Thursday, March 23, 2017

EP 66 - The Funeral of Janet Ciccone Donovan


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


In Oakdale Park, Dusty and Terri walk across the footbridge.

TERRI: Are you sure you’re ready to do this?

DUSTY: I don’t think that I’ll ever be ready. But, now is the best time to say goodbye to my true love. Let’s do this.

TERRI: Let’s.

Terri and Dusty walk to where they are spreading Janet’s ashes. Then, Liberty and Lorenzo walk across the footbridge.

LIBERTY: Are you doing okay, little man?

LORENZO: Yes. I am doing AOK. What about you?

LIBERTY: It’s sweet of you to ask. And, I’m doing fine.

As Liberty and Lorenzo walk off, Rosanna, Madison, and Johnny walk on.

ROSANNA: Johnny, it is so sweet that you have a girlfriend.

JOHNNY: She’s the best.

MADISON: Oh, he’s being too nice.

ROSANNA: Well, I’m going to go walk ahead. I think I should go say hello to Dusty. Alright, you two try to have a good day considering.

JOHNNY: Thanks, Rosanna.


Rosanna walks ahead. Meanwhile, Liberty digs for her cellphone. She dials, puts it up to her ear, and waits for the ringing.

WOMAN: (voice over) The person you have dialed is not picking up at this time. Please leave a message after the beep. When you are finish, you may hang up or press one for more options.

Beeping noise.

LIBERTY: Hey, uncle Jack, this is Liberty. Listen, the service is getting started at the park. I hope that you can make it. Love you. Bye.

Liberty hangs up.

LIBERTY: (sighs) Alright. Let’s do this.

Liberty then takes her seat with everyone else.

Back in Oakdale Park, a priest goes in front of everyone. Janets ashes are sitting on top of a table, next to the priest.

PRIEST: We are gathered here today to spread the ashes and mourn the loss of Janet Ciccone Donovan. Mrs. Donovan was taken from this world much too soon. However, she is with our Lord and Saviour now. If anyone would like to say a few words before we scatter Janet’s ashes, please be speak now.

Terri stands up. She walks to the front. The priest steps to the side.

TERRI: Hi. I’m Janet’s sister Terri. Last night, I couldn’t sleep. I knew that morning was coming. I knew that once the sun came up, I would have to get ready for my sister’s funeral. I would have to get ready to say goodbye. I miss her so much already. But, I know that she lives on in Liberty, Johnny, and Lorenzo. (looking up/sniffles) Fly high sis. Fly high.

The camera pans. Now, Liberty is in front of everyone.

LIBERTY: When I think of my mom, only one word comes to mind. That word is protector. She was my protector. She protected me from everything. All I want is my protector back. I want my mom back. It hurts me that I will never get to see her again. However, she is forever in my heart. I know that she’ll stay there forever.

At Jack’s Apartment, Carly walks into the living room. She is holding a cup of coffee. Jack is sitting on the couch.

CARLY: Jack, you better hurry up. You’re going to miss Janet’s funeral. I’m sorry that I can’t go but I’m sick. So, I just sent some flowers to Dusty.

There is a silence that falls.

CARLY: Honey…?

JACK: I can’t go.

CARLY: Why not?

JACK: I meant to where the tie that Janet got me. (standing) However, I can’t find that tie. I can’t go without that tie, Carly!

CARLY: Honey, forget about the tie. People need you. Most of all, Liberty needs you. She needs her uncle Jack.

JACK: I can’t go without the damn tie!

CARLY: Okay...okay. Calm down. It’s okay. I’ll help you find it.

JACK: I don’t want to go.

CARLY: Okay. That’s fine. What do you want to do?

JACK: I just want to go to bed.

Jack walks off.

CARLY: Jack…

Back in Oakdale Park, Rosanna whispers to Dusty.

ROSANNA: You sure you don’t want to say anything?

DUSTY: Yeah, I’m sure.


The priest steps back in front of everyone.

PRIEST: Before we scatter the ashes, I would like to say a few words from our holy book. This is from Isaiah 43:2. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Now, we will scatter the ashes of Janet Ciccone Donovan.

The screen flashes. Now, everyone has part of Janet’s ashes in a cup.

PRIEST: I recite the parts of the trinity, please spread a part of the ashes that you were given. Let’s begin. In the name of the Father…

Spreading ashes.

PRIEST: The son…

Spreading ashes.

PRIEST: And the holy spirit.

Spreading ashes.

PRIEST: May Janet forever be with the Holy Father. Amen.

Finishing spreading ashes.

The screen flashes. A couple of minutes have passed. Everyone is gone from the park except for Dusty. Dusty gets out a wedding photo of him and Janet.

DUSTY: You gave me a wonderful ride. I am really going to miss you. However, I will never forget you. Just because you are gone from this world, doesn’t mean you are gone from my heart. I love you, babe. See you in a couple of decades.

Dusty walks away, Janet’s ashes are picked up by the wind. They go up to the sky, as a light shines down.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 66***

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EP 171 - The Finale