Thursday, May 18, 2017

EP 82 - Bonita Chica Facecream Launch PT. 1


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At an Event Center, Barbara and Paul are setting up for their event for the release of Bonita Chica. Barbara walks up to Paul. She is holding a clipboard.

BARBARA: Alright, people should be here soon.

PAUL: Sounds great

BARBARA: Are you nervous?

PAUL: (sighs) A little. This face cream either puts BRO back on the map, or we become a country road. There’s a lot to worry about.

BARBARA: Do you think Emily is gonna come tonight?

PAUL: I don’t know.

BARBARA: Are you hoping she will?

PAUL: Of course I am. It means that she is going to be showing support. That would mean so very much to me.

BARBARA: Well, I hope she comes.

Then, Paul checks his watch.

PAUL: Well, time to open those doors.

Paul walks off. Barbara glares over at him.

BARBARA: Everything will be alright son. I promise.

Back at the Event Center, the party is in full swing! Everyone is enjoying themselves and is dressed to the nines. Then, Carly and Jack enter the center.

CARLY: Well, well, well, this looks very nice.

JACK: Are you sure you want to be here?

CARLY: You bet I do. I expect to hear from Barbara about the things I said to her. But, until I do, let’s enjoy ourselves.

JACK: Let’s.

Carly and Jack walk off. Then, Margo and Tom enter.

MARGO: Wow. BRO wet all out.

TOM: Yes, they did. Is that an ice sculpture?

MARGO: In this heat? Wow, Barbara really can do it all. Well, let’s split up. I’ll meet you back at the table. I’m gonna go snag one of those goodie bags.

TOM: You do that.

Tom and Margo split up.


Lily and Holden walk over to Dusty. Dusty is making a plate at the buffet.

LILY: Hey, old friend. It is so good to see you out and about.

DUSTY: Hey, you two. I’m happy to see you two here.

HOLDEN: Well, we needed a night out too.

LILY: Amen to that. It was time to focus on the glamorous life.

DUSTY: (chuckles) Sometimes we all need to focus on that part.

HOLDEN: Hey, are you okay?

DUSTY: Yeah. Why do you say that?

LILY: You just

DUSTY: Oh. I didn’t know that.

HOLDEN: So, is everything okay, man?

DUSTY: Yeah. I’m good. Scouts honor.


Kim is on her cellphone. Bob is sitting next to her.

KIM: Alright, I will be in tomorrow. See you then, doctor.

Kim hangs up and puts the purse back in her evening bag.

BOB: So, is the appointment all set and ready?

KIM: Yes. Everything is set and ready.

BOB: Are you sure you’re ready for this surgery?

KIM: As long as you are by my side, I am ready for anything.

BOB: I will always be on your side.

Bob kisses Kim.


Betsy, Steve, Emily, and Eliza are drinking champagne.

ELIZA: It is so cool that you two came together.

BETSY: Well, it is just as friends. That is all.

ELIZA: (laughs) I highly doubt that.

EMILY: I’m inclined to agree.

STEVE: Are you two conspiring?

BETSY: (laughs) I think they are. Hey, Emily let’s go to the powder room. I need to freshen up and talk to you about mom.

EMILY: Alright. Sounds good to me.

Betsy and Emily walk off.

STEVE: So, you wanna play a card game?

ELIZA: I thought you would never ask.


Emily and Betsy enter. They go to the sinks. The two set their bags down and open them.They begin to refresh their make up.

EMILY: So, is everything okay with mom?

BETSY: Yes, mom is fine. But, I didn’t actually want to talk about mom. I actually wanted to talk to you about Steve.

EMILY: What about Steve?

BETSY: I think I still love him.

EMILY: Really? Are you serious?

BETSY: Yeah.

EMILY: When did this come about?

BETSY: Frankly, it has always been there.

EMILY: I’m so happy for you. And, I just want you to be happy. Sis, if Steve makes you happy, then go for it. Go be with him. I ship you two.

BETSY: Ship?

EMILY: Something Eliza taught me.

Emily and Betsy laugh.


Katie walks up to Henry who is leaning up against a wall.

KATIE: Hey. Is this where spouses of CEOs stand?

HENRY: (chuckles) Very funny.

KATIE: (sighs) Look, I know Barbara wants to put distance between us, but I need to talk to you. There’s something I need to say.

HENRY: What?

KATIE: I think Julian’s coming back.


Paul is preparing his speech. Then, Barbara walks up to him.

BARBARA: You almost ready?

PAUL: Yes. I am just about ready.

BARBARA: Good. Now, I don’t know if you’ve seen what’s on the other side of that curtain, but Emily’s here tonight.

PAUL: She is?


PAUL: Great. Now I feel more nervous.

BARBARA: Honey, everything will be fine. Just go out there and give the audience what they want. Give BRO what we want.

PAUL: You got it.

Barbara hugs Paul.

BARBARA: (smiling) That’s my girl.


A man hands his keys to a valet.

VALET: Hey, you better hurry and make your entrance. I’m following the event scheduel and they’re getting close to the face cream reveal.

MAN: Trust me, I plan to make a grand entrance.

The man walks inside the center.


Paul steps out on stage. Everyone turns to see him. They applaud.

PAUL: Thank you for that lovely applause. I should come out from behind curtains way more often.

Everyone laughs.

PAUL: For over two decades, BRO has been a company that constantly keeps up with the trends. Last year, BRO came back from the dead, so to speak. We reinvented ourselves and I have to say it was all worth it. Ladies and gentlemen I would like to reveal to you the one thing that will put BRO back on the map. I present...Bonita Chica’s face cream.

Everyone applauds as the face cream container, being holden by a model, is shown on a TV screen. 

Then, someone enters the ballroom. Everyone, hearing the door open, looks at who has entered. Some of them stand up in shock.

BARBARA: What the hell?

LISA: What…

LUCINDA: Is he doing here?

TOM: I thought…

JACK: He was gone.

Then, Katie walks up to the man.

KATIE: What are you doing here?

MAN: I’m here to get me some of that face cream.

The man then walks to the stage. He goes to the podium.

MAN: Well, aren’t you all happy to see me?

The man laughs. He is then revealed. The man is revealed to be JULIAN STENBECK! The camera zooms in on his face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 82***

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EP 171 - The Finale