Tuesday, December 26, 2017

EP 147 - Christmas In Oakdale

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Henry and Barbara are drinking eggnog and sitting on the couch. The room is decorated for the holidays.

BARBARA: Our guests should be arriving at any moment.

HENRY: I think this year is going to be a wonderful Christmas.

BARBARA: No doubt.

Just as Barbara and Henry are about to kiss one another, the doorbell is heard ringing. Barbara and Henry laugh a little.

HENRY: I better get that.

BARBARA: Yeah. You should.

Henry gets up and walks into the foyer. The camera follows him. He then opens the door. Everyone laughs and Henry smiles.

EMILY: Merry Christmas!

PAUL: Happy Holidays!

ELIZA: Ho, ho, ho.

BETSY: Well, can we come in?

STEVE: I brought presents!

SUSAN: And, I brought fruit cake.

HENRY: Yeah. Of course. Come in. Come right on in.

Everyone enters Bancroft and goes to the living room. Henry shuts the door. A smile then comes across his face.

HENRY: Yeah. (sighs) It’s gonna be a good Christmas. I just know it.

The camera zooms in on his face.

At St. Mary’s Church, in a Room upstairs, Parker and JJ are both looking in a full body mirror. Both boys are straightening up their ties. Then, there is a knock at the door.

PARKER: Come in!

As Jack enters, both boys turn around.

PARKER: Hey, dad.

JJ: Hey, dad.

JACK: Hey, boys. Hey, JJ, do you mind giving Parker and I a minute to talk?

JJ: Not at all. In fact, I better go take my place before the ceremony starts.

JACK: Good idea. Seya out there soon, son.

JJ: Yeah. Seya, bro.


JJ walks out of the room. He shuts the door behind him.

JACK: Well, the day has arrived.

PARKER: Yeah...it has.

JACK: Are you nervous?

PARKER: Kind of. But, I’m more nervous about mom.

JACK: What do you mean?

PARKER: Well, I’m very worried that she’ll make a scene and ruin this whole entire day for Sheila and I. God, I hope I’m wrong. I really do.

On a Long Stretch of Road, Outside of Town, a car is seen driving down the road. Inside the Car, Carly is driving. Carly then reaches over to the passenger side. She retrieves her phone from her purse. She looks away from the road for a minute to dial a number. She then puts the phone to her ear. The phone makes a ringing sound for a couple of seconds.

JACK: (over the phone) Hello, this is Jack Snyder. Sorry I can’t make it to the phone at this moment. But, if you leave me a short message, I’ll be able to get back to you ASAP.

Then, a beeping noise is heard.

CARLY: Hi, Jack. It’s me. Look, I might be just a tad late to the wedding. I still have to pick up the gift I ordered. Anyway, tell our boy I love him despite all that has happened. I really think I’m ready to accept the life he wants to have. Anyway, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Love you. Bye.

Carly hangs up her phone and puts it in a cup holder next to her.

CARLY: (sighs) You can do this. You can be happy for your son. You can. I know that you can. I know you can do this.

On the same stretch of road, Sheila is driving a blue car down the road. She is many feet ahead Carly. In Sheila’s Car, Sheila is dressed in an elegant, but yet short, white dress. She is wearing a waist long jacket with fur around the collar.

SHEILA: (sighs) I cannot be late to my own wedding. God, I should’ve left my apartment several hours ago. I can’t believe this is happening.

As Sheila continues to drive, a popping noise is heard.

SHEILA: You have got to be kidding me! I have a flat tire! Dammit! Why, God! Why! (sighs) Could this day get any worse?

Back at St. Mary’s Church, in the Sanctuary, Johnny and Madison are sitting in the third row on the left side of the pews.

JOHNNY: You doing okay?


JOHNNY: And, the baby?

MADISON: The baby is good too.

JOHNNY: The church looks nice.

MADISON: Yeah, it does.

JOHNNY: Who knows, maybe one day this church could be set up for a wedding for us. What would you think about that?

MADISON: Are you serious?


MADISON: You want to get married?

JOHNNY: I would love nothing more. What do you say?

MADISON: Oh my god. I would love to marry you.

Johnny and Madison kiss passionately.
Outside of the Sanctuary, Iva enters the church. A Man at the door takes her coat of for her. He then grabs a hanger and hangs the coat in a small closet by the door.

IVA: Thank you.

Iva then walks over to the guest book. She smiles down and begins writing her name, address, phone number, and a nice message for the bride and groom. Then, Marshall walks up to her.


IVA: (turning around) Marshall, hi.

MARSHALL: Hi. Um…, can we talk?

IVA: (sighs) Where’s Sierra?

MARSHALL: She’s with her sister. Please, we need to talk. Just give me some time. We really need to discuss what happened last night.

IVA: (sighs) There’s a private room just down the hall. We can go there.

MARSHALL: Okay. Sounds good. Let’s go.

Marshall and Iva walk off.
Back in the Sanctuary, Sierra is standing by the piano. She is admiring a beautiful vase that is filled with flowers. Then, Lily walks up to her.

LILY: Hey, sis.

SIERRA: (turning around) Hi.

Lily and Sierra hug one another.

LILY: (coming off of the hug) How are you?

SIERRA: I’m good. How are you?

LILY: Wonderful.

SIERRA: So, how are you settling back into the CEO life?

LILY: Everything’s going wonderful. I feel right at home again.


LILY: Hey, how’s the wedding planning going?

SIERRA: It is going so well. Speaking of wedding planning, I want to go shopping for my dress in a couple of weeks. Can you help me?

LILY: Honey, of course.

SIERRA: (laughs) Wonderful. If you will excuse me, I have to go find my future husband. I want his opinion on the flowers (pointing) in this vase.

LILY: Okay. Talk to you later.

SIERRA: Sounds good.

As Sierra walks off, Lily opens up her evening bag. She then retrieves her cell phone from her bag. She dials on her phone and puts the device up to her ear.

LILY: (on the phone) Hi, Holden. Yeah. It’s me, honey. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Has your fever gone down yet? It has. Good. Good. Look, I’ll leave the reception early and bring you home some chicken noodle soup from the Mona Lisa. Sound good? (laughs) Okay. Seya soon then. Love you. Bye.

At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda enters the room. She is dressed in white silk pajamas. She is also holding a bottle of wine and a wine glass. She makes her way to the couch. She sits down. Lucinda then pours herself a glass of wine, sitting the bottle on the table in front of her after she is done.

LUCINDA: Well, time for me to have a Merry Christmas.

Lucinda takes a sip of her wine.

LUCINDA: Have a happy holiday Oakdale!

At Dusty’s Home, in the Living Room, Rosanna and Dusty are snuggled up on the couch. Rosanna is laying on Dusty’s chest.

DUSTY: Did you have a good Christmas?

ROSANNA: I did. You giving me that diamond necklace was unbelievable. I can’t thank you enough for that. I love it.

DUSTY: I’m glad that you do.

ROSANNA: These two days have been absolutely fabulous. First, spreading some Christmas cheer with you, Johnny, and Madison was amazing. Now, that necklace and us two alone for the night? That’s even better.

DUSTY: Um…, I do have one more surprise for you by the way.

ROSANNA: You do?


ROSANNA: Dusty, I don’t know if I can accept anything else.

DUSTY: Nonsense.

Dusty then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a heart shaped box.

DUSTY: (handing the box to Rosanna) Open it.

ROSANNA: (laughs) Okay.

Rosanna opens the box. She is shocked and happy by the contents inside. Inside the box is a beautiful diamond engagement ring. Rosanna then sits up on the couch. Dusty and her turn to one another.

DUSTY: Rosanna Cabot, will you marry me?

Rosanna looks deep into Dusty’s eyes.

At Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig is sitting on the couch. He is drinking a glass of scotch and talking on the phone.

CRAIG: (on the phone) Geraldine, I cannot thank you enough for sending those dress samples over. Carly and I really enjoyed going through them and fitting them onto our models.

Then, there is a knock at the door.

CRAIG: (on the phone) Listen, I have to go. There is someone at my door apparently. You have a good night too. Alright. Talk to you later. Bye.

Craig hangs up the phone, stands, and walks over to the door.

CRAIG: (opening the door) Valerie.

VALERIE: Hi, Craig.

CRAIG: Hi. Um…, what are you doing here?

VALERIE: (sighs) Well, I need a friend to lean on.

CRAIG: Yeah?


CRAIG: Well, what’s up?

VALERIE: I got my results today.

CRAIG: You did?

VALERIE: Yeah. And, I just don’t want to find out who my birth mother is alone. So, can I come in and open up these results with you?

CRAIG: Of course.

VALERIE: Thank you.

At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie enters the room. She is holding a glass of red wine. She is also talking on her cellphone.

KATIE: (on the phone) Margo, I’m fine. Trust me. I’m fine just staying in for the night and watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas on TBS. Don’t worry about me. Honestly. I love you too, sis. Talk to you later. Bye.

Katie hangs up the phone. As she takes a sip of her red wine, she becomes very deep in thought. The camera zooms in on her face.


At Java Underground, Katie and Julian are having breakfast.

KATIE: I’m so happy that you could get away from work. I’ve been dying to have this second date with you.

JULIAN: It has been too long.

KATIE: Yes, it most cearintly has been.

JULIAN: So, what’s new?

KATIE: Oh, nothing much.

JULIAN: I hear that.

Katie reaches for Julian’s hand. In doing so, Julian’s water is spilled.

KATIE: Oh my goodness! I am so sorry.

Katie and Julian stand.

JULIAN: No, don’t worry.

KATIE: Date two, and I spill water on you.

JULIAN: It is okay. I’m fine. I’m just gonna go to the bathroom.

KATIE: Okay. Sorry, again.


KATIE: (sighs) I really did love him. I really did.

Katie takes a sip of her wine.

At Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Living Room, Andy, Lisa, Tom, Alison, Margo, and Casey are all in the living room. All of them are talking to one another and having a good time. Then, Bob and Kim enter the room.

KIM: Everyone! Everyone! Can we have your attention.

Everyone turns their attention to Bob and Kim.

BOB: Hello. And, thank you for coming to our Christmas party this year. Um…, before we open gifts and rock around the tree, Kim and I would like you all to join us in the dining room.

KIM: I have prepared a lovely meal for each and everyone of you. There’s ham, mashed potatoes, and a lot more of great sides.

BOB: Anyway, before we walk into the dining room, I would just like to say a little bit of a Christmas prayer. So, will all of you join me?

ANDY: Of course we will.

LISA: I thought you would never ask.

TOM: Same here.

ALISON: Well, let’s join hands.

MARGO: Here-here!

CASEY: Alright. Let’s do it.

Everyone gets in a circle around Kim and Bob and joins hands. Then, everyone in the room bows their heads in prayer.

BOB: Dear Heavenly Father, we hope that you bless the food that has been prepared for us. We hope that you let it nourish our bodies, so we can go out and do your work. On another note, we are so happy that you helped Kim and I gather all these wonderful people together. And, we are grateful that you have given us a lovely Christmas thus far. It is in your Heavenly and precious name we pray…, amen.

Back at St. Mary’s Church, in a Room upstairs, Jack walks closer to Parker.

JACK: Son, I really don’t think your mom will make a scene. She knows how much this day means to you. Now, yes, she doesn’t fully approve of you loving Sheila Murphy. However, I think she will let her disapproval slide for the day.

PARKER: You really do think that?

JACK: I do.

PARKER: I hope I can take you at your word.

JACK: I know you can. Now, enough of this. You have to get to the sanctuary. We have a wedding ceremony to get through. But, before we do, there's something I need to tell you. I know that I'm not your biological father. But, I consider you my son. And, I know you consider me a fatherly figure in your life. And, that means so much to me that after Hal passed, you started to consider me your dad. I'm happy of the man you've become Parker.

PARKER: Hey, dad…

JACK: Yeah?

PARKER: I love you.

JACK: I love you too, son. I love you too.
Iva and Marshall walk into another room. Iva shuts the door behind them.

IVA: Alright. We’re alone. What do you have to say me?

MARSHALL: I just want you to know that I don’t feel guilty.

IVA: You don’t?

MARSHALL: No. And, I know that may sound wrong coming from me…, but it’s the truth. I don’t feel one shred of guilt for the night of passion we shared.

IVA: (sighs) Can I be honest with you?

MARSHALL: Of course.

IVA: I don’t feel guilty either.

MARSHALL: You don’t?

IVA: Not one bit.


Iva walks closer to Marshall. The two kiss passionately.

IVA: (sighs) We should…

MARSHALL: Get back to the sanctuary.

IVA: Exactly. Um…, why don’t you go first. That way, no one will get suspicious.

MARSHALL: Okay. Sounds like a plan. (going to the door) Till next time.

Marshall opens the door, exits, and shuts the door.

IVA: Till next time.

Back on the Long Stretch of Road, Sheila’s car is pulled over by the side of the road. She is changing her flat tire.

SHEILA: I really can’t believe this is happening! Dammit!

The camera cuts to Carly’s car. Carly is still driving down the road. In the car, Carly hears her phone ring. She looks down at her phone. She then sees it is Jack calling. She then begins to reach for her phone.

Sheila is still busy changing the tire. As she starts on loosening the lugnuts, one accidentally pops off and goes out into the middle of the road.

SHEILA: You have got to be kidding!

Sheila begins to head out to the road to grab the lugnut.

Carly reaches over for her phone. However, the phone slips out of her hand. She looks down from the road to grab her phone, she loses control of her steering wheel. She then looks up, but it is too late. Without knowing it, she hits Sheila with her car. Sheila rolls off from the car and onto the street. Carly slams on her brakes.

Sheila is laying down on the road. Her body is cut up and bloody. She is also unconscious. The camera zooms in on her face.

Back at Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara, Henry, Emily, Susan, Paul, Eliza, Betsy, and Steve are all crowded around the Christmas tree in the living room. Henry is handing out presents to everyone. Everyone is showing to one another what they got for Christmas. All of them are very happy. The camera pans throughout their smiling and happy reactions.

Back at Kim and Bob’s Home, in the Dining Room, Andy, Lisa, Kim, Bob, Tom, Alison, Margo, and Casey are sitting around the table. All of them are having a wonderful Christmas feast. The camera pans throughout the room. People are talking, laughing, and eating wonderful food. It’s clear that Bob and Kim’s Home is the center of Oakdale’s Christmas spirit.

Back at Dusty’s Home, in the Living Room, Dusty and Rosanna are both drinking champagne. They are also making out.

ROSANNA: (coming off the kissing) I love you, Dusty.

DUSTY: I love you too, Rosanna.

The two continue to kiss passionately.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda is pouring herself another glass of wine. As she continues to pour wine in the glass, the bottle becomes empty.

LUCINDA: Talk about another dead soldier.

Lucinda then raises her wine glass.

LUCINDA: Merry Christmas everybody!

Lucinda guzzles the wine that is currently in the glass.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie is looking through photos that are on her phone. She keeps coming across photos of her Julian.

KATIE: Oh, Katie, I think it is time to delete these. The world is so close to 2018. And, I plan to follow the saying of ‘new year, new you’. It’s time. (sighs) Yeah...it’s time.

Katie then presses the DELETE button on a photo of her and Julian.

Back at Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Valerie and Craig are sitting on the couch. Valerie is holding a manilla envelope.

CRAIG: You ready?

VALERIE: I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

Valerie opens up the envelope.

Back on the Long Stretch of Road, Carly gets out of her car. She then walks over to an unconscious Sheila.

CARLY: (gasps) Oh my god. Oh my god. I hit Sheila with my car. (running to her) Oh my god! Oh my god! Sheila! Sheila! Wake up. Wake up. Come on.

Carly bends down next to Sheila. She feels her neck with her two fore fingers.

CARLY: Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t believe this. I truly can’t believe this. Sheila has no pulse. I killed the love of my son’s life. Sheila’s dead.

The camera zooms in on Carly’s horrified face.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 147***

FROM OUR As The World Turns FAMILY TO YOURS, HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Normal Scheduled Episodes of As The World Turns will start back up again on January 2nd, 2018!

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EP 171 - The Finale