Tuesday, July 11, 2017

EP 97 - Lily Questions Her Lifestyle


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Kim and Bob’s Home, Kim is sitting in the living room. She is playing a game on her phone. She then looks up and takes off her reading glasses. She then becomes deep in thought.


KIM: (standing) I feel like I know your eyes from somewhere.

BROOKLYN: Like I said...I guess I just have one of those…

KIM: ...faces. And, you’re probably right. Will you let me buy you an apology coffee? It is the least that I could do for you.

BROOKLYN: No, I’m fine. Please, excuse me.

Brooklyn walks off.

KIM: Gosh. Where have I seen those eyes before?


Kim comes out of her thoughts. Then, Bob enters the living room. Kim sets her phone and glasses down and goes to him.

KIM: Hello, darling.

BOB: Hello. How was your day?

KIM: My day was fine. Well, it was fine until I had the most unusual encounter. In fact, the encounter I had is still kind of confusing to me.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Diana and Steve are sitting on the couch. Diana sets her purse next to her.

STEVE: You need my help?

DIANA: I do.

STEVE: Diana, what’s going on?

DIANA: Steve, I am going to put this very simply for you. Yes, I am out of the Witness Protection Program. However, that doesn’t mean that I am safe.

At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda is in the living room. She straightens herself up and grabs her purse. She then walks to the door.

LUCINDA: Anniversary party, here I come.

As Lucinda opens the door, she is caught off guard.

LUCINDA: Holden, what are you doing here? I was just about to head over to your home for the anniversary party.

HOLDEN: I don’t think they’ll be an anniversary party.

LUCINDA: What do you mean?

HOLDEN: Lucinda, I’m afraid that Lily has gone missing.

At the Mona Lisa, Iva is sitting at the bar. She is having a glass of white wine and looking at wedding gowns on her iPAD. She swipes left and sees a gorgeous mermaid wedding gown. She smiles. She then shuts off her iPAD and takes a sip of her wine. As she sets the glass down, Grant walks up to her.

GRANT: Hello. Longtime...no see.

IVA: Oh my god. (excited) Grant Gibson!

Iva stands. Her and Grant hugs.

GRANT: Hello, Iva.

IVA: (coming off the hug) Hi! What are you doing here?

GRANT: Well, how about you buy me a drink and I’ll tell you.

IVA: (laughs) Some things never change.

At the Oakdale Catholic Church, Lily stands from the ground. John’s wallet is still in her hands. She stands face-to-face with John’s ghost.

LILY: I can’t believe you’re here.

JOHN: I saw that you needed to see a familiar face.

LILY: (sniffles) I did need to see a familiar face.

JOHN: I see you have my wallet.

LILY: Yeah. I do. Gosh, I can’t believe it has been here all this time.

JOHN: Consider it fate.

LILY: You think it was an act of fate that I found this?

JOHN: I do.

LILY: And, why do you think that?

JOHN: Because, you finding that wallet showed me that you needed my help. So, my spirit is now here to help you.

LILY: Help me? In what way?

JOHN: Sometimes…, all you need is a good talk.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda and Holden enter the living room.

LUCINDA: Oh my god. What do you mean she’s missing?

HOLDEN: She left me a note this morning. But, that note indicated that she would return home soon. I waited… and I waited… and I waited. But, she still hasn’t come home. Lucinda, I am very worried.

LUCINDA: I see. Look, I am going to call Jack and get him right on this.

HOLDEN: What if we don’t have time for that?

LUCINDA: What do you mean?

HOLDEN: Lucinda, Lily could be in trouble. We have to find her.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Grant and Iva are sitting at the bar. The bartender refills Iva’s wine glass. Grant is drinking a scotch on the rocks.

IVA: So, I bought you that top shelf scotch. That means you owe me an explanation. What is my former boss doing here in Oakdale?

GRANT: My business has moved here.

IVA: You’re moving Gibson Records here?


IVA: Bold business move.

GRANT: I love to be bold.

IVA: That you do. So, I assume that you’ve been here in Oakdale for a very short time now. But, tell me. Have you met anyone yet?

GRANT: I have. I actually went to the reopening of Metro with this person.

IVA: Oh, really? Well, give me all the juicy details. Who’d you go with?

GRANT: I went with Lucinda Walsh.

IVA: What the hell did you just say?

Back at Oakdale Catholic Church, John and Lily walk through the rubble.

LILY: I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

JOHN: What do you mean?

LILY: I thought I had put this accident passed me. I thought that my life had moved on from what happened here.

JOHN: Lily, this was a traumatic life experience. Don’t think that something is wrong with you for thinking thoughts about what happened here. It is completely normal.

LILY: Really? I don’t feel like it is normal. When I came home from the hospital, I wanted to start over. I wanted to move past the fire. I wanted to take care of my children. I failed in the mother department.

JOHN: No, you didn’t. I’ve been watching. I know what has gone on with your children. Faith has a mental condition wrong with her. But, she is getting help.

LILY: I focused more on my life and my tragedies than her’s. That is what I call bad parenting. I am a bad parent.

JOHN: Look, you need to stop beating yourself up. Because, if you continue to beat yourself up, it will consume you. You need to be strong. You need to fight.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Steve walks back over to the couch. He has two glasses of scotch. He hands one to Betsy and sits back down next to her.

DIANA: Look, I know we have quite the history…

STEVE: ...there was that insider trading mess.

DIANA: ...and, I feel badly about that. But, look, I am a changed woman. And, I need help. I don’t usually ask for handouts.

STEVE: That’s true. You don’t.

DIANA: So, will you help me?

STEVE: You still haven’t told me what’s wrong.

DIANA: I’m running from a man by the name of Grant Gibson.

STEVE: Who is he?

DIANA: The most dangerous man I’ve ever known. He had this record business. In fact, he still has it. But, at one time, he was running drugs through his business. I got involved in another sting-operation-gone-wrong. He’s after me. He wants to kill me.

STEVE: Oh my god. Diana, I’m so sorry.

DIANA: Yeah, I am too. So, what do you say? Will you help me?

Before Steve can answer, Betsy unlocks the door and enters the penthouse. Steve and Diana stand from the couch.

BETSY: Honey…(noticing Diana) I’m home.

DIANA: (stepping in front of Steve) Hello, Betsy.

Back at Kim and Bob’s Home, Kim pours herself a cup of tea.

BOB: So, tell me all about this encounter you had.

KIM: Well, I went out for a coffee at Java Underground. When I turned around, I had accidentally bumped into this young woman. I tried to make things up to her. You know? Apologize for bumping into her. When I told her how sorry I was, she had an outburst.

BOB: An outburst?

KIM: Yes. It was the strangest thing. However, I decided to write it off as nothing. Maybe she was just in a bad mood.

BOB: I guess so. But, I would just be careful, darling.

KIM: Why do you say that?

BOB: Well, you’ve received those flowers and those autographs.

KIM: Hold on a second. Do you think the two are linked?

BOB: No, I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that you have to be extra careful. We still don’t know what is going on.

Then, someone knocks at the door.

KIM: I’m going to get that.

Kim walks to the door. Upon opening it, she sees that no one is there. She looks around. Before shutting the door, she looks down. On the ground, there is a picture of Kim. The picture appears to have been slashed with a knife. Kim picks up the photo. The photo has a note on it.

Watch your back, bitch! I will get my revenge.

KIM: Bob!

Bob rushes to the door.

BOB: What is it?

Kim shows Bob the picture. The two look at one another, horrified.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 97***

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