Thursday, July 6, 2017

EP 96 - Kim Has An Unusual Encounter


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Holden and Lily’s Home, Holden is in the kitchen. He is pouring two cups of coffee and talking on his cellphone.

HOLDEN: (on the phone) Well, Luke, it does suck that you won’t be able to make it tonight with your sister. Just know that your mom and I both love you. Alright, I’ll talk to you later. Bye, son.

Holden hangs up his cellphone. He puts it in his pants pocket. He then takes the two cups of coffee and walks into the living room.


He sees a note on the table. He sets the two mugs down on another table. He then walks over to the note and picks it up.

HOLDEN: Had to run an errand. Be back soon. Love you.

At the Oakdale Catholic Church, Lily drives her car up to the church parking lot. The camera pans over the church. It is being rebuilt little by little. The camera then pans back to Lily. Tears begin to stroll down her face.

At Oakdale Towers, the elevator doors ding open. Carly steps off. The doors close behind her and she walks down a hall of apartments. She then comes to 5D. She bangs on the door. A couple seconds later, Sheila opens the door.

SHEILA: Carly…, what are you doing here?

CARLY: We need to talk.

SHEILA: About what?

CARLY: What your intentions are with my son.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Steve walks into the living room. He is buttoning his shirt. Then, there’s a knock at the door. He goes to the door.

STEVE: (opening the door) Oh my god. It can’t be.

WOMAN: Did you miss me?

STEVE: Diana McColl.

DIANA: In the flesh.

The camera zooms in on Diana’s face.

At Java Underground, Kim enters the cafe. She walks up to the counter.

BARISTA: Hello, miss. How may I help you?

KIM: I’ll take a non-fat skim latte, please.

BARISTA: What’s the name?

KIM: Hughes.

BARISTA: Alright. It should be about 15 minutes.

KIM: Okay. Thank you.

As Kim turns around, she bumps into Brooklyn.


Brooklyn looks up. She notices that the person she bumped into is Kim. He heart begins to race. Kim questions Brooklyn’s odd expression.

KIM: Is everything okay?

BROOKLYN: Yeah...everything's….fine.

Brooklyn brushes past Kim.

At Dusty’s Home, Johnny comes the stairs. He walks into the living room. Then, there is a knock at the door. He goes over to the door.

JOHNNY: (opening the door) What do you want?

CRAIG: Good morning to you too. I was hoping I could come in.

JOHNNY: Craig…

CRAIG: Johnny, we need to talk.

JOHNNY: About what?

CRAIG: I know you got Madison pregnant.

Back at Sheila’s Apartment, Carly enters. She shuts the door.

SHEILA: (turning around) So, you want to know if Parker and I truly love one another? Because, we really do.

CARLY: Apparently you must’ve misunderstood.

SHEILA: Misunderstood what?

CARLY: I didn’t ask you if you loved my son. I asked you what your intentions are with him. Look, I’m gonna level with you. I know predators like you.

SHEILA: Carly, I wish you wouldn’t think of me as a predator. In fact, I was hoping that we could maybe be friends.

CARLY: Sheila, you aren’t some girl that Parker brought home from college. You are the type of girl he would’ve seen at little league. The mom who brought the food.

SHEILA: Carly, if you stop thinking of me as the enemy then things will go a lot smoother. So, please, think of me just as an ordinary person who loves your son.

CARLY: Yeah. There’s the ultimate twist to this story.

SHEILA: I really do love Parker.

CARLY: We’ll see about that.

Back at Dusty’s Home, Craig enters. Johnny shuts the door. The two walk into the living room. Johnny pours himself a glass of water.

JOHNNY: So, tell me something. How’d you hear about this?

CRAIG: I just had to ask around…check up on you.

JOHNNY: You’ve been checking up on me?

CRAIG: I’m your dad. Dads check up on their sons.

JOHNNY: Biologically, you are my father. But, I like to live by that saying of blood doesn’t make a family.

CRAIG: That it does not.

JOHNNY: So, stop trying to act like you are my dad. Stop trying to act like you deserve that title. Because, news don’t.

CRAIG: Johnny, look, I lost custody of you. I lost a battle that I wanted to win so badly. I want to be in your life.

JOHNNY: Keep dreaming. Look, you better leave.

CRAIG: Please, don’t kick me out.

JOHNNY: If you didn’t want to be kicked out, you shouldn’t have came over here. Now, are you going to leave on your own?

CRAIG: (sighs) I guess I will.

Back at Java Underground, Kim walks up to Brooklyn’s table. Brooklyn is listening to music on her tablet and playing a game. Once she sees Kim, she takes out her earbuds, shuts her iPAD off, puts it on the table, and looks up.

BROOKLYN: Can I help you?

KIM: I just wanted to apologize for bumping into you.

BROOKLYN: It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize.

KIM: (sitting) No, I do. That was very rude. But, in truth, I just wanted an excuse to come over here and see you face-to-face.

BROOKLYN: Excuse me?

KIM: It’s just so strange.

BROOKLYN: What is?

KIM: You look oddly familiar.

Brooklyn stands and collects her things.

BROOKLYN: I guess I just have one of those faces.

KIM: (standing) I feel like I know your eyes from somewhere.

BROOKLYN: Like I said...I guess I just have one of those…

KIM: ...faces. And, you’re probably right. Will you let me buy you an apology coffee? It is the least that I could do for you.

BROOKLYN: No, I’m fine. Please, excuse me.

Brooklyn walks off.

KIM: Gosh. Where have I seen those eyes before?

Back at Holden and Lily’s Home, in the Living Room, Holden is standing by the coffee table. He gets his phone out of his pocket, dials, and puts it to his ear.

(a couple seconds later)

LILY: (voice over) Hi, this is Lily. Sorry I can’t get to the phone right now. But, if you leave me your name and number, I’ll return your call as soon as possible. Thanks. Bye.


HOLDEN: (on the phone) Hey,’s me. Listen, people will be here in a couple of hours. I was just wondering where you are. Give me a call back when you get this. Bye.

Back at the Oakdale Catholic Church, Lily gets out of her car. She begins to walk over the landscape. She then sees something in the rubble. She walks up to it. She then begins to burry through all the bricks and wood. She then retrieves her findings. It turns out to be a wallet.

LILY: What in the world?

She opens the wallet. The wallet was John’s.

LILY: Oh my god.

Lily pulls out John’s ID.

LILY: (sobs) Oh god…John.

Then, Lily is tapped on the shoulder. She turns around.

JOHN: Hello, Lily.


Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Diana enters. Steve closes the door.

STEVE: (turning around) Diana, what are you doing here?

DIANA: I thought it was made obvious.

STEVE: What?

DIANA: Well, clearly I am out of the witness protection program after over 25 years. But, that hasn’t put me out of the line of danger. Steve, you are the only one I know who I could really come to with this.

STEVE: Come to with what?

DIANA: I need your help.

The camera zooms in on Steve's questionable face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 96***

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EP 171 - The Finale