Tuesday, April 4, 2017

EP 69 - Sierra & Marshall's First Date


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim and Rita are in the living room. They are sitting down on the couch and having tea.

KIM: What’s so serious? What do you need to tell me about Bob?

RITA: Now, when I tell you this, I don’t want it to send you into overdrive. I need you to stay calm. Do you understand?

KIM: Yeah. Sure. Just tell me what’s going on.

RITA: 62 years ago, Bob murdered a boy by the name of Brett.

Kim is absolutely shocked. She can’t believe what Rita just said.

KIM: What did you just say to me?

At Katie’s Apartment, Katie is sitting on the couch, having a glass of wine, and reading a fashion magazine. Then, there is a knock at the door. She takes a sip of her wine, closes her magazine, and goes to the door.

KATIE: (opening the door) What are you doing here?

MARGO: I wanted to stop by and talk. May I come in?

KATIE: Sure. Come on in.

Margo enters. Katie shuts the door and turns back.

KATIE: So, what brings you by?

MARGO: I wanted to apologize.

KATIE: Apologize? For what?

MARGO: For the way I treated you.

At the LakeView, Diego walks down a hall of suites. He comes to Suite 701. He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. A couple seconds later, Iva answers. She is wearing a pink silk robe.

DIEGO: Even though you still look beautiful, I don’t believe this is proper dressing for a night on the town.

IVA: Well, I would dress better if I was going.

DIEGO: Excuse me?

IVA: I’m sorry, Diego. I’m not going.

At Sierra’s Penthouse, Sierra comes down the stairs. She is a blue, sparkly, strapless dress. She is putting on her earrings. Then, there is a knock at her door. She looks in a mirror by the door, before answering. She then answers.

SIERRA: (opening the door) Well, you are early.

MARSHALL: Well, I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to see that beautiful face of your’s...right away. I hope that’s okay.

SIERRA: You really know how to turn on the charm right away.

MARSHALL: Well, my father taught me a lot.

SIERRA: He sounds like a smart man.

MARSHALL: He is. So, you ready to go?

SIERRA: Sure. Just let me grab my bag.

MARSHALL: Of course.

As Sierra goes to grab her evening bag, Marshall smiles at her.

At Susan’s Home, Susan and Betsy enter the living room. Betsy has a take out bag. The two sit down on the couch.

SUSAN: Thank you for satisfying my Chinese food craving.

BETSY: I was happy to do it.

Susan and Betsy begin to get food out of the bag. They begin to set up to eat it. Susan eats a piece of spicy chicken with a pair of chopsticks.

BETSY: So, what’s new?

SUSAN: Well, my wheelchair came today. Emily said that she is going to hire someone to put in a chair lift.

BETSY: That’s nice.

SUSAN: So, I would ask what is new with you but I have a feeling I already know. I was going to ask you about Steve.

BETSY: Were you now?

SUSAN: (laughs) Yes. I know that he’s been back in town for a couple of months now. So, is there a future for the two of you?

Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Diego enters. Iva shuts the door.

DIEGO: What do you mean that you can’t go?

IVA: I can’t go. I have too much work to do.

DIEGO: I’m sure you can take a few personal hours.

IVA: No. No. I’m sorry but I can’t. I have to sort through box after box after box of patient files. We need to know where our resources need to go.

DIEGO: You’re a good woman, Iva. You’re doing work for people who have AIDS/HIV. That must be hard work.

IVA: It is hard work. However, I love helping people.

DIEGO: Come on. Just one drink.

IVA: Fine. If it will make you shut up...one drink.

DIEGO: Thank you.

IVA: But, I’m putting on jeans and a sweater. I won’t even wear heels. And, we will not go to the Mona Lisa. We will go to Ruffles.

DIEGO: Deal.

IVA: Now, wait out in the hall.

DIEGO: You got it…, friend.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie and Margo are in the living room.

KATIE: Do you want a glass of wine?

MARGO: Sure.

KATIE: Red or white?


Katie pours Margo a glass of wine and hands it to her.

MARGO: Thank you very much.

KATIE: No problem. So, you said (sitting) you wanted to apologize for the way you treated me? What does that mean?

MARGO: I feel (sitting) bad that I arrested you.

KATIE: Margo, don’t. You were just doing your job. Besides, I made bail. I am AOK. I only spent the night in a cell. That’s it. One night. Also, I was in the wrong.

MARGO: Thank you for saying that. However, I did feel guilty.

KATIE: Well, I don’t want you to feel guilty.

MARGO: Thank you. Hey…, can I ask you for a favor?

KATIE: Sure. Anything. What’s up?

MARGO: Can you get me into contact with Julian?

Back at Susan’s Home, Betsy opens another box of noodles.

BETSY: Trust me, there is no future for me and Steve.

SUSAN: Never say never.

BETSY: Well, in this situation I am saying never.

SUSAN: Honey, love is unpredictable.

BETSY: The only thing that Steve and I share now is a daughter.

SUSAN: Has he asked you out yet?

BETSY: (laughs) Mom, no. He has never asked me out.

SUSAN: Do you think he will?

BETSY: No, he won’t.

SUSAN: And, why do you say that?

BETSY: Because, he is too busy trying to take down Diego.

At the Mona Lisa, Sierra and Marshall are having dinner.

MARSHALL: This is a nice little place.

SIERRA: It is. I’ve always loved Lisa’s restaurant.

MARSHALL: You know the owner?

SIERRA: I do. I’ve known her for awhile.

MARSHALL: What’s she like?

SIERRA: I think the best way to describe Lisa is bubbly.



MARSHALL: I have one word to describe you.

SIERRA: You do?

MARSHALL: Yes. It’s gorgeous.

SIERRA: Well, someone wants a kiss at the end of the night.

MARSHALL: Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying.

Sierra laughs.

MARSHALL: You have a beautiful laugh.

SIERRA: Thank you very much.

Sierra smiles at Marshall. She takes a sip of her wine.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim walks Rita to the door.

KIM: You need to leave right now.

RITA: Kim, just hear me out.

KIM: No! My husband would never hurt anyone.

RITA: I’m telling you the truth.

KIM: Get the hell out of my house.

There is a silence that falls in the room. Rita can see the rage in Kim’s eyes. Rita takes a deep breath. She opens the door.

RITA: (sighs) If you don’t want to listen to me…, you should at least ask him all about this. Goodbye, Kim.

Rita slams the door. The camera zooms in on Kim’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 69***

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EP 171 - The Finale