Thursday, November 2, 2017

EP 131 - Andy Returns To Oakdale!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At FairWinds, in the Living Room, Eliza is looking out the window. She is drinking a cup of coffee. She then becomes deep in thought.


ELIZA: I tried to get him to put the gun down. However, he reverted back to his evil ways in no time. We struggled over the gun. It went off and he fell to the floor. I checked his pulse. He was dead.


Eliza is pulled out of her thoughts when she hears footsteps. She then turns around and sees JJ entering the room.

JJ: Morning.

ELIZA: Hey. Morning.

JJ: Your maid let me in. I hope that is okay.

ELIZA: (going to him) Yeah. That’s fine. So, what brings you by?

JJ: Well, I thought that we could recover from the Scott sibling disaster together. Marcus is dead. April was caught and arrested. Who knows? Maybe our lives can finally get back on the track of normalcy.

ELIZA: Yeah. Here’s hoping.

At BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Barbara is sitting behind her desk. She is looking through papers in a file. She then closes the file and presses a button on her office phone.

WOMAN: (over the phone) Yes, Mrs. Coleman?

BARBARA: Could you send Lisa up to my office right away?

WOMAN: (over the phone) She’s actually sitting out here right now.

BARBARA: Send her in then.

WOMAN: (over the phone) You got it.

As Barbara takes her hand off the button, she leans back in her chair. A couple of seconds later, Lisa enters the office.

BARBARA: Morning, Lisa.

LISA: Morning, Barbara. So, why’d you want to see me?

BARBARA: Well, we need to talk about your column.

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim comes down the stairs. She then enters the Living Room. As she is entering the living room, there is a knock at the door. She then walks over to the door.

KIM: (opening the door) Oh my goodness. You’re finally here!

ANDY: Hi, mom.

KIM: Oh, come here, you!

Andy and Kim embrace one another.

KIM: I’m so happy you’re back, my son.

At Iva’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Iva and Lucinda enter the living room. The two women set their purses down on a table.

IVA: Thank you for hiring those movers to help me move into my new place. That was really sweet of you, Lucinda.

LUCINDA: It was my pleasure. Plus, it gives us some time to talk.

IVA: Talk? What do we need to talk about?

LUCINDA: I think it is time we put our dislike for one another in the past.

At Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig is enters the room. He is talking on his cell phone and holding a cup of coffee.

CRAIG: (on the phone) Yes, Ms. Tenney is a valued employee of the team. She used to run the company. She knows the ins and outs of the whole operation. Plus, she is a damn good designer. Those are the reasons I hired her. Is that enough for you to chew on for your little article?

Then, there is a knock at the door.

CRAIG: (on the phone) Good. I’m glad it is. Alright. Bye.

As Craig hangs up his phone, he takes a sip from his mug. He sets his mug and his phone down on the table in front of the couch. He then walks over to the door.

CRAIG: (opening the door) Jack, what brings you by here?

JACK: We need to have a little chat, Craig.

CRAIG: About what?

JACK: About your connection to Diana McColl.

Back at BRO, in Barbara’s Office, Lisa sits down across from Barbara.

LISA: What do we have to talk about concerning my column?

BARBARA: Lisa, I am very happy with this edition.

LISA: So, you liked this column? There’s the change I wanted in you.

BARBARA: Well, you got a change in my opinion, because you made a change. You finally decided to write good gossip. And, I love the headline. Exploring Craig’s true intentions with the company I sold him is a great topic to explore.

LISA: I even have a reporter getting a quote from him as we speak.

BARBARA: That’s great! You keep this up, and you’ll get big raises in no time.

Back at FairWinds, in the Living Room, Eliza still has her mug in her hand. She has another mug that she hands to JJ.

JJ: Thanks for the coffee.

ELIZA: No problem. Hey, you wanna go out tonight and celebrate our victory?

JJ: I would love to. What did you have in my mind, cous?

ELIZA: How about we go and dance at Metro and grab a few drinks?

JJ: That sounds good to me. I’m surprised your parents aren’t sheltering you.

ELIZA: They seem like they want to. But, they have a party to go tonight.

JJ: Really? Where?

ELIZA: I don’t know. But, what I do know is that it is at some big mansion.

JJ: Wow. That’s cool.

ELIZA: Yeah. But, our night will be much cooler.

Back at Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Jack enters the home. Craig shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to him.

CRAIG: I heard Diana got away on your watch.

JACK: She did. And, for all we know, she is going to stay gone.

CRAIG: Probably. She is a really smart woman.

JACK: Yeah. She is.

CRAIG: Anyway, you said you wanted to talk about my connection with her? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.

JACK: I think you do.

CRAIG: I really don’t. What do you want, Jack?

JACK: You sold her the drugs. Didn’t you, Craig. Just come clean.

Back at Iva’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Iva and Lucinda sit on the couch.

IVA: I can’t believe you finally want to bury the hatchet.

LUCINDA: I feel as though this time has been coming.

IVA: Because you let me stay with you?


IVA: That was very kind of you. And, the fact that you helped me move in here, that was kind of you too.

LUCINDA: You’re welcome. Look, it is no secret that you and I have had our differences through the years. But, at the end of the day, forgiveness should be at the center of my life. It really should be.

IVA: Forgiveness is becoming apart of your vocabulary? Is the Lucinda Walsh I know headed into a new era?

LUCINDA: You could say that?

IVA: What changed?

LUCINDA: I just feel like something was telling me to turn over a new leaf in my life. Maybe it is because of my new man.

IVA: New man? Who are you with these days?

LUCINDA: His name is Grant Gibson. It is a very new relationship.

IVA: I didn’t know you were with Grant.

LUCINDA: I am. Do you know him?

IVA: I do. In fact, I used to sing for him.

LUCINDA: (laughs) You were a singer?

IVA: I was. It was kind of this talent I discovered one day. Anyway, he signed me to this deal and we recorded an album together. But, it never really saw the light of day.

LUCINDA: I had no idea. That’s very cool.

IVA: Look, Grant is a good guy. I’m happy for you, Lucinda.

LUCINDA: Thank you. Anyway, do you want to have dinner tomorrow? We can talk girl to girl about our lives. Plus, I would love to know how MJ is doing.

IVA: You would?

LUCINDA: Yes, I would.

IVA: Alright, then. Dinner sounds great.

LUCINDA: Wonderful. I am happy we are becoming friends.

IVA: Me too, Lucinda. Me too.

Back at Kim and Bob’s Home, in the Living Room, Andy and Kim are sitting on the couch. Both of them are drinking coffee.

ANDY: You still make the best cup of coffee in the whole world.

KIM: Thank you. So, tell me all about your new photography business here in town. I heard that you bought Java Underground’s old location downtown.

ANDY: You heard correct.

KIM: Is it all ready for you to move your stuff in there?

ANDY: It is. I had a crew sent in to rebuild the inside. It looks completely different. You’ll have to stop by one day.

KIM: I would love to. So, when did you get into town?

ANDY: Last night actually.

KIM: Really? So did Bob and I. We had taken a trip.

ANDY: That’s nice.

KIM: So, what did you do first?

ANDY: Well, I got settled into my loft. The loft is right upstairs from where I work. So, it makes everything a lot easier for me.

KIM: That’s really nice.

ANDY: It is. Then, I went out.

KIM: Did you? And, where did you go?

ANDY: I went to see dad’s grave.

KIM: It is weird not having your father in this world.

ANDY: I completely agree.

KIM: But, he is in a better place.

ANDY: Yes he is. That I know.

KIM: Gosh, it is so amazing to have you back, honey.

ANDY: It is good to be back, mom. It really is.

The camera pans on  both Andy and Kim. Both are smiling.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 131***

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EP 171 - The Finale