I at least have the chef make you two to-go. One for you, one for Casey. How does that sound?
ALISON: That sounds amazing.
SUSAN: (smiling) Then, consider it done.
ALISON: Speaking of Casey, I should give him a call.
Alison digs through her purse and grabs her phone.
ALISON: Oh my goodness. I have a missed call from him.
Alison goes to her voicemail and presses Casey’s name. She then holds the phone up to her ear. A couple seconds later, Alison hangs up her phone.
SUSAN: What’s wrong?
ALISON: His car broke down.
SUSAN: That’s awful. Is he okay?
ALISON: He said auto club would be there in a bit. And, judging by how long ago he left the message, I am sure that everything is just fine.
SUSAN: Oh, I am sure too. Anyway, how about that dessert?
ALISON: Sounds good to me.
SUSAN: Lovely.
Alison takes another sip of her wine.
Back at Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Valerie and Craig come off of their kiss. Valerie lets out a deep breath.
VALERIE: That was some kiss.
CRAIG: Yeah. It was. I’m...I’m sorry if I caught you off guard.
VALERIE: Don’t apologize for a great kiss.
CRAIG: Really? You don’t want me to apologize?
VALERIE: No. I don’t. In fact, I needed that.
CRAIG: I did too.
Valerie and Craig begin to kiss again. Valerie then begins to slowly unbutton Craig’s shirt. Valerie lays down and Craig lays on top of her.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie begins to pace.
HENRY: You saw Tom? You saw Tom in the alleyway that night?
KATIE: I did. I wasn’t sure till he left. But, after he left I knew.
HENRY: Are you 100 percent sure, Katie? Are you sure it was Tom that you saw? Because, this is a serious accusation. You have to be sure.
KATIE: Henry, I would give anything for this not to be true. But, as far as I know, Tom shot Julian. He shot him. And, now I have to draw a thin line in the sand. Do I tell the police what I saw? Or, do I protect my brother-in-law?
Back at Steve and Betsy’s Home, in the Living Room, Betsy, Steve, and Danielle are all sitting around the living room.
DANIELLE: I am absolutely in love with this new house.
BETSY: Thanks so much, honey. We actually just moved in.
DANIELLE: Really? Wow. Well, the work you’ve done so far is amazing.
STEVE: We’ve been loving the area of remodeling.
DANIELLE: I bet. It’s a new chapter for you both.
BETSY: You know, we have a guest room. You could totally stay here.
DANIELLE: Thanks for the offer. But, I actually already bought an apartment. And, it is the cutest little two bedroom place.
STEVE: That’s excellent. We’ll have to stop by soon.
DANIELLE: I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Then, Betsy’s phone rings. Betsy picks up her phone. The screen reads UNKNOWN CALLER. She lets out a sigh and stands.
BETSY: Will you both excuse me? I have to take this.
Betsy walks off. The camera follows her. In another room, Betsy answers her phone. An angered look comes across her face.
BETSY: Who the hell is this? And, you better start talking now.
MYSTERY VOICE: Your days on this Earth are numbered, bitch.
The caller then hangs up. Betsy does too. The camera zooms in on her scared, but yet puzzled expression. She then bites her bottom lip.
Back in Oakdale Park, Casey is sitting on a bench.
CASEY: By now, I could’ve fixed the car myself. Well, there is absolutely no use when it comes to waiting out in the cold. I guess I’ll call a cab.
As Casey stands up, he hears the sound of footsteps.
CASEY: Hello? Is someone there? Must just be in an animal.
As Casey begins to get his phone out of his coat pocket, the camera pans over to the Mystery Person hiding behind the trees. The Mystery Person is putting a silencer on a gun. They then raise the gun and aim at Casey. As Casey is beginning to put his phone up to his ear, the Mystery Person fires and shoots him. Casey falls to the ground. He is unconscious and begins to bleed. The camera pans out an aerial shot.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 164***
***END OF EP. 164***
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