Thursday, April 27, 2017

EP 76 - Diego & Sabrina Search For Iva


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna reenters the living room, with her iPHONE in hand. She walks to her coffee table and sets her phone down.

ROSANNA: Sorry about that. I have some new investors coming into my motor company. It’s been hours upon hours of work since early January.

CARLY: That’s fine. Now, can we get back to what you said.

ROSANNA: What did I say? Which part?

CARLY: You know the part where you told me that you’re not going to help me fight off Barbara, so I can get my company back?

ROSANNA: Oh. Right. That. Well, my answer still stays the same. I’m not helping you, Carly. I just can’t help you at this moment.

At Oakdale’s AIDS/HIV Research Office, Sabrina is in her office. She gets up and walks over to her tea set. She pours herself a cup. Then, Diego barges in.

SABRINA: (turning back) Diego.

DIEGO: Sorry to barge in on you, Sabrina.

SABRINA: Yeah. You should be. What are you doing here?

DIEGO: I’m looking for Iva.

SABRINA: Oh, she’s at her suite.

DIEGO: That’s what I thought too. I thought she’d gotten back from Florida. However, she wasn’t there. And, I called her...she won’t pick up. I’m really worried.

At Memorial Hospital, in Rita’s Office, Rita is working peacefully. She goes to her filing drawer and files away some papers. Then, Kim enters.

RITA: (looks up) Oh, Kim! I was just about to call you. I have great news. You are ready for surgery. Your cells…

KIM: I don’t want to hear about that.

RITA: (taking off her reading glasses) Pardon?

KIM: You bitch! Do you really think you can screw with my husband...and get away with it?

At Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa and Emma are sitting on the couch. There are several binders filled with decorating ideas. The binders are scattered throughout. The two ladies are very hard at work.

LISA: Alright. I made my choice. I adore the red and white rose bouquet. It is absolutely breathtaking. We can do that with the black tablecloths.

EMMA: Wonderful. Are you sure you want me in on this? I mean...decorating is more your thing, Lisa. I thought I would just handle the food.

LISA: This masquerade ball is going to be my ballroom’s first event, that won’t have know…

EMMA: Death.

LISA: Exactly. I want everything to go perfect. I need two sane minds.

EMMA: (to herself) Two? She really is crazier than I thought.

LISA: What was that?

EMMA: (laughs) Nothing. Let’s move onto invitations.

LISA: That’s the spirit!

At the Oakdale Police Department, in an Interrogation Room, Margo is sitting on one side of a table. She has a file in hand. Bob is sitting on the other side of the table. There is a video camera set up.

MARGO: Are you sure you don’t want a lawyer? I can call Tom. He’s your son. He would drive 90 on the expressway to get here.

BOB: No, I don’t want a lawyer present. I have nothing to hide, Margo. I am open to answer any questions honestly.

There is a silence that falls in the room.

MARGO: Alright, then. Let’s begin. Today is Thursday April 27th, 2017. I am Commissioner Margo Hughes of Oakdale, Illinois. The department and state have reopened the unsolved murder of Brett Evans. Today, I am interrogating a possible suspect. Sir, please state your name for the record.

BOB: Robert Hughes.

MARGO: Is it true that you have in fact decided not to have an attorney present at this afternoon’s proceedings?

BOB: Yes. Not having a lawyer is my choice.

MARGO: Alright. Then, let’s move onto these questions.

Back at Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna puts her phone in her purse.

CARLY: Rosanna, please. I need you right now. Why exactly don’t you wanna help me with this? You hate Barbara as much as I do.

ROSANNA: (sighs) I don’t want to ruin things.

CARLY: Ruin things? I don’t understand.

ROSANNA: Carly, we’ve finally made peace again. I don’t want to disrupt that peace by getting involved in another sticky situation.

CARLY: Ro, I can’t do this without you.

ROSANNA: Dammit, Carly! This is your problem. I said “no”. Please, for the love of God, take that as my final answer!

CARLY: Okay. Fine. I will.

Carly, fed up, grabs her purse off the couch. She then walks out.

ROSANNA: Carly, wait!

Rosanna chases Carly to do. However, she is too late. Carly has removed herself from the home. She slams the door behind her. Rosanna takes a deep breath.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa and Emma are standing now. Emma is putting binders into a large purse.

EMMA: Hey, how do you feel about the dinner rolls from Lomax’s? Do you think they’re too expensive? I…

LISA: Emma, the more expensive the better.

EMMA: Alright, whatever you say.

LISA: Now, there’s something I need to tell you.

EMMA: What do you need to tell me?

LISA: I just want to say thank you.

EMMA: Lisa saying thank you? Are you feeling alright? Are you sure you haven’t been feeling light-headed or anything?

LISA: Ha, ha, ha. I’m serious. You are helping me out in a way that no one has helped me out before. You’re saving me from another business failure.

EMMA: I’m just doing what I can. Listen, I have to get over to Java Underground. I’m meeting Holden for coffee.

LISA: Well, tell him I said.

Lisa and Emma walk to the door.

EMMA: I will.

LISA: (opening the door) I’ll be in touch.

EMMA: Same here.

LISA: Goodbye, Emma.

EMMA: Bye.

Emma exits. Lisa shuts the door. She then turns around and leans up against the door. A smile comes across her face.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Rita’s Office, Kim goes back to the door. She shuts the door. She then walks back to Rita.

RITA: That was the quite the entrance you just made.

KIM: I do what I have too. Look, we’ll talk about my surgery later. I’ve been fighting cancer this long, I can fight it a little longer.

RITA: Kim, I did the right thing.

KIM: No, you didn’t. You might think you did but you didn’t. Bob and I aren’t in a good place because of this secret coming out.

RITA: And, how is that my fault? Bob murdered this little boy.

KIM: See, that’s just it. I don’t think that he did.

RITA: Excuse me?

KIM: Bob could never murder anyone. Let alone a child. I don’t think he did this, Rita. I’ve scheduled Bob a hypnosis appointment.

RITA: You have?

KIM: Yes, I just feel like he doesn’t really know what went down either. After all, it was 62 years ago. (walking to the door) Oh...and...Rita…?

RITA: Yes.

KIM: I’ll give you an update.

Then, Kim exits.

RITA: Dammit! Bob can’t discover what actually happened. I can’t let him know the truth. (sighs) What am I gonna do?

Back at Oakdale’s AIDS/HIV Research Office, in Sabrina’s Office, Sabrina walks over to her desk. She opens up her purse and digs for her cellphone.

DIEGO: What are you doing?

SABRINA: I’m going to call Iva. We’ll get this all straightened out. I’m sure that she is perfectly fine.

Sabrina dials on her cell and puts it up to her ear.


WOMAN: (over phone) At the tone, please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press one for more options.

Then, there’s a beeping noise.

SABRINA: Hey, Iva. This is Sabrina. Listen, I’ve got your future husband in my office with me. Him and I are wondering where you’ve run off to. Give me a call. Okay? We’re starting to get worried. Bye.

Sabrina hangs up her phone.


SABRINA: There was no answer.

DIEGO: Are you worried now like I am?

SABRINA: A little bit. Yeah.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Margo and Bob exit the interrogation room. Then, Kim enters the police department and goes to them.

MARGO: Sorry about that Bob.

BOB: Kim…, honey...what are you doing here?

KIM: I heard you were here from the neighbours.

BOB: Is everything alright?

KIM: Yes, everything is fine. There was just something that I needed to tell you. It couldn’t wait until you got back…

MARGO: Kim, what’s going on?

BOB: Honey?

KIM: I don’t believe that you killed that little boy. That is why I got you an appointment with the hospital’s new therapist.

MARGO: That’s wonderful. Maybe after that appointment you can come back here. Kim, our video recorder broke down. So…

BOB: Say no more. When’s the appointment?

KIM: Tonight. We are going to find out everything...tonight.

The camera pans to each individual face, then zooms in on Bob’s.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 76***

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EP 171 - The Finale