Thursday, March 30, 2017

EP 68 - Rita Tells Kim The Truth!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At BRO, Henry steps off the elevator. He then goes to Barbara’s office. He knocks on the door,  once he gets there.

BARBARA: (on the other side of the door) Come in!

Henry enters.

BARBARA: Darling, what a lovely surprise.

HENRY: Hi, Babs.

BARBARA: What brings you by?

HENRY: We need to talk.

BARBARA: Talk? About what?

HENRY: Katie.

In Oakdale Park, Tom and Bob are walking a trail.

BOB: So, you met Rita?

TOM: I did. Dad, now I understand who you’re dealing with.

BOB: Son, what do you think we are dealing with?

TOM: A very dangerous woman.

At Kim and Bob’s Home, Rita goes up to the door. She takes a deep breath and knocks. A couple seconds later, Kim answers.

RITA: Oh, Kim.

KIM: Hello, Rita.

RITA: Is Bob home?

KIM: Oh, I’m afraid not. Do you want me to call him?

RITA: No, that’s fine. Since he isn’t home…, that means I can talk to you. So, may I come in? Can we talk?

KIM: this about my cancer?

RITA: No. No, it is not. It is all about Bob.

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Casey enters the home. Alison is in the bedroom. Emily and Casey are in the living room. Emily stands from the couch.

EMILY: Thanks for coming home.

CASEY: Of course. How is she?

EMILY: Not good. She received a blanket for CJ. It sent her over the edge. She couldn’t do it. She then ran off to the bedroom.

CASEY: Okay. Thanks for calling me. Listen, I’ll take care of this from now on. Thanks for coming over today, Emily.

EMILY: Anytime. Give her my love.

CASEY: Yeah. Sure. Bye.

EMILY: (leaving) Bye.

Emily shuts the door behind her. Casey sighs and walks off to the bedroom.

At Java Underground, Lily, Holden, Brooklyn, and Natalie are sitting at a table. They are having lunch.

NATALIE: Thanks for buying us lunch.

LILY: No problem, honey.

NATALIE: So, why’d you guys call this lunch?

HOLDEN: Well, we wanted to see another side of you and Brooklyn. We were kind of blindsided at dinner.

BROOKLYN: I apologize for that.

NATALIE: I do too.

LILY: No, don’t apologize. Listen, your father and I need to tell you and Brooklyn something very important.

NATALIE: What’s up?

HOLDEN: We want you to know that we approve.

Back at BRO, Henry shuts the door.

BARBARA: I don’t want to talk about Katie.

HENRY: Apparently you don’t want me too either.

BARBARA: Oh. I take it you found out.

HENRY: About how you told Katie that she needs to keep me out of her messes? Yeah, I did find out. Katie told me. Why would you say that to her?

BARBARA: Forgive me, but I don’t want you going to jail all because Katie can’t keep her life in check. I don’t want to visit you behind bars.

HENRY: Look, I believe you had the best intentions.

BARBARA: Of course I had the best intentions.

HENRY: But, I don’t need you to take care of me. Katie and I have always helped one another through the hard times. It is what we do. We’re friends.

BARBARA: I know you are. I just don’t like this helping one another out. Yes, friends help one another. However, having to help her with a crime is a little extreme.

HENRY: I know why you went to her. If it makes you happy, I will no longer help her with anything that involves a criminal action.

BARBARA: That would make me happy. Thank you.

HENRY: You're welcome. I love you.

BARBARA: I love you too.

Back at Java Underground, Holden takes a sip of his soda.

NATALIE: So, you’re okay with Brooklyn and I?

LILY: We are perfectly fine with it. I’m happy for you.

BROOKLYN: Mr. and Mrs. Snyder…, thank you.

HOLDEN: Please, call me Holden.

LILY: And call me Lily.

NATALIE: Mom, dad, this is so great. I can’t thank you enough for accepting us. This means so much to me. So very much.

HOLDEN: We love you.

LILY: We really do.

Natalie and Brooklyn smile at one another.

Back at Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Casey enters the bedroom. A lamp is on, otherwise the room is completely dark. He walks into the room. Alison is asleep. Casey gives her a kiss on the forehead.

CASEY: Everything will work out, honey. I promise.

He then shuts off the lamp and exits the room. He shuts the door behind him. Then, Alison’s eyes open.

ALISON: (to herself) I hope you’re right. I hope everything works out.

Back in Oakdale Park, Tom and Bob sit on a bench.

BOB: So, what do you suggest we do?

TOM: Dad, I think it is time that we build a case. I think we need to get Margo involved. We need to get ahead of this.

BOB: Son, I didn’t mean to kill that little boy. In my eyes, I did the right thing. Why should I be punished for doing the right thing.

TOM: That’s just it. You shouldn’t be punished. I’m going to try to get you out of this. I am going to try and help you.

BOB: Thank you.

TOM: Anytime, dad.

Back at Kim and Bob’s Home, Rita and Kim are in the living room. They are sitting on the couch and having tea.

KIM: So, are you going to tell me again how much Bob loves me?

RITA: Actually, no. We need to talk about something more serious.

KIM: More serious? Rita, what are you talking about?
RITA: Now, when I tell you this, I don’t want it to send you into overde. I need you to stay calm. Do you understand?

KIM: Yeah. Sure. Just tell me what’s going on.

RITA: 62 years ago, Bob murdered a boy by the name of Brett.

Kim is absolutely shocked. She can’t believe what Rita just said.

KIM: What did you just say to me?

The camera zooms in Kim’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 68***

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EP 171 - The Finale