Wednesday, March 28, 2018

EP 171 - The Finale


Dear As The World Turns Readers,

Thank you so much for sticking it out with me throughout these 171 episodes! It has been such a fun ride delivering As The World Turns to you week after week. I love Oakdale. And, I love these characters. They will forever be in my heart. And, I know they will forever be in your’s. I hope that I have done justice for this once great soap opera! It has been so much fun bringing Oakdale back to life for all of you. Once again, thank you...from the bottom of my heart...thank you.

--Susan retired from the hospital and was replaced by Alison. Susan also tried something new and signed up for a dating site. As the new Chief of Staff, Alison decided her first order of business would be to remodel the hospital. But, she also decided she would make time everyday to come home to Casey at a reasonable time. The two are very happy and expecting a child.

--Barbara and Henry decided it was best to spend more time with one another. Every year, they take two romantic vacations to an exotic location.

--Things got rocky for Lucinda. She was revealed as Julian’s shooter. She did it in a drunken stupor and couldn’t remember anything. Because, of the trials and tribulations he put her through, the jury became sympathetic and she was found not guilty. Lucinda went into rehab and sober. She also decided to move away from Oakdale. She now lives in a penthouse in Paris, France. But, she still comes back five times a year to visit with friends and family.

--Holden and Lily were delighted when Faith came back home to Oakdale. They now help Faith live out her full life and become a stronger woman. Faith is now mentally well because of her parents. Holden and Lily have also decided to renew their vows.

--Tom and Margo completely retired from any occupational standing in Oakdale after they got through the mess of Tom being arrested. They’ve decide to take a step back and enjoy retirement, life, and their marriage.

--Emily and Paul have fully taken over BRO after Emily was finished grieving the loss of her son heavily. They are now the CEO and Co-CEO. They also took in a girl by the name of Isabella who was a rape victim. And, they have opened up a shelter for young girls seeking help.

--Katie was hired by Jack to come on as a full consultant at the police station. She also decided to try and find love again. And, she was delighted when her son Bradley moved back to town.

--Craig proposed to Valerie and she accepted.
--Rosanna and Dusty decided to adopt a baby from an African orphanage.
--Eliza and Dimitri got very close and decided to move in together.

--Emma and Cal decided to take a romantic trip with one another. They are currently travelling around Europe and having the time of their lives.

--After Carly was found not guilty on murder charges, her and Jack got their life with one another back on track. They even got engaged again and married again at the Snyder Farm. They were surrounded in a room of love with family and friends.

--Betsy discovered it was Diana who was sending her the threatening text messages and calls. Steve and Betsy managed to track Diana down on an island. There, Diana shot Steve and went after Betsy. The two wrestled over a gun and Diana fell off a balcony into the ocean. She drowned. Meanwhile, Steve recovered and he and Betsy put what happened behind them. They also decided to get married again.

--Julian woke up from his coma and he and Vanessa (Ariel) went after all of their enemies, including Lucinda. When their plan was figured out, they decided to get out of dodge and leave Oakdale. They now live on an island where no one can find them.

--One day, Andy found himself completely taken by Danielle. So, he asked her out on a date. The two are currently seeing one another and enjoying life.

--After saying goodbye to everyone, Sierra left town and now runs the WorldWide office in Hong Kong. And, Lily revealed that she is falling in love with a Japanese man who runs his own law firm.

--After a double wedding (with Dusty and Rosanna), and the birth of their child, Madison and Johnny decided to move away after Johnny landed a paid internship in LA. JJ also left for LA to go to a high ranking medical school.

--Eliza and Dimitri are continuing to work their up the hospital ladder. And, they are falling in love with one another while doing it.

--Marshall and Iva decided to move to Washington DC. There, Marshall is currently setting up a campaign to run for President of the United States.

--Lisa continued her career writing columns for BRO. She also met with an author and struck a book deal to write two books based on her column. Her and Bruce also got closer and they decided to move in together.

--Bob and Kim bought a house in Colorado and decided to move. They said their goodbyes to Oakdale and their family and friends. According to Andy, they cannot get enough of the spectacular mountainous views and the beautiful sunsets.
Image result for The End

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EP 171 - The Finale