Thursday, October 26, 2017

EP 129 - Barbara Thinks About James

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara walks into the room. As she does, a clap of thunder is heard throughout. Barbara walks over to the bar cart and pours herself a glass of glass of water. She then becomes very deep in thought.


Barbara is jolted out of her thoughts by someone tapping on her shoulder. As she turns around, she lets out a gasp.

BARBARA: Oh, Henry, it’s just you.

HENRY: Yeah. Just me. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, Babs.

BARBARA: It’s fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry. It’s all good.

HENRY: By the way, what were you thinking about just now?

BARBARA: I don’t want to discuss that at the moment.

HENRY: Barbara, what is it? What were you thinking about?

BARBARA: (sighs) I was thinking about James.

At April and Marcus’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Eliza is sitting on the couch. Marcus is point the gun at her forehead.

ELIZA: Marcus, you don’t have to do this! Just let me walk out of here. I’ll let you go free. And, I won’t tell anyone what you’ve done. That includes me not telling anyone about you holding me hostage right now. Come on. Just...just...just let me go.

MARCUS: Eliza, I wish I could that. But, you know too much now.

ELIZA: No, I don’t. I...I...I can forget all about what has happened here.

MARCUS: We both know that is not true. Look, I think you are an amazing young woman. And, I know that there are good things coming towards you in life. However, I can’t let you experience those good things. You know too much. And, because you know too much, that means I have to get rid of you.

At FairWinds, in the Foyer, as Emily is coming down the stairs, a knock is heard at the door. She then walks over to the door.

EMILY: (opening the door) Oh, hello, JJ.

JJ: Hi, Mrs. Ryan.

EMILY: Can I help you with something?

JJ: Uh...yes. First of all, is Paul here?

EMILY: Yes, he is. He’s in the living room. Please, come in.

JJ walks passed Emily and enters the home. Emily shuts the door, turns around, and goes to him. She then walks in front of him.

EMILY: This way please.

In the Living Room, JJ and Emily enter. Paul is over by the bar cart. He is pouring himself a glass of scotch. As JJ and Emily enter, he looks over at them.

PAUL: Hey, honey.


PAUL: What’s going on?

EMILY: (going to Paul) JJ says he needs to speak with us.

PAUL: Okay. JJ, what’s going on?

JJ: I think that Eliza might be in danger.

Emily and Paul look at one another. They they both look back at JJ. The camera zooms in on Paul and Emily’s faces.

At Kim and Bob’s Home, in the Living Room, Kim and Bob enter the home. Both of them are soaking wet. Both of them are holding suitcase. Bob and Kim fully enter the living room, set their things down, and turn on the lights.

KIM: Leave it up to us to return home on a day like today.

BOB: I just can’t believe how hard it is coming down out there.

KIM: Me neither. Thank god my camera didn’t get ruined. I can’t wait to have these developed. I’ll have to send a few to Andy. Maybe he can add nice effects to them.

BOB: That boy knows his way around a camera.

KIM: Yes he does.

BOB: By the way, have you talked to him lately?

KIM: Just a few days ago. I called him before we went to the Eiffel Tower.

BOB: And, did he say anything about a surprise for you?

KIM: Surprise? Well, I don’t believe so.

BOB: Oh. Then, I guess I’ll leave it alone.

KIM: Too late.

BOB: I had a feeling it might be.

KIM: So, tell me, what surprise is my son planning for me? And, why do you know about this surprise before I do?

At an Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Katie walks passed Julian. Julian turns around to face her. He then goes to her.

JULIAN: If you’re trying to look for your way out of here, I wouldn’t. I don’t think that would be in your best interest.

KATIE: I wasn’t looking for my way out of here. I still want answers to all of the question that I have for you.

JULIAN: You’ll get them. I promise.

KATIE: You know, I can’t believe you did this. I am so angry at you for this.

JULIAN: Look, I’m sorry that I had to reveal myself to you this way. I know that you have to get on a flight tomorrow to go see your son at his boarding school. I am sorry that the trip has to be postponed. I promise that I will pay you back for the money you spent on your ticket. I really will. I’m a man of my word.

KATIE: How do you know about my trip to go see Jacob?

JULIAN: I know a lot of things.

KATIE: Of course you do. Anyway, let’s get down to business. Earlier you said you kidnapped me because you need my help.

JULIAN: I do need your help.

KATIE: What do you need my help with?

JULIAN: I need to reveal myself to the good people of Oakdale. However, I’m not leaving this mansion to do that. So, I need you to lure everyone who was at the ballroom event all those months ago here.

KATIE: Are you crazy? Why would I put the people I love in danger? I am so not helping you, you sick freak.

JULIAN: Katie, if you don’t help me, your loved ones will be in more danger than you ever thought possible.

KATIE: Are you threatening the ones I love?

JULIAN: No! I am just trying to protect them!

Back at Kim and Bob’s Home, in Kim and Bob’s Bedroom, Bob and Kim are now in their pajamas. Both of them are discarding the throw pillows on their bed and turning down the blankets.

KIM: You know, you never did answer my question.

BOB: I think this is Andy’s news to tell you.

KIM: Robert Christopher Hughes, if you don’t answer me right now, you will be sleeping on the sofa. Got it?

BOB: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got it.

KIM: Good. Now, tell me about the surprise that Andy has for me.

BOB: Andy has decided to move his photography business, and himself, back to Oakdale... permanently. Your son is coming home.

KIM: Are you serious?

BOB: Very much so. He told me two weeks ago over the phone.

Kim goes to Bob and hugs him tightly.

KIM: (smiling) This is the best news in the whole world! My son is coming home. (laughs/to herself) My son is finally coming home.

Back at Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara sets her glass of water down on the bar cart. Her and Henry then walk away from the bar cart.

HENRY: Why were you thinking of James?

BARBARA: Do you know what is coming up?

HENRY: Halloween?

BARBARA: Try again.

HENRY: Thanksgiving? Now, I didn’t guess Christmas, because that is still quite a ways away Speaking of Christmas, I would love if you gave me…

BARBARA: Henry, come on! This is serious. Do you know what is coming up? This time, try something concerning James.

HENRY: You know, I should know the answer to this question because he is my biological dad. However, James and I didn’t exactly connect on personal levels.

BARBARA: I understand. It just amazes me that you have forgotten that coming up is the anniversary of James’ real death. I just can’t believe it has been seven years.

HENRY: Has it really been that long?

BARBARA: I checked the calendar.

HENRY: So, that’s why you were thinking of him?

BARBARA: Yeah. But, that isn’t the only thing concerning James Stenbeck that I was thinking about. There’s something else.

HENRY: What else was running through your mind?

BARBARA: I know that this is gonna sound crazy…

HENRY: I like crazy. I can do crazy.

BARBARA: (sighs) As I was saying, I know this sounds crazy, Henry. But, I still feel James’ presence lurking. I still feel as though a part of him still exist.

Back at the Old Mansion, in the Living Room, Katie and James are standing in their same positions. The tension between them is continuing to grow.

KATIE: Did you just use the word ‘protect’? You don’t protect people, Julian. All you do is ruin their lives just like your brother.

JULIAN: Katie, there is a real threat out there.

KATIE: It’s you! You are the threat!

JULIAN: For once, I’m not.

KATIE: Okay. Let’s say you are right. Let’s say there is a threat at there that is not you. Then, that brings up the million dollar question. What is that threat?

JULIAN: James.

KATIE: What are you talking about?

JULIAN: In a couple of days, it will be the anniversary of James’ death.

KATIE: Yeah. I know that. It will be seven years.

JULIAN: Correct. I discovered not too long ago that James left specific instructions to a group of people to be carried out on the seventh anniversary of his death. He chose seven because that was his lucky number. Anyway, he wants this group of people to take out those who have supposedly wronged him through the years. Katie, if no one is warned…

KATIE: Then, people will die.

JULIAN: Exactly. So, do you believe me?

KATIE: I don’t know what to believe.

JULIAN: Just get everyone who was at the ballroom here. That is all you have to do. I just have to warn them all.

KATIE: Why are you doing this?

JULIAN: Because, I still want you. I still love you. And, in order for me to express my love, I have to do what is right. This is the right thing. So, come on. Let me do the right thing.

Back at FairWinds, in the Living Room, Paul sets down his glass.

PAUL: My daughter is in danger?

JJ: Yes.

EMILY: JJ, what are you talking about?

JJ: Look, do you guys remember when Eliza went out with that guy Marcus?

EMILY: Yeah. She came home and she was upset. We talked it out. It turns out that he was awfully rude to her.

PAUL: Okay. Continue.

JJ: At the same time Eliza was getting her heart broken, I decided I would try and charm Marcus’ sister April. Eliza and I met one day for coffee. We both discussed how suspicious we found April and Marcus. Together, we decided to hire Margo and Katie, As you know, Margo and Katie now have their own PI firm. For the past couple of weeks, they’ve been investigating the Scott siblings.

PAUL: You two hired PIs?

JJ: Yeah.

PAUL: How come we didn’t know about this?!
EMILY: Paul…, go easy on him.

PAUL: No! My daughter is in danger! You decided to wait till now to tell me about these dangerous people! What is the matter with you?!

JJ: I know it was wrong…

PAUL: Damn right it was!

EMILY: JJ, do you know where April and Marcus live?

JJ: Yes. They live in the Blue Sea Apartments.

PAUL: (grabbing his car keys) Okay, I’m going there now.

EMILY: And, I’m coming with.

JJ: Me too.

PAUL: Well, let’s go!

Paul, Emily, and JJ rush out of the room.

Back at April and Marcus’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Marcus is pacing around. He is still holding the gun. Eliza is still sitting on the couch.

ELIZA: Marcus, when I read the letter, you made it seem as though this was all April’s plan. If it was all her plan, then I can help you. My stepmom and dad know people in high places. They can get you out of the mess you are in.

MARCUS: (stops pacing) Don’t you get it?! No one can get me out of this mess! I have to fend for myself.

ELIZA: You are not in this alone. I know that you are scared. I get it. I know that running from the law is your worst nightmare come true. But, if you don’t let me help you, you will be on the run forever.

MARCUS: April will fix everything. I know she will.

ELIZA: (standing slowly/going to him) Put down the gun.

MARCUS: Excuse me?

ELIZA: Let me help you, Marcus. I can help you. You know that I can. I just need you to put down the gun. Please.

MARCUS: (getting choked up) I can’t do that.

ELIZA: (a tear falls down her cheek) Yes, you can.

MARCUS: You know too much.

ELIZA: Marcus…

MARCUS: You know too much!

Marcus then pushes Eliza away. Eliza falls on the couch. Marcus returns to pointing the gun at Eliza’s forehead.

MARCUS: You have to die.


Eliza then goes after Marcus. The two start fighting over the gun. Both of their hands are on them. The struggle is apparent from both of them. Then, the gun goes off! The camera pans to both of their faces. Both of them are in shock!

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 129***

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EP 171 - The Finale