Tuesday, April 25, 2017

EP 75 - Iva Grieves Her Loss


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At the LakeView, the elevator doors ding open. Iva walks down the hallway. When she comes to her suite, she gets her card from her purse. She unlocks the door and walks in. She shuts the door behind. Iva then walks to her suite’s wardrobe. She gets out an old shoebox. She sets the shoebox on the bed. Iva opens the box and gets a photo of her and Jason out. She smiles.

IVA: I miss you already. I miss you so much.

Iva holds the picture close to her.

At Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna is sitting on her couch. She is reading a fashion magazine. Then, there’s a knock at the door. She sighs and stands. She puts the magazine down on the table and walks to the door.

ROSANNA: (opening the door) Carly…, what are you doing here?

CARLY: Rosanna, I need your help.

ROSANNA: My help? With what?

CARLY: I need your help with Barbara.

At BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara is sitting at her desk. She is patiently waiting for someone. Then, Faith enters.

FAITH: Mrs. Coleman, you said you wanted to see me?

BARBARA: I did want to see you. Shut the door, please.

Faith shuts the door.

FAITH: What’s going on?

BARBARA: I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing but I’m gonna send you one warning. Stay the hell away from my son.

On Marshall’s Jet, Sierra and Marshall are sitting at one of the jet’s tables. They are sitting across from one another and drinking champagne.

MARSHALL: Wasn’t Paris wonderful?

SIERRA: It really was. The tower was beautiful.

MARSHALL: It was. But, you were even more beautiful.

SIERRA: Marshall, thank you. Thank you for the compliment and the lovely trip. I haven’t been this happy in a very long time.

MARSHALL: Well, I’m glad that I could make you happy.

SIERRA: I hope you can continue to make me happy.

MARSHALL: How would you like me to do that?

SIERRA: What would you say to another date?

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Bob comes down the stairs because of a knock at the door. He is buttoning his shirt.

BOB: (opening the door) Margo, good morning.

MARGO: Hi, Bob. Look, I’m sorry to interrupt your morning routine but I need to speak with you. Right now. Can I come in?

BOB: Oh, of course. Come on in.

Margo enters. Bob shuts the door.

BOB: (turning back) What can I do for my favorite daughter-in-law?

MARGO: Well, you can answer a few questions for me.

BOB: Questions? Regarding what?

MARGO: I have some questions regarding the death of a boy by the name of Brett Evans. He died 62 years ago, when his LVAD wire was cut.

Back at Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna and Carly walk into the living room.

ROSANNA: So, let me get this straight. Barbara took the part out of the contract where she was going to sell CT Designs back to you?

CARLY: Yup. She did it right before the meeting with you and Tom.

ROSANNA: She really is a sneaky bitch. Gotta give her props.

CARLY: I guess that you do. She’s smart. But, I’m smarter.

ROSANNA: How do you figure?

CARLY: Well, I’ve come to you. Together, we can outsmart Barbara. I know that we can do this. So, will you help me?

ROSANNA: No, Carly. No. I can’t help you.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara comes out from behind her desk. She then walks over to Faith.

FAITH: Mrs. Coleman, I am…

BARBARA: Save it. See, I know girls like you. Hell, I used to be a girl like you. Now, I know you’ve been through a lot. I know that you need to lean on someone. However, my son was the wrong person to lean on.

FAITH: I know that. I really do. It was all done in the heat of the moment.

BARBARA: I don’t believe you. I think that you were planning everything. I think that you meant to kiss my son.

FAITH: Paul is a hot man. He is. There’s no denying that. But, I wouldn’t intentionally try and break up a marriage. Especially one that I know is healthy.

BARBARA: I want you out of this building.

FAITH: What?

BARBARA: By the end of the business day. You are fired, Faith. Go clean out your desk. Martin can show you where the spare boxes are.

FAITH: Are you serious right now?


Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Iva stands from her bed. She is still holding Jason’s photo. She wipes tears from her eyes, as she walks over to the hotel suite’s phone. She picks it up, dials, and puts it to her ear.

IVA: Hello. My name is Iva Snyder. Listen, I need a first class plane ticket to Hawaii. I need to get away for awhile. Thank you.

Iva let’s out a sigh.

Back on Marshall’s Jet, Sierra takes a sip of her coffee.

MARSHALL: I would love another date.

SIERRA: Wonderful. How about you come to my place?

MARSHALL: Are you sure about that?

SIERRA: I’m positively sure. I’ll make you a lovely steak.

MARSHALL: That sounds amazing.

SIERRA: We can pop open a bottle of red wine…

Marshall goes to Sierra.

SIERRA: ...and we can light some candles.

He begins to kiss her neck.

SIERRA: …(laughs) and we could even make love.

MARSHALL: That sounds like a perfect night.

SIERRA: Trust me, it will be.

Marshall continues to kiss Sierra.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Bob pours himself a glass of water.

BOB: I take it that Rita told you everything?

MARGO: She did. I just need to know if it is true. Did you kill that little boy? Because...frankly, I cannot see you as a murderer.

BOB: Margo, I’m not a murderer. I have a very good reason for cutting that boy’s LVAD wire. Would you like to hear that reason?

MARGO: Of course I would. However, I’m not going to listen to that reason here. I think you know that I have to take you down to the station.

BOB: Are you kidding me?

MARGO: No. I am so not kidding right now. Let’s go.

The camera zooms in on Bob’s nervous face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 75***

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EP 171 - The Finale