Thursday, December 21, 2017

EP 145 - Iva Thinks About Diego

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At Memorial Hospital, in Susan’s Office, Susan is sitting behind her desk. She is talking to someone on her office phone.

SUSAN: (on the phone) Hey, Lucinda. Look, I know you went out for a while to clear your head. But, I do have some news on Valerie’s results. Anyway, give me a call when you have a chance. Talk to you later, bye.

As Susan puts the phone on the hook, there is a knock at the door.

SUSAN: Come in!

Valerie enters.

SUSAN: Hi, Valerie.


SUSAN: What are you still doing here?

VALERIE: I waited around to see if there would be any news on the DNA testing. So, is there any news on the test being ran?

SUSAN: Actually, there is.

At the AIDS/HIV Research Center, in Iva’s Office, Iva is sitting behind her desk. She is leaning back in her chair and is looking through her camera roll. She then comes across a photo of her and Diego. She let’s out a deep breath. She then becomes deep in thought.


DIEGO: I love you, Iva.

IVA: I...I...I love you too.

DIEGO: I have to go now. (going to the door) Goodbye, Iva.

Diego opens the door.

IVA: Diego, be careful. And, good luck.

DIEGO: Thank you.

Diego then exits the apartment. He shuts the door behind him. Iva then makes her way to the couch. She then breaks down in tears.


Iva comes out of her thoughts. A tear is seen strolling down her cheek.

MARSHALL: Iva, are you alright?

Iva looks up from her phone. She then sees Marshall standing in the doorway.

At the Oakdale Cemetery, Lucinda stumbles up to John’s grave. She is drinking an alcoholic beverage. The bottle of alcohol is wrapped up in a brown paper bag. She is clearly already drunk.

LUCINDA: Hello, John! We need to have a little talk, darling! Can you hear me from all the way down there! Hello! It’s me! Lucinda.

Someone taps Lucinda’s shoulder. She jumps up and turns around.

LUCINDA: Oh my god.

JOHN: Hello, Lucinda.


JOHN: In the flesh…, so to speak.

LUCINDA: It really is you.

At Photos By Andy, Andy is sitting down on a stool. He is cleaning a camera lens. Sierra is sitting behind the desk and is talking on the office phone.

SIERRA: (on the phone) That sounds great. I will give my fiance a call and tell him when the cake tasting is. Thank you so much for squeezing us in. Alright, bye.

Sierra puts the phone on the hook.

SIERRA: Thanks for letting me make that call.

ANDY: No problem.

SIERRA: How is the camera lens cleaning going?

ANDY: Good. I have two more left to clean.

SIERRA: Great. Hey, I have a question for you.

ANDY: You do?

Sierra gets up from the chair, steps out from behind the desk, and walks over to Andy. Andy looks up from the camera lens.

SIERRA: I do. So, look, today, I checked your business calendar. And, I see that you have a whole weekend free in June.

ANDY: You’d be right about that.

SIERRA: I think you are a great photographer. I mean, you are even helping me learn the tricks of the trade. Anyway, what I’m trying to say…

ANDY: You need a photographer for your wedding, don’t you?

SIERRA: You caught me.

ANDY: I knew that question would come at some point.

SIERRA: Well, the question has presented itself. So, all I need now is an answer. Anyway, will you take photos for Marshall and I on our wedding day?

At Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Johnny and Madison enter the room. Madison shuts the door to the waiting room.

MADISON: Hey, Dusty.

JOHNNY: Hey, dad.


JOHNNY: So, they told you Doctor Minshew would be in here soon to update us?

DUSTY: That is what a nurse told me. Yes.

MADISON: Are you nervous about the update?

DUSTY: Yeah...yeah...I am.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in Susan’s Office, Susan stands up. She then walks over to the office door, shuts it, and turns around.

VALERIE: What’s going on with the results?

SUSAN: Well, I put a special rush on them.

VALERIE: That’s good.

SUSAN: is.

VALERIE: Look, Susan, I just want to tell you that I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I kept this from you this whole time. I really am.

SUSAN: Valerie…, I’m gonna be very honest with you right now.

VALERIE: Please, do. Please.

SUSAN: (sighs) I’m not mad at you.

VALERIE: You’re not?

SUSAN: No. I overreacted in the moment. I let my emotions get the best of me. (sighs) Valerie, if you turn out to be my child, I will accept you. And, I will love you. I think it would be great to have a new addition to my family.

VALERIE: Really? You would accept me?

SUSAN: I would. And, I think things will be hard at first. But, in time, I think that we could develop a great relationship.

VALERIE: Susan, this means so much to me.

SUSAN: How about you stay here. I’ll order us something to eat.

VALERIE: I would like that.

SUSAN: (smiling) Good. Good.

Back at Photos By Andy, Andy puts one of the camera lenses in a case. He closes the case, sets it next to him, and stands up.

SIERRA: Please, don’t keep me in suspense.

ANDY: Sierra, I would be honored to take the photos.

SIERRA: Really?

ANDY: Yeah. It would be my pleasure. And, I’ll do it for free.

SIERRA: Andy, you’re the best! Thank you!

ANDY: No problem. I’m happy to do it.

SIERRA: You just took a weight off my shoulders.

ANDY: Yeah?

SIERRA: Oh, definitely. I’ve been married four times before. However, that doesn’t mean my nerves change. I’m just as nervous as ever.

ANDY: Hell, I’ve been a groom a couple of times. And, even I got nervous in those situations. So, don’t feel bad at all.

SIERRA: How many times have you been married?

ANDY: Just one under you. Three times. Twice to the same woman.

SIERRA: Oh. Hey, do you ever think you’ll get married again?

ANDY: (laughs) No.

SIERRA: Why not?

ANDY: Because, marriage just isn’t for me anymore.

SIERRA: What if you found the right woman?

ANDY: Then, maybe plans would change.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Dusty goes over to a small table and pours himself a cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup. As he takes a sip of the coffee, Doctor Minshew enters the room. Johnny, Madison, and Dusty turn to face her. Doctor Minshew walks over to them.

DUSTY: Doctor Minshew, how is she? How’s my girlfriend?

DR. MINSHEW: She is now out of surgery.


DR. MINSHEW: And, doing well.

MADISON: Oh, thank god.

DR. MINSHEW: Now, we are going to keep her for awhile just for some observation. But, other than that, Rosanna is doing quite well.

DUSTY: Doctor, can I see her?

DR. MINSHEW: You may.

DUSTY: Oh. Thank you.

JOHNNY: You want me to go with you, dad?

DUSTY: No...I’m good.

JOHNNY: You sure?

DUSTY: Yeah.

DR. MINSHEW: Well, Mr. Donovan, if you will follow me, I’ll show you where Rosanna’s room is. Does that sound good to you?

DUSTY: Sounds good to me.

DR. MINSHEW: Wonderful.

Dusty and Dr. Minshew walk out of the room.

MADISON: I’m so glad that Rosanna survived.

JOHNNY: Met too. I can’t wait to see her.

MADISON: Same here. I love you.

JOHNNY: I love you too.

Madison and Johnny kiss one another.

Back at the AIDS/HIV Research Clinic, in Iva’s Office, Marshall shuts the door to the office. Iva stands from her desk. The two walk over to one another.

IVA: Sorry that you had to see me upset. I was just thinking about Diego. But, don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay. In fact, I’m fine now.

MARSHALL: You sure?

IVA: Yes.

MARSHALL: Iva, I may not know you too well yet. However, I’m not blind. I can tell that you are far from alright. You can talk to me. If you want.

IVA: Marshall, what are you doing here?

MARSHALL: (sighs) I came here to just check and see if you got the next set of questions for the third debate at city hall.

IVA: I receive them tomorrow morning.

MARSHALL: Okay. Cool. Hey, you want to get out of here and grab a late dinner? I haven’t eaten yet and Sierra has errands to run.

IVA: Sure. I’m up for that. Just let me grab my purse.

Iva walks over to a small closet in her office. She then grabs her purse from the closet. She shuts the door to the closet and walks back over to Marshall. However, as she does, she drops her purse.

IVA: Damn!

Iva bends down to pick up her things. Marshall goes to her and bends down to help her pick up the rest of her things.

IVA: It must’ve slipped out of my hand. I moisturized not too long ago.

MARSHALL: It’s okay. I’ll help you pick it up. Don’t worry.

Marshall and Iva continue to pick up everything up. They then come to the last item. Their hands touch. They stop for a minute and look at one another. Iva looks deep into his eyes.

MARSHALL: Iva…, is everything alright?

IVA: It has just been so long since I’ve felt the touch of a man.

A silence falls across the room. Iva then kisses Diego.

Back at Oakdale Cemetery, Lucinda walks up to John.

LUCINDA: How is this possible?

JOHN: Well, the big man upstairs let’s us angles in the sky visit our loved ones once in awhile. Especially when they are going through an era of trouble.

LUCINDA: You can say that again.

JOHN: I wish I was here for you everyday. That way, I could comfort you through all of this melodrama you’re facing.

LUCINDA: I wish you were here too.

John rubs Lucinda’s arms.

LUCINDA: You can touch me?

JOHN: Yes.

LUCINDA: Can I touch you?

JOHN: Of course.

Lucinda takes a deep breath. She then steps much, much closer to John. She relaxes herself. The camera pans to both of them, back and forth. Lucinda then slaps John!

JOHN: Lucinda, what was that for?

LUCINDA: For leaving me with a mess. How could you, John! How could you just abandon me like this! How could you just leave me in my hour of need!

Lucinda begins to cry.

JOHN: Lucinda…

LUCINDA: Just go! (turning around) Just leave! I don’t ever want to see you again! You have ruined the connection we had!

A gust of wind blows throughout the graveyard. Lucinda turns around. As she does so, she begins to wipe away her tears. She also shocked to see John no longer there.

LUCINDA: John? John? John?! Come back! I didn’t mean it! Come back! We aren’t finished. Come back, John. Come back!

It is clear that Lucinda has now become lightheaded. Her eyes begin to roll back. A drunk Lucinda then falls to the ground.

The camera pans out as snow begins to fall.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 145***x

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