Thursday, April 6, 2017

EP 70 - The Truth Always Comes Out

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At Katie’s Apartment, Katie stands in shock.

KATIE: I don’t understand. You want to contact Julian?

MARGO: I do. I think that it would be a good idea.

KATIE: Margo, I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you. I don’t think that it would be such a good idea for you to contact him.

MARGO: Why not?

KATIE: Because, I know for sure that he will return to town.

At Iva’s Suite, there is a knock at the door. Iva is coming from the bathroom. She is tying her robe. When she opens the door, Diego barges in.

IVA: Diego…, what are you doing back here? Did I forget my cell phone?

DIEGO: No, it isn’t anything like that. I needed to see you.

IVA: Alright, what’s going on?

DIEGO: Will you marry me?

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim is sitting on the couch. She has laid out photos from Bob and Kim’s romantic past. She glances up at the clock. Just as she is about to reach for the home phone, Bob enters the home. She stands.

KIM: Honey, finally. I’ve been waiting for you.

BOB: Oh. Hi. Why aren’t you in bed, dear.

Bob gives Kim a kiss on the cheek.

KIM: I couldn’t sleep. I needed to talk to you.

BOB: About what?

KIM: About you murdering that boy 62 years ago.

At Ruffles, Rosanna and Dusty are sitting at the bar. Rosanna is having a dirty martini and Dusty is having a scotch on the rocks.

DUSTY: Thanks for coming out with me.

ROSANNA: Of course. You seemed liked you really needed a friend.

DUSTY: I do need a friend. You’re one of my best friends.

ROSANNA: I’m here for you, Dusty. How’s Johnny?

DUSTY: Not sure. He won’t really talk about what happened. Meg said he talked to her. Otherwise, he keeps going to Madison’s house.

ROSANNA: Madison?

DUSTY: Yeah. His girlfriend.

ROSANNA: What’s Madison’s last name?

DUSTY: I think it’s Murphy.

ROSANNA: Oh my god.

DUSTY: What?

ROSANNA: Dusty, I don’t think it’s such a good idea that Johnny dates Madison. She isn’t a girl anyone should get involved with.

At BRO, in the Lab, Faith is typing up one of Paul’s reports on a laptop. Emily enters the lab, with a to-go bag.

EMILY: Hey, Faith.

FAITH: (closing the laptop) Oh, hey, Emily.

EMILY: Have you seen Paul around? I have dinner for him.

FAITH: He actually went on a coffee run.

EMILY: (setting the bag down) Oh. Hey, do you mind if I wait for him. I would hate to intrude. I hope it is no trouble.

FAITH: No. No, trouble at all. Look, as we wait there’s something I need to tell you. It is something important.

EMILY: What’s up?

FAITH: It’s about Paul and I.

EMILY: Faith…, spit it out. What do you need to tell me?

FAITH: Paul and I kissed.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Margo stands.

MARGO: Katie…, what do you know that I don’t?

KATIE: Listen, I just...I was in shock.

MARGO: Katie, don’t do this. Don’t start spreading lies all over the place, again. Tell me what you know. You can trust me. This will go off the record.

KATIE: Well, Julian said goodbye to me. I only assume that he doesn’t want anyone else contacting him. It only seems logical.

MARGO: Katie, nothing about Julian is logical. Nothing about a Stenbeck is logical. Please, let me talk to him. Please. I’m begging you. He murdered my father!

KATIE: Okay. Okay. Fine. Just sit on the couch. I’ll get my cell.

MARGO: Okay. Thank you.

KATIE: Yeah.

Katie walks off. Margo sighs.

Back at Ruffles, the bartender refills Rosanna’s martini.

ROSANNA: Thank you.

DUSTY: So, what’s wrong with Madison? She seems nice.

ROSANNA: Of course she does. Ever since Carly and I renewed our sisterly bond, we’ve started to talk again. The first thing she told me about what Parker and JJ having brotherly issues over a girl. That girl’s name is Madison. Madison went out with JJ and failed to mention she slept with Parker, a week before that date happened.

DUSTY: Oh my gosh.

ROSANNA: Exactly. That is why I don’t want Johnny seeing her. I don’t want him to get hurt. He’s already suffered enough.

DUSTY: What do you suggest I do? He seems to be falling in love with this girl. I don’t want to break his heart. I don’t want her to break his heart.

ROSANNA: Just sit him down. Talk to him.

DUSTY: Okay. You really are a good friend.

ROSANNA: Well, I try.

Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Iva shuts the door.

IVA: What is wrong with you?

DIEGO: Excuse me?

IVA: You broke up with me! You said we were nothing! Now, you come in here and you throw marriage at my face.

DIEGO: Iva, I broke up with you because I was so scared of what your reputation would become. I’m not scared anymore. You’ve seem to have picked yourself up.

IVA: Because, that is what I do. I pick myself up. I always have.

DIEGO: And, that’s what I love about you. That is why I want to marry you. Just say yes. That is all I need you to say.

IVA: Do you really want this?

DIEGO: I do. I really do.

IVA: Okay. Yes. I’ll marry you.

DIEGO: Really?

IVA: (smiling) Yes.

Diego and Iva go to one another. They kiss passionately and hug.

Back at BRO, in the Lab, Faith sets the laptop aside.

EMILY: What the hell did you just say to me?

FAITH: Look, I didn’t want things to come out like this.

EMILY: You kissed my husband?

FAITH: Yes. I did. I know it was bad…

EMILY: Damn right it was!

FAITH: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.

EMILY: Don’t worry about it. Thanks for telling me.

There’s a short silence.

EMILY: Did Paul say when he was coming back?

FAITH: No. But, I’m sure it will be soon.

Faith collects her laptop and exits the lab. Emily goes to a table. She can barely catch her breath. She is holding back tears.

EMILY: Oh my god. Oh my god.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, Kim stacks up the photos.

KIM: You murdered someone.

BOB: Kim, what do you know?

KIM: I know that you cut a boy’s LVAD wire.

BOB: Kim…

KIM: (sobs) Don’t come near me! You murdered a little boy. You had no authorization to cut his wire. That is a criminal act. You’ve known me for over 35 years. How come you’ve never told me this?

BOB: I couldn’t tell you.

KIM: Why not? You had plenty of chances!

BOB: There’s no right time to tell your wife this.

KIM: Well, Rita found the right time. Listen, I have a chemotherapy appointment tomorrow. And, I’m not feeling well. Goodnight.

Kim wipes away her tears, as she walks upstairs. Bob is crushed.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 70***

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EP 171 - The Finale