Tuesday, October 31, 2017

EP 130 - Iva Gets A Job Offer

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Jack is sitting on the couch. His laptop is sitting on his lap. He is typing on it. Carly enters the room. She is holding an ice pack. She comes around the couch and sits down next to Jack. Jack closes the laptop and takes the ice pack. He sets his laptop on the table in front of him. He holds the ice pack on the back of his head.

JACK: Thanks for grabbing me the ice pack.

CARLY: No problem at all. So, did you find anything on Diana yet?

JACK: No. Not a single thing. I have all of this manpower searching for her. However, it is like she has fallen off the face of the earth.

CARLY: Didn’t she used to be in witness protection?

JACK: Yeah.

CARLY: So, that means she is kind of an expert at not being seen.

JACK: That was my thought. That is why I’ve decided to shift the focus of my investigation off of DIana McColl.

Carly sits up more on the couch.

CARLY: Oh? What is the focus of your investigation now?

JACK: I’m going to dig in to whoever sold her those drugs.

At the Mona Lisa, Marshall is sitting at a table. He is having a scotch on the rocks. Iva enters. She looks around, spots him, and walks up to his table.

IVA: Excuse me, but are you Marshall Taylor?

MARSHALL: (standing) Why yes I am. You must be Iva.

IVA: I am. (shaking his hand) Nice to meet you.

MARSHALL: Nice to meet you too. Please, sit.

IVA: Thank you.

Iva and Marshall sit down.

MARSHALL: So, I heard you were looking for a job.

IVA: I am.

MARSHALL: Well, you’re in luck. I have a job for you.

IVA: Do you now?


IVA: And, what is this job?

MARSHALL: I am running for Mayor of Oakdale. And, I need a campaign manager. So, what do you say? Would you like to be my campaign manager?

Iva leans back in her chair. It is apparent that she is intrigued by the offer.

At Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan enters the room. As she does this, there is a knock at the door. Susan then walks to the door.

SUSAN: (opening the door) Oh, Valerie.

VALERIE: Hello, Susan.

SUSAN: My goodness, you are soaking wet. Come in.

Valerie enters the home. Susan then shuts the door.

VALERIE: I hope it isn’t too late.

SUSAN: (turning around) Of course it isn’t. Can I help you?

VALERIE: See, that’s the thing, I actually do need your help.

At Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Margo is sitting behind her desk. She is talking on her office phone. Tom is over by the water cooler. He is filling up a glass with water. As he turns around and walks up to Margo, Margo puts her office phone back on its hook.

TOM: Any word from Katie yet?

MARGO: Not yet. I am starting to get really worried about her.

TOM: Maybe she went to sleep early. Her phone could be on silent.

MARGO: I just can’t get this feeling out of my head. I think that I should go over to her apartment. I just think I should check up on her.

TOM: I’ll come with you.

MARGO: Thank you.

Margo stands and grabs her purse. She comes out from behind her desk. Just as her and Tom are about to walk out of the office, Margo hears her phone beep. She stops and retrieves her phone from her purse pocket.

TOM: Who is it?

MARGO: It’s Katie. She has sent me a text message.

At April and Marcus’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Eliza stands from the couch. She then walks over to Marcus. She continues to get closer to him as she speaks to him.

ELIZA: Let me help you, Marcus. I can help you. You know that I can. I just need you to put down the gun. Please.

MARCUS: (getting choked up) I can’t do that.

ELIZA: (a tear falls down her cheek) Yes, you can.

MARCUS: You know too much.

ELIZA: Marcus…

MARCUS: You know too much!

Marcus then pushes Eliza away. Eliza falls on the couch. Marcus returns to pointing the gun at Eliza’s forehead.

MARCUS: You have to die.


Eliza then goes after Marcus. The two start fighting over the gun. Both of their hands are on them. The struggle is apparent from both of them. Then, the gun goes off! Marcus then stumbles down. He was the one who got shot. The gun drops to the floor. Marcus tries to hold the wound. He then falls to the floor.

ELIZA: Marcus…

Eliza goes to him. She bends down and feels his pulse.

ELIZA: Oh my god, I killed him. He’s dead.

Just as Eliza backs away from the body, Paul, JJ, and Emily burst into the apartment. They all examine the situation at hand. Eliza and Paul then rush to one another. They embrace. Eliza then begins to cry uncontrollably.

Back at the Mona Lisa, a Waiter carries a glass of scotch on a tray to Marshall and Iva’s table. He puts the glass in front of Marshall.

MARSHALL: Thank you.

The Waiter then walks off.

MARSHALL: Are you sure you don’t want anything?

IVA: I’m sure. I”m just so intrigued by this offer.

MARSHALL: Good. I’m glad I can hold your attention.

IVA: So, tell me more. What will I be doing as your manager?

MARSHALL: As my campaign manager, you will be handling just about everything when it comes to my run for Mayor. You will be handling press set-ups, looking over questions before debates, you know, all of that good stuff.

IVA: Interesting. How about we talk salary.

MARSHALL: Sure. I already have a number in mind.

Marshall grabs a pen from his suit jacket pocket. He writes a dollar amount on a napkin and hands the napkin to Iva.

IVA: Wow. That is a lot of money.

MARSHALL: I know. And, I know that if you take the job, you’ll do a good job. Therefore, you deserve to make a lot of money. So, will you take the job?

IVA: I would love to.

Iva and Marshall shake hands.

Back at Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan is sitting on the couch. Valerie then reenters the room. Susan stands up and turns around.

VALERIE: Thank you for letting me use your phone to call a tow truck.

SUSAN: No problem. I know how scary it can be to get a flat tire and not have any service. So, do you have an idea of when they’ll be here?

VALERIE: Well, they said due to the storm, they won’t be able to make it out here till tomorrow morning. Looks like I’ll be sleeping in my car.

SUSAN: That is nonsense. You can sleep here tonight. I have a guest room that is all made up. Plus, I just washed the sheets on the guest bed this morning.

VALERIE: Are you sure I wouldn’t be imposing?

SUSAN: Not at all. And, feel free to take a hot shower. I’ll wash your clothes for you, Valerie. You need to get out of those wet clothes.

VALERIE: You are so nice to me, Susan. Thank you.

SUSAN: No problem at all, dear.

Back at April and Marcus’ Apartment, Paul, Emily, JJ, and Eliza are now standing out in the hallway. Eliza is drinking a glass of water.

PAUL: How are you doing, honey?

ELIZA: I’m doing good, dad. JJ, I need to thank you by the way.

JJ: What do you need to thank me for.

ELIZA: I’m glad that you got my parents over here when you did.

JJ: You don’t need to thank me for that.

ELIZA: Yeah, I do. You saved my life. Thanks, cous.

JJ: You’re family. I would do anything for my loved ones.

EMILY: Eliza, why don’t you tell us what happened. I know you’ve already told the police everything. But, we need to know too. JJ already filled us in on the investigation and the suspicions you had about Marcus and April. But, what were you doing here?

ELIZA: Well, JJ and I knew the investigation was really going nowhere. Evidence was stacking up against April and Marcus. But, that was it. There was no nail-in-the-coffin. So, that is what I came here fore. I found a letter in a box of Marcus’ things. The letter detailed that him and April murdered an author by the name of Tobias Morris. Anyway, once I turned around, Marcus was right behind me. He was holding a gun on me.

EMILY: Oh my god.

ELIZA: I tried to get him to put the gun down. However, he reverted back to his evil ways in no time. We struggled over the gun. It went off and he fell to the floor. I checked his pulse. He was dead.

EMILY: Honey, I am so sorry.

Emily then hugs Eliza.

ELIZA: (to herself) Yeah. Me too.

Back at Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Margo puts her purse down on the office couch.

TOM: What’d Katie say?

MARGO: She said that she is fine. She said that she just needed to get out of town for a few days. However, she would like us to come to the place she is staying at tomorrow night.

TOM: What for?

MARGO: She said some party.

TOM: She’s planning a party?

MARGO: I guess.

TOM: What’s the address?

MARGO: 1432 Prescott Hill.

TOM: Isn’t that where all those old mansions are?

MARGO: Yes. That is why I think this is all really suspicious.

TOM: Are we gonna go tomorrow?

MARGO: We have to. We have to know what is going on with Katie.

Back at the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Jack’s laptop is sitting in front of him. He is typing on it. The ice pack is sitting next to the laptop. Carl reenters the room. She is holding a mug filled with coffee.

CARLY: So, did you get anything yet?

JACK: Not yet.

Carly then sits down next to Jack on the couch.

CARLY: How about you take a break. That ice pack should really go back on your head. We don’t want to risk your wound getting swollen.

JACK: Thank you for the advice, Doctor Hotness. But, I think I’m good for a bit. Plus, I feel like I’m getting closer to finding out who might’ve sold Diana those drugs.

CARLY: Oh really?

JACK: Yes.

Jack continues to type on his computer. He then hits ENTER.

JACK: Well, I got a lead.

CARLY: Congratulations.

JACK: (to himself) Oh my god.

CARLY: What is it?

JACK: Craig Montgomery might’ve sold Diana the drugs.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 130***

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EP 171 - The Finale