Tuesday, November 7, 2017

EP 132 - Sierra Gets A New Job


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Memorial Hospital, on the 3rd Floor, the elevator doors ding open. Madison and Johnny then step off of the elevator. The doors shut behind them.

MADISON: I can’t believe that today is the day.

JOHNNY: I can’t either.

MADISON: In just a couple of minutes, we will know the sex of our baby.

JOHNNY: Everything is finally coming together for us. I love you.

MADISON: I love you too.

Madison and Johnny kiss one another.

JOHNNY: Well, we should go get signed in.

MADISON: I completely agree.

Madison and Johnny walk off.                                        

At the Mona Lisa, Iva and Jason are sitting down at a table. They are both drinking coffee. Each of them has a file in front of them. They are both looking at the contents of the file.

IVA: Have you come up with an answer for question three yet?

MARSHALL: I thought about it all night. However, I just don’t know how to answer a question about Oakdale’s public school system.

IVA: Well, getting funding for the new music program at the school is a very hot button issue right now. In fact, the whole town is going to take this question into great consideration when it comes to choosing who they are going to vote for.

MARSHALL: What are you saying?

IVA: I’m saying that if you don’t answer questions about this town’s public school system correctly, your poll numbers could go down.

At Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig is standing over by the bar cart. He is pouring himself a glass of scotch.

CRAIG: You think I sold Diana the drugs she was going to use to drug Steve? Jack, I can’t believe that theory has even wormed its way into your train of thought.

Craig takes a sip of his drink and turns around.

JACK: Why do you think that my question is out of the realm of possibilities? History goes to show that you absolutely despise of Steve.

CRAIG: You’re right about that. I do despise of Steve Andropoulos. However, I didn’t sell Diana McColl a damn thing. But, I do know who did.

At Photos By Andy, Sierra walks up to the building. She is talking on her phone.

ANNOUNCER: The role of Sierra Esteban is now being played by Sandra Dee Robinson.

SIERRA: (on the phone) Mom, I think it was only right for me to begin to depart from the company fully. I feel as though life is taking me in a new direction. Look, I will stay on as CEO for the next two weeks. I will also name my replacement. Don’t you worry bout a thing. Look, I have to go. I love you too. Talk to you later. Bye.

As Sierra hangs up the phone, she enters the building. Andy walks up to her.

ANDY: Well, well, well, Sierra Esteban. Long time, no see.

SIERRA: Hello, Andy.

Andy and Sierra hug one another.

ANDY: (coming off of the hug) It’s good to see you.

SIERRA: Good to see you too.

ANDY: So, what brings you by? Did you come to check out my new space?

SIERRA: Somewhat. I have to say, it looks very nice.

ANDY: Thank you. So, why else are you here?

SIERRA: Well, I was hoping that you’d give me a job.

At an Old Mansion. In the Living Room, Katie is sitting on the couch. She is drinking a cup of coffee. As Julian enters the room, she lets out a sigh.

JULIAN: Morning.

KATIE: Morning.

JULIAN: How’s the coffee?

KATIE: It’s okay.

JULIAN: You know, tonight is the big night.

KATIE: Yeah, I know.

JULIAN: What’s wrong? You seem off.

KATIE: (standing) I seem off, uh? I wonder why that could be. Maybe, it is because I was kidnapped by you. Maybe, it is because I am being held against my will here. Or, maybe it is because I feel guilty over the fact that I am putting the ones I love in harm's way.

JULIAN: Katie, you are saving their lives.

KATIE: Oh yeah? And, how do I know you are telling the truth about this whole James Stenbeck hiring a hitman story? How do I know this isn’t all just one big lie?

Back at the Mona Lisa, Iva closes her file.

IVA: Marshall, can I ask you a serious question?

MARSHALL: Go for it.

IVA: Are you nervous about this first debate coming up?

MARSHALL: I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn’t.

IVA: I’m glad you told me the truth. As your campaign manager, I feel like I should give you some advice to help you. I think you should just be yourself. Don’t try to already be in ‘mayor mode’. Just behave like you would any other day. People are most likely going to vote for the candidate they think they can relate to the most. I know that Oakdale has grown through the years. But, in most ways, it is still this small Illinois town that it always has been. Don’t let skyscrapers and diamond necklaces cloud your judgement about the type of town Oakdale really is.

MARSHALL: Thanks for the advice, Iva. I appreciate it.

IVA: Of course. Now, I have some calls to make concerning your run for Mayor. I want to make a few calls to the paper and see how many ads they are running concerning the debate. (collecting her things/standing) I’ll talk to you later?

MARSHALL: You bet.

IVA: Alright then. Seya.


Iva walks off out of the Mona Lisa.

Back at Photos By Andy, Sierra sets her purse down on a table.

ANDY: You want me to give you a job? Last time I checked, you were the CEO of WorldWide. What happened there?

SIERRA: I decided to quit.

ANDY: You’re stepping down as CEO?

SIERRA: Yes, I am.

ANDY: Why?

SIERRA: Well, I met this man. His name is Marshall Taylor.

ANDY: Isn’t he running for Mayor?

SIERRA: Wow. Two seconds back in town, you already know how Oakdale politics is going? How is that possible?

ANDY: I have my ways.

SIERRA: I bet. Anyway, since Marshall and I have become exclusive, things have changed in my life. I feel more free these days, Andy. I feel like I just need a fresh start. And, I think photography can provide that fresh start for me.

ANDY: Really?

SIERRA: Yes. It all started as a hobby for me. But, I think I am really good. And, I think I can do this professionally. I would love a shot.

ANDY: Okay. Do you have a portfolio?


Sierra unzips her purse. She then gets out her phone. She walks over to Andy, unlocks her phone, goes to her photos, and starts to swipe.

SIERRA: This one was at the lake in the park. See how cute that duck looks? (swipes) This one was at an art show I went to. See how seductively the woman looks at the man?

ANDY: Sierra, why these look great, you took them on your phone. This isn’t a portfolio. And, you didn’t take them professionally.

Sierra then shuts her phone off.

SIERRA: So, you aren’t going to give me a chance?

ANDY: Well, you are kind of like family to me. So, I think I will give you a shot.

SIERRA: Really? Are you serious? That is great. Thank you!

ANDY: My pleasure.

SIERRA: When can I start?

ANDY: Tomorrow?

SIERRA: Sounds wonderful to me!

ANDY: Welcome aboard.

Andy and SIerra shake each other’s hands.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in an Examination Room, Madison is laying down on the bed. Johnny is sitting in a stool next to her. The OBGYN is right in the middle of the ultrasound.

OBGYN: Alright, I am heading towards the private area right now. In just a couple of seconds, you will know the sex of your child.

MADISON: I am so excited.

JOHNNY: Me too.

OBGYN: What are you hoping for?

MADISON: I’m hoping for a girl.

JOHNNY: Me too.

OBGYN: Well, it looks like you two are going to get what you hoped for.

MADISON: Seriously? We are going to have a girl?

OBGYN: That’s right.

JOHNNY: Oh my gosh! This is amazing!

OBGYN: Congratulations.

Madison and Johnny kiss one another. They then turn back to the ultrasound screen. Both of them smile on at it.

Back at Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig sets his glass down on the bar cart. He then walks over to Jack.

JACK: You know who sold the drugs to Diana?

CRAIG: I do.

JACK: Who did it?

CRAIG: Not so fast. I have one stipulation before I reveal this to you.

JACK: Do you now? What is it?

CRAIG: I need you to never come to me about Diana McColl again.

JACK: Once you provide me with a name, I’ll check it out. If it all checks out, then I won’t ever mention the name Diana McColl to you again. Sound good?

CRAIG: Sounds good to me.

JACK: So, who sold Diana the drugs?

CRAIG: Grant Gibson.

JACK: The music producer?

CRAIG: Damn right.

JACK: I would’ve never expected that.

CRAIG: It’s the truth.

JACK: I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

CRAIG: I guess we will.

JACK: Thanks for the info.

CRAIG: Don’t mention it.

Back at the Old Mansion, Katie sets her coffee cup down.

JULIAN: Katie, I am telling the truth. I need to clear my name of wrongdoings. I realize that I need to redeem myself.

KATIE: So, here’s your perfect chance. In fact, it is such a perfect chance that it is all just really suspicious. I’ve had plenty of time to think about all of this.

JULIAN: I bet you have. Katie, I swear to you that I am telling you the truth.

KATIE: And, at one time, you swore that you loved me. I guess that not everything you say is true. Look, people will be coming here tonight. And, you are going to reveal yourself to them and tell them your whole James story. If you are telling them the truth, then congrats on telling the truth for once. But, if you are not telling the truth, be prepared for people to grab their pitchforks and torches. And, if they do, I won’t lift a finger to stop them. Got it?

The camera pans on Julian’s face. Then, it pans back to Katie and zooms in on her.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 132***

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EP 171 - The Finale