Thursday, October 5, 2017

EP 123 - Betsy Rushes To Save Steve!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Mona Lisa, in the Bar Area, the Bartender refills Betsy’s wine glass.

BETSY: Craig, I know Diana. I know how devious she can be. I am just asking for everyone to be on the lookout for her. I don’t think that is too much to ask.

CRAIG: You’re right. It isn’t too much to ask.

BETSY: Good. I’m glad you agree. Since you agree, I would like for you to tell me why you two have been meeting at various times.

CRAIG: (sighs) Betsy, if I come clean, you aren’t going to like what I have to say to you. You aren’t going to like what Diana has been up to.

BETSY: Well, that is a risk I am willing to take.

At Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, it is apparent that Margo and Katie are hard at work. They are searching file after file.

KATIE: We have been at this for so long.

MARGO: Don’t worry. I know that we will find something.

KATIE: I hope so.

Margo then types on her laptop. She then hits the ENTER key.

MARGO: Oh my gosh.

KATIE: (going her) What? Did you find something?

MARGO: I think I might have.

KATIE: What is it?

MARGO: April and Marcus both worked for an author by the name of Tobias Morris.

KATIE: Okay. So, what is suspicious about that?

MARGO: Well, in April and Marcus’ final days of working at that job, Tobias passed away. His passing was investigated. The police concluded that the death was of natural causes. However, Tobias’ sister thinks that April and Marcus killed Tobias themselves.

At Oakdale Towers, the elevator doors open. Diana steps off. She is wearing a sparkly black cocktail dress. She is also wearing stilettos and a diamond bracelet. She walks up to Betsy’s Penthouse. She then knocks on the door. A couple of seconds later, Steve opens the door.

STEVE: Diana…, what are you doing here?

DIANA: I thought I would drop by for a late night surprise. So. what do you say? Can I come in, Steve? After all, it is getting a little chilly out here in this hallway.

Diana smiles seductively at Steve.

At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda is in the living room. She is sitting on the couch and drinking a cup of tea. She is also talking to Sierra on her cellphone.

LUCINDA: (on the phone) Sierra, I understand why Lily didn’t want to be the interim CEO. And, I am happy to do it. It is no trouble at all. I swear that it isn’t. Alright. Goodnight. I love you too, darling. Bye.

As Lucinda hangs up her phone, there is a knock at the door. Lucinda puts her phone down on the table. She then walks to the door.

LUCINDA: (opening the door) Grant. What are you doing here so late?

GRANT: I needed to see you.


GRANT: Because, I was a jerk. And, I can’t let you go, Lucinda. I am so very sorry for what I did to you. Can you forgive me?

In Oakdale Park,  in a private area, Sandra is pacing around. Then, Casey walks up to her. Sandra stops pacing and faces him.

SANDRA: Casey, thank you for meeting me.

CASEY: Yeah. Sure. Of course.

SANDRA: Look, I know it is terribly late. However, I needed to see you right away. After all, it is about the court case.

CASEY: We shouldn’t be discussing this personally.

SANDRA: I know that. However, I think you need to hear what I have to say.

CASEY: (sighs/to himself) I hope I don’t regret this. Okay, Doctor Martin, what do you want to tell me concerning this case?

SANDRA: Tomorrow is the first day we all are due to appear in court.

CASEY: I know that. I am coming fully prepared.

SANDRA: I expect nothing less. And, I am glad you have prepped and prepared to the fullest of your ability. But, that no longer matters.

CASEY: Why do you say that?

SANDRA: Because, I won’t be there tomorrow.

CASEY: What are you saying?

SANDRA: I will not be appearing in court tomorrow, because I am leaving town for good. I just thought that you should be the first to know.

Back at Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Katie pulls up a chair next to Margo’s computer.

KATIE: So, do you think we should meet with Tobias’ sister?

MARGO: I think it would be the smart thing to do.

KATIE: How do we get a hold of her?

MARGO: I already sent her an E-Mail. Plus, I have her phone number.

KATIE: How’d you get that?

MARGO: Let’s just say her privacy setting aren’t updated on FaceBook.

KATIE: Oh. I see.

MARGO: This may just be the lead we’ve been searching for.

KATIE: I hope it is. We need it.

MARGO: Yes, we do.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, the door is heard closing. Then, Lucinda and Grant both walk into the living room.

GRANT: Thank you for letting me in.

LUCINDA: I just hope I don’t regret it.

GRANT: You won’t. I promise.

LUCINDA: We’ll see about that. Anyway, you told me at the door that you were sorry. Were you referring to when you stood me up?

GRANT: That is exactly what I was referring to.

LUCINDA: You know that was a bad move on your part, right?

GRANT: Of course I know that. And, ever since I did that to you, I have felt nothing but regret. That was a terrible thing to do to you, Lucinda. You deserve so much better than that. I was so stupid to do that to you. I am so sorry.

LUCINDA: I will say this, I admire you. I have never known a guy to bend over backwards to apologize to me this late at night.

GRANT: I thought this was either smart or stupid.

LUCINDA: It was smart.

GRANT: So, was I smart enough to win you over for another date?

LUCINDA: I believe you were.

Lucinda and Grant smile at one another.

Back at the Mona Lisa, in the Bar Area, Craig takes a sip of his scotch.

BETSY: Craig, I am willing to handle anything you throw at me here. I just want some answers. I just want the truth.

CRAIG: Betsy, if I do reveal this to you, promise me you won’t get mad at me for knowing about this.

BETSY: You’re not the one I’m after. I am after Diana. I promise that I will not be mad at you. I also promise that no one will come after you. You just have to tell me the truth. Please. I beg of you.

CRAIG: (sighs) Diana has hatched a revenge plot.

BETSY: A revenge plot? What do you mean?

CRAIG: She still holds a grudge against you. She never fully got over you and Steve getting back together.

BETSY: Are you kidding me? That was acient history.

CRAIG: Not to her.

BETSY: What is she planning?

CRAIG: She is planning to make it look like her and Steve slept together.

BETSY: What?!

CRAIG: Yeah. She is going to drug him tonight. When you get home, you are supposed to see them in bed together.

BETSY: Oh my god! I’ve gotta go.

Betsy collects her things and rushes out of the Mona Lisa.

CRAIG: Sorry Diana. I just couldn’t hurt Betsy like that.

In Oakdale Park, in a Private Area, Sandra sets her purse on the bench.

CASEY: You’re leaving town?


CASEY: You can’t do that. You are legally obligated to…

SANDRA: Appear in front of the court. I know. However, that can’t happen.

CASEY: Why not?

SANDRA: Look, I did terminate your wife in the improper way. I admit that. However, I also admit defeat.

CASEY: Defeat?

SANDRA: Yes. I am resigning from my position as Chief of Staff at the hospital. My resignation is on my desk. In my resignation letter are specific instructions that have been greenlit to be carried out.

CASEY: What do you mean?

SANDRA: I mean that Alison will have a new position at the hospital. And, she will receive a huge raise.

CASEY: Is this for real?

SANDRA: Yes. Alison will become the head nurse. And, that raise is going to be huge. Probably more money than she’s ever seen from the hospital.

CASEY: So, that’s it? You quit? This is over? Just like that?

SANDRA: Yes. Look, I needed to do this for my conscious. I couldn’t live with what I did to Alison. It is time I make things right.

Sandra then checks her watch.

SANDRA: (grabbing her purse) Look, I’ve gotta go. I have a plane to catch. Goodbye, Casey. And, tell Alison I said good luck.

Sandra then walks off.

CASEY: What the hell just happened?

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Steve closes the door and turns around. He then walks over to Diana.

STEVE: Quite the outfit you have on. What’s the occasion?

DIANA: I was out at Metro.

STEVE: Fun. But, I don’t understand why you decided to come here.

DIANA: I needed to see you.

STEVE: Why is that?

DIANA: Because, I think that it is time that we put our past in a time capsule and never open it. I want to become true friends again.

STEVE: Look, Diana, it is awfully late.

DIANA: I know. But, this needs to happen.


Then, Betsy barges in.

BETSY: (to Diana) Stop what you're doing you devious bitch!

Diana and Steve turn around. The zooms in on an enraged Betsy.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 123***

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EP 171 - The Finale