Tuesday, March 28, 2017

EP 67 - Alison's Mental Breakdown


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At WorldWide, in Sierra’s Office, Sierra is pouring herself a cup of coffee. Then, there is a knock at the door.

SIERRA: (sipping her coffee) Come in!

Marshall enters. He shuts the door behind him.

SIERRA: (turning around) Marshall, good morning.

MARSHALL: Good morning.

SIERRA: I hope my assistant made you familiar with the building?

MARSHALL: She did. Eliza is a lovely young woman. However, I still have one question that I need answered. I couldn’t exactly ask it on the building tour. It is a personal question for you. Just for you.

SIERRA: Oh? What is this question?

MARSHALL: Will you go out to dinner with me?

At Java Underground, Iva is sitting at a table drinking tea. She accidentally knocks her phone off the table.

IVA: Dammit.

As she looks up from retrieving it, she sees Diego.

IVA: Diego, hello.

DIEGO: Hi. Is your phone okay?

IVA: Yeah. It’s fine. Do you need something?

DIEGO: Actually, I do need something from you.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, Rita is banging on the door. A couple seconds later, Tom opens the door. Rita barges in.

TOM: (to himself) What the hell?

Tom turns back. He shuts the door.

TOM: I’m sorry…, who are you?

RITA: I’m Dr. Rita Davenport. I’m here to give you a warning. Stay out of this thing between your father and I, or you’ll regret it.

At Bancroft, Barbara and Paul enter the living room.

BARBARA: I’m shocked that you are not yet at work.

PAUL: I guess I could say the same for you.

BARBARA: I was actually just about to leave. So, tell me, son, what brings you by the mansion this morning?

PAUL: I needed to talk to you. Something bad happened.

BARBARA: Oh my god. What did Diego do to Emily?

PAUL: No. No. It is nothing like that. However, this does deal with Emily. It deals with our marriage, for a matter of fact.

BARBARA: What’s up?

PAUL: My assistant kissed me the other day.

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Emily enters with cookies. Alison shuts the door. The two walk to the living area.

ALISON: I’m shocked to see you here.

EMILY: Well, Casey told me what happened. I felt that I should do my family duty and come over here. How are you doing, honey?

ALISON: Not well. I lost my baby.

EMILY: I know. Listen, I brought you favorite cookies. I made them from scratch. I know cookies can’t heal your wound completely, but I hope they will make you happier.

ALISON: Well, I’m sorry to tell you but you’re dead wrong about that.

Back at Bancroft, Barbara is shocked at Paul’s admission.

BARBARA: Faith kissed you?

PAUL: Yes.

BARBARA: How did this happen?

PAUL: She came to the lab to deliver more art ideas for my face cream jar. Anyway, she unbuttoned some buttons on her blouse…

BARBARA: You have got to be kidding me! That is the oldest trick in the book. Hell, I used to use that trick.

PAUL: Okay...there is an image I can never get out of my head.

BARBARA: Listen, what are you going to do? Are you going to keep this from Emily? Or, are you going to tell her about it?

PAUL: She’s already going through a lot with Diego.

BARBARA: That’s true. How about you think about it through the rest of the day. Then, when you have made your decision, contact me.

PAUL: What will you do when I contact you?

BARBARA: I will help you in any way you need it. I promise you that I will be right by your side on this. You have my word.

Back at Java Underground, Iva puts money on the table.

IVA: Look, I don’t have much time.

DIEGO: (sitting down) I want to apologize.

IVA: For what? What do you have to apologize for?

DIEGO: For the night I came to your suite. I should’ve never gotten you that emotional. It was wrong of me to do so.

IVA: Thank you for apologizing.

DIEGO: I’m hoping that you will give me a chance to further apologize.

IVA: How would you like to further apologize?

DIEGO: Come out with me for drinks.

IVA: Diego…

DIEGO: Now, before you say anything else, just hear this, I Diego Santana promise not to make any moves on you. So, what do you say?

IVA: (standing) I say pick me up at seven.

DIEGO: Sounds good.

IVA: Goodbye, Diego.


Iva walks off.

Back at WorldWide, Sierra takes a sip of her coffee.

SIERRA: You want to take me out to dinner?

MARSHALL: I would love to take you out to dinner.

SIERRA: Marshall, that is very sweet of you. Will this be a business dinner? Shall I bring those budget charts from 2001?

MARSHALL: No. No, let’s take a break from business. Think of this as a date.

SIERRA: A date?

MARSHALL: Yes. See, I’m very attracted to you. And, when I get attracted to a woman, I just have to go for it. So, what do you say?

SIERRA: I say yes. Sure.

MARSHALL: You just made me one happy man.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, Tom is caught off guard.

TOM: Did you just threaten me, Dr. Davenport?

RITA: No, I warned you. Those are two different things.

TOM: Are they? I never noticed.

RITA: Then, you haven’t been paying attention. Listen, I have to get back to the hospital. It was good to see, Tom. I’m sure we'll be seeing one another again soon.

TOM: I think we will. Good day to you.

RITA: Good day to you too.

Rita leaves. Then, Tom gets his phone out. He dials and puts it up to his ear.

TOM: Dad, it’s me. Tom. Look, I need to see you ASAP.

Back at Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Emily is washing off a plate.

EMILY: I can’t believe we ate a whole plate of cookies.

ALISON: Well, I needed that. Thanks for trying to cheer me up.

EMILY: Anytime, Ali.

Then, there is a knock at the door.

ALISON: I’m gonna go answer that.

Alison walks to the door.

ALISON: (opening the door) Hello. May I help you?

MAN: Are you Mrs. Hughes?


MAN: Sign here.

The man hands Alison a paper to sign. She does so. She hands it back and the man hands her a box. She takes the box.

ALISON: Thank you.

Alison shuts the door. Emily reenters the living room.

EMILY: What’s in the box?

ALISON: I don’t know.

Alison sits the box down on the coffee table. She then cuts open the box with her car keys. Once she opens the box, she begins crying.

EMILY: Honey, what is it?

ALISON: It’s a blanket that I ordered for CJ.

EMILY: Let me get rid of that.

ALISON: I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this.

EMILY: Alison, are you okay?

ALISON: No! No! No! I’m not okay!

Alison picks up the box and throws it across the room.

ALISON: I just want my son!

She collapses to the floor in tears. The camera zooms in on her face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 67***

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EP 171 - The Finale