Thursday, January 18, 2018

EP 153 - Carly's Arraignment


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Jamie Luner as Judge Smith

At Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Iva steps closer to Marshall.
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IVA: So, what’s your decision? Are you going to choose me? Or, are you going to remain loyal to the relationship you and Sierra have built?

At the Oakdale Police Department, in Vanessa’s Office, Vanessa leans up against her desk. Andy is standing across from her.
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VANESSA: You’re gonna finally listen to me?

ANDY: Yeah. Say anything you want to say.

VANESSA: And, you won’t fire back?

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ANDY: Not right away.

VANESSA: Okay. Well, here it goes. I’m sorry.

At Java Underground, Jack is sitting down at a table. He is drinking a cup of coffee. His phone is on and in his right hand. He is looking at a selfie of he and Carly. He then becomes deep in thought.


At the Oakdale Police Department, in a Holding Cell, Jack is standing on the other side of the bars. Carly is in the cell, holding onto the bars. It appears that this is a continuation from their conversation in Episode 152.

CARLY: So, Jack, will you stick by me?

JACK: I don’t know if I can, Carly.

CARLY: And, why not?

JACK: Because, once again, things are getting too messy. Carly, we’re both getting too old to be in all of these messes. I want a calm relationship.

CARLY: The only calm relationship in this world is the relationship between a bride and groom made out of chocolate on top of a wedding cake. Real relationships have trials and tribulations.

JACK: Well, I guess I’m done with the trials and tribulations.


Jack comes out of his flashback. As he does, Parker walks up to him.
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JACK: Hey, son.

PARKER: What are you doing here?

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JACK: (laughs) Having a coffee.

PARKER: I know that. But, I’m shocked that you’re here. I mean, isn’t mom’s arraignment going on right now?

JACK: Yes. Yes, it is.

PARKER: So, why aren’t you there?

JACK: Because, your mom and I…

PARKER: Dad…, just tell me the truth. What’s going on?

JACK: Well, to tell you the truth, I think we’re finished.

At the Oakdale Courthouse, in Courtroom 3, Carly and Casey are standing over by the right table on the main floor.
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CASEY: Are you ready?

CARLY: I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

Then, a woman in a gray pantsuit enters the courtroom. She practically ignores Carly and Casey and heads over to the left table on the main floor.

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CARLY: (whispering over to Casey) Who’s that?

CASEY: Angela Davidson.

CARLY: Who is she?

CASEY: She’s the assistant district attorney.


CASEY: They must’ve taken Tom out of the case for personal reasons.

CARLY: Great. As if things couldn’t get worse.

At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda is now awake. She is sitting on the couch next to Lily. Sierra enters, holding a cup of coffee, and walks over to them. She hands the mug to Lucinda and sits down.
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SIERRA: How are you feeling?

LUCINDA: Like hell.

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LILY: I don’t doubt that.

LUCINDA: What are you girls doing here?

SIERRA: We wanted to check up on you.

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LILY: Mom, we just found you passed out drunk on your couch. Now is not the time to question why we are over here. It’s a time for you to question what your future is gonna look like.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Vanessa’s Office, Vanessa comes off from leaning up against her desk.

ANDY: You’re sorry?

VANESSA: Yes I am. And, I cannot apologize to you enough. From the moment I cheated on you, I knew it was wrong. I knew it was wrong to choose somebody else over you. In fact, it is one of the worst decisions I have ever made in my life. You were good to me. You made me feel sexy and free. Andy, I want that again. I want an us again. Just please...please...please tell me you want that too.

Back at Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Marshall backs away from Iva just a bit. He then lets out a deep breath.
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MARSHALL: Can I be honest with you?

IVA: Of course.

MARSHALL: I don’t know who I want.

IVA: What do you mean?

MARSHALL: I mean that I have feelings for both you and Sierra.

IVA: Do you now?

MARSHALL: Yes. Look, with Sierra, I feel love in my heart 24/7. For you, I feel this passion in my heart. That’s what makes this all so complicated for me. That’s why I can’t choose.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda takes a sip from her cup of coffee. She then sets the mug down on the table in front of her.

LUCINDA: My future? I don’t understand.

SIERRA: Lily, do you want to tell her? Or, should I?

LILY: I’ll go ahead and do it.

LUCINDA: Do what? Talk about what? I don’t understand where you two are coming from. Someone, please, spit it out!

LILY: We think you should go to rehab.

LUCINDA: Excuse me?

SIERRA: Mom, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that you have been drinking a lot lately. You drank so much that you forgot to show up to the appointment to pick out my wedding dress. I really wanted you there. And, by the way, Susan even told Lily and I all about the discussion you two had.

LUCINDA: Look, Sierra, I am very sorry about not showing up at that appointment. I really am. And, as far as the discussion Susan and I had is concerned, that was really nothing. That discussion doesn’t even matter.

LILY: This is serious, mom. You missing Sierra’s wedding dress appointment is serious. The discussion you had with Susan is serious. Drinking too much is serious. And, it is about time you did something about it.

Back at Java Underground, Parker is now sitting across from Jack.

PARKER: You think you and mom are finished?

JACK: Yes.

PARKER: Why do you say that?

JACK: (sighs) We had a very lengthy discussion. And, all I can tell you is that things didn’t go so well between the two of us.

PARKER: Why do you say that?

JACK: Because, I gave it to her straight. I said that I just didn’t want anymore drama surrounding our relationship.

PARKER: I can see why you would say that.

JACK: But, anyway, I don’t want to keep talking about this with you. Do you have any news to share? Is anything going on in your life?

PARKER: Well, I actually made a big decision today.

JACK: Really?


JACK: And, what decision would that be?

PARKER: I’m leaving town.

Back at the Oakdale Courthouse, in Courtroom 3, Carly and Casey are sitting down at the left table. Angela is sitting down at the right table. A Bailiff is standing on over by the Court Reporter. Then, Judge Smith enters the courtroom.

BAILIFF: All rise! The honorable Judge Smith presiding.

Everyone rises as Judge Smith takes her honorable seat.

JUDGE SMITH: You may be seated.

Carly, Casey, Angela, and the Court Reporter all sit down in their respective seats.

JUDGE SMITH: So, today we are here to decide on the matter if Carly Tenney should be granted bail when it comes to the crime of involuntary manslaughter. Counselor, how is your client pleading today?

CASEY: (standing) Guilty, your honor.


Casey sits down.

JUDGE SMITH: And, Miss Davidson, will the state be granting bail?

ANGELA: (standing) Your honor, because of Ms. Tenney’s past misdeeds and the fact that the state thinks it has a strong case against her, the state is asking that bail be denied.

JUDGE SMITH: Very well then. Anyway, I am not a judge that plays around. I came prepared today. I have decided on my ruling. Bail is denied. Miss Tenney will be put into the custody of the state prison system as she awaits trial.

As Judge Smith bangs her gavel, the camera pans over to Carly. The camera zooms in on Carly. It is apparent that she is feeling nothing but worry and confusion about what her next move should be.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 153***

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