Tuesday, May 23, 2017

EP 83 - Bonita Chica Facecream Launch PT. 2


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At an Event Center, the party for the Bonita Chica face cream launch is in full swing. Paul is up at the podium giving his speech. Barbara is by his side.

PAUL: Through our anti-wrinkle and anti-aging formula, BRO and Bonita Chica will give the customers what you’ve been asking for!

A man steps off the elevator. He walks to the doors of the event center.

MAN: It’s about time I pay this town another visit.

The man enters. Upon hearing the door open, everyone turns around. Immediately, they are all in shock. Katie even drops her champagne glass.

KATIE: What the hell?

TOM: I thought he was gone for good.

MARGO: I thought so too.

The man smiles to everyone in the room. He then walks up to the podium. Paul backs away. The camera then pans to the man’s face. He is revealed to be…

JULIAN: Hello, residents of Oakdale. Did you miss me?

At the Snyder Farm, Carly and Jack enter the home. Carly throws her purse on the couch. She goes over to the bar cart. She pours herself a scotch.

CARLY: Can I get you one?

JACK: That’d be great.

Carly pours Jack a glass. She walks over to him. She hands him a glass and keeps one for herself. Then, Jack sits on the couch.

CARLY: So, I don’t understand.

JACK: What don’t you understand?

CARLY: Why (sitting next to him) you wanted to leave the party early? Was it the shrimp? It did look a little odd. Wouldn’t put it past Barbara to poison someone.

JACK: Very funny. Forgot how much of a jokester you are. Anyway, I wanted to leave the party early because there’s something I have to give you.

CARLY: Alright. Now, I’m intrigued.

Jack sets his glass down on the table.

JACK: We’ve been back together for the past couple of months. And, it has been great to fall back in love with you.

CARLY: Jack, what are you saying?

Then, Jack gets a ring box from his pocket.

JACK: Will you marry me? (opening the box) Again?

Carly is in awe at the huge diamond. She looks back up at Jack.

JACK: So, what do you say? Do you wanna get hitched?

Back at the Event Center, Lucinda stands from her chair. She goes over to Tom and Margo, who are now standing by their table.

LUCINDA: Do something you two.

MARGO: We can’t.

LUCINDA: Why not?

TOM: Lucinda, we need to hear what he has to say.

LUCINDA: Bull! I’m going to put a stop to this right now!

Lucinda walks closer to Julian.

LUCINDA: Step down from the podium.

JULIAN: Lucinda, good to see you again.

LUCINDA: Shut up! Get down from there now.

JULIAN: Yeah, I’m not gonna do that. See, tonight is my night.

KATIE: Julian, what are you talking about?

JULIAN: I came back to the states...to Oakdale...to come visit you all. The least you could do is listen to me!

BARBARA: Okay. We’ll listen.

LUCINDA: Barbara…

BARBARA: Shut up, Lucinda.

LUCINDA: (getting closer to the podium) I will not! This bastard killed my husband! He killed my John! He…!

Then, Julian pulls out a gun. He waves it around to everyone.

JULIAN: That’s enough! I said all of you were going to listen to me! That is exactly what’s going to happen! Now, listen. Barbara...Paul...Lucinda…, back the hell away from me.

Paul escorts Barbara off the stage. Then, Paul, Barbara, and Lucinda all go near everyone else. Everyone else is standing around.

JULIAN: Now, let’s get started. I’ve got a lot to say.

At Lily and Holden’s Home, Lily is in the kitchen. She is having a glass of white wine. She is making a list of people. Then, Holden enters.

HOLDEN: (kissing her) Hey, honey.

LILY: (smiling) Hey.

Holden gets a water from the fridge.

HOLDEN: What are you doing?

He then walks back to the table and sits.

LILY: Making a list for our anniversary party.

HOLDEN: Oh, I didn’t know that you were doing that tonight.

LILY: Yeah. I know I’m starting extremely early, but I had to. The invitation background I want is only in stock and on sale for a limited time.

HOLDEN: Must be pretty special. Wasn’t Lucinda supposed to help you?

LILY: Yeah. She was supposed to leave the launch party over. I called her like five times, but she never answered.

HOLDEN: Hope she’s okay.

LILY: She’s probably with Sierra. I bet they’re having fun.

HOLDEN: When will you and Sierra patch things up?

LILY: Honestly? Probably never.

Lily pours herself another glass of wine.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly sets her glass on the table.

CARLY: You want to get married again?

JACK: You bet I do.

CARLY: Close that box, please.

Jack closes the box.

JACK: What’s going on? What’s wrong?

CARLY: (standing) Are you kidding? Jack, we have not talked about marriage. In fact, I’m not sure that we are there yet.

JACK: Why do you say that?

CARLY: (sitting) It is like what you said. You’re loving falling in love with me again. I’m having that same experience. I want that to continue.

JACK: It can continue.

CARLY: What happens this time? Oh...yeah...right...I know. We say it is the last time. We always say that. Then, we end things. I don’t want to go through that heartbreak again. I don’t know if I could handle that.

JACK: Carly, this would be the last time. I promise you that. This is not something I’m making up. This would be the last time.

CARLY: What happens when you or I screw things up?

JACK: We work through them. We don’t abandon one another like we have in the past. We plow through things.

CARLY: I’m gonna need some time.

JACK: For what?

CARLY: What do you think? I need to think. I have a lot going on right now. I’m trying to fight Barbara. I’m getting a sobriety chip tomorrow. I’m doing a lot. I just need to focus on those things. Once those are cleared up…, then maybe we can truly discuss marriage. Because, if we do get married again, I want to be the best wife I can be.

JACK: I understand. I love you.

CARLY: (sniffles) I love you too.

Carly and Jack hug.

Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Kitchen, Lily continues making the list.

HOLDEN: How about you invite Sierra to the anniversary party?

LILY: Please, for the love of god, tell me you’re joking.

HOLDEN: I’m not. Plus, I want to meet her new boyfriend.

LILY: Sierra has a new boyfriend?

HOLDEN: You didn’t know?

LILY: No, I didn’t know. How did you know?

HOLDEN: Lucinda texted me?

LILY: First of all, my mom knows how to text? Second of all, when did you two become BFFs? What’s next...cafe visits?

HOLDEN: Ha. Ha. Ha. His name is Marshall Taylor.

LILY: How did they meet?

HOLDEN: WorldWide.

LILY: Excuse me?

HOLDEN: He’s there to supposedly save the company.

LILY: Oh my god. I swear sometimes I could shoot somebody.

Lily takes a big drink of her wine.

Back at the Event Center, everyone is still leaned up against the wall.

TOM: (to Margo) Thank god dad and Kim left.

MARGO: No kidding. What the hell is he gonna do?

TOM: I don’t know.

The camera pans to Eliza and Emily.

ELIZA: Mom, I’m scared.

EMILY: I know, honey. Don’t worry. I’m sure your father knows what to do. He’s very smart. He’s full of ideas.

The camera pans to Betsy and Steve.

STEVE: Help me take him down.

BETSY: No. Are you crazy?

STEVE: No, but he is. Betsy…

JULIAN: Everyone, shut up! For the love of Christ. Can’t I just make my speech? That is all I want to do. Then, I’ll be back on my jet.

PAUL: Come on, Julian. Get on with it.

JULIAN: Thanks, Paul. Now, all of you are gonna hear what I think about you. Some of you I won’t say anything. After all, some of you I don’t know. But, let’s start with someone that just spoke in this room. That’s right...Paul. So, Paul...what do you think I’ll say about you?

PAUL: I don’t know.


TOM: (whispers) Margo, honey, can you walk discreetly…

MARGO: I’m way ahead of you. I’ll get the gun.

TOM: That’s my girl.

Julian spots Margo. He picks up the gun and fires. The bullet shoots out. It darts to the floor. It is and inch from her foot.

JULIAN: Take a seat, bitch.

Margo takes a deep breath. She walks to a seat.

JULIAN: If anyone pulls a stunt like that again...I will terminate you! Now, back to Paul. Oh, Paul, my brother James did so much to you. Let’s relive some of that. Let’s go through you fondest memories with you daddy. Shall we?

BARBARA: No! We will not talk about his father.

JULIAN: But, Barbara, I’m his uncle. Uncles need to tell their nephews about their dads. It is only right. Now, as I was saying…

BARBARA: Paul has gone through enough. He has worked and worked to get James erased from his memory. You will not…

JULIAN: Dammit! Shut up!

PAUL: Mom…, be quiet.


PAUL: It’s okay. Julian wants to talk about my father? That’s fine.

JULIAN: Great. How about we start with you shutting him out. After all, that crushed him. It hurt him so much. He didn’t deserve that.

BARBARA: Bull shit!

Julian then points the gun at Barbara.

JULIAN: Get her out of here! Someone! Now!

Emily goes to get Barbara.

BARBARA: I’m not leaving!

JULIAN: Lady, unless you want your blood all over this floor, I suggest you go with Emily. Do you understand?

Barbara nods her head. Emily holds her arm. The two exit. Barbara is crying.

JULIAN: Nephew, I don’t know how you put up with that bitch. Now, before we move on...I’m going to play a game with all of you. When I get to you, I’ll ask you a question. If you answer that question correctly, you don’t get shot. Now, I think you know what happens when you answer incorrectly. So, let’s play.

Julian steps down from the podium, with the gun in hand. He goes in front of his audience. They are all filled with nerves.

JULIAN: (pointing the gun at Paul) Anyway, back to what I was talking about. You ruined your father’s life. Commandment number five says we should honor father and mother. So, why did you break that commandment?

The camera pans to everyone around the room. It then pans to Julian. He is smiling. Then, it zooms in on Paul. Sweat begins to drip from his forehead.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 83***

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EP 171 - The Finale