Thursday, December 14, 2017

EP 143 - Hours Before Rosanna's Surgery


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At Java Underground, Sheila is sitting at a table and having an iced coffee. She is also looking at a bridal magazine. Carly enters, looks around, spots her, and goes to her.

CARLY: Hello, Sheila.

SHEILA: (looking up) Carly, hi.

CARLY: I see you’re looking at bridal magazines.

SHEILA: Yes, I am.

CARLY: Isn’t it a little early?

SHEILA: Actually, no it isn’t.

CARLY: I thought you and my son were getting married next Spring?

SHEILA: That was the original plan. But, you should know that plans tend to change when it comes to planning a wedding. After all, you’ve had plenty of them.

At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Henry is standing by the bar cart. He is drinking a martini. Then, the doorbell is rung. Still holding his martini, he walks into the foyer and goes to the door.

HENRY: (opening the door) What the hell are you doing here?

JULIAN: No friendly hello? I’m shocked. You know, I do give really good Christmas gifts to family members. Keep acting like that, and you won’t get anything.

HENRY: Go ahead and cross me off your list.

Henry starts to shut the door. But, Julian stops the door with his hand.

HENRY: (sighs) What do you want from me?

JULIAN: I just wanna talk to my nephew.

At Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Lucinda and Valerie are standing over by the front desk. Lucinda has just gotten off the phone.

LUCINDA: Susan has begun working at the hospital again. Therefore, it wasn’t that hard to get ahold of her. She said she’d be down here any moment.

VALERIE: Lucinda, before she does get down here, I just want to say that I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. This is just as much a journey for me…

LUCINDA: Save it. Honestly. I don’t want to hear the ‘I’m sorry’ speeches. I just want to get this whole thing over with. I just want to know who your mother is.

At Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Katie is sitting behind her desk. She is typing on her computer. Margo enters the office. She is holding two to-go coffee cups. She walks over to Katie and sets one of the cups in front of her.

MARGO: Brought you some coffee.

Katie is silent.

MARGO: (Katie impression) Oh, gee, sis, thanks.

Katie remains silent.

MARGO: Okay, what’s going on?

KATIE: (looking up) Sorry, what?

MARGO: Katie, is something wrong?

KATIE: I just read that Julian made bail. (sarcastically) So, yeah, everything is just fine. (sighs) I can’t believe this.

At the Mona Lisa, Johnny, Madison, Dusty, and Rosanna are sitting at a table. All of them are having a big breakfast.

ROSANNA: It was nice of you two to join us.

MADISON: No problem, Rosanna.

JOHNNY: We know that you wanted to do something nice before your surgery.

DUSTY: And, nothing beats a breakfast specially prepared by the chef.

ROSANNA: Amen to that. I have to say, this omelet is the best I’ve ever had.

DUSTY: Even better than the one I made you a couple weeks ago?

ROSANNA: (laughs) Let’s just say you aren’t the best cook, honey.

JOHNNY: I’ll agree with you there.

DUSTY: Hey, I try.

ROSANNA: (laughs) I know you do.

JOHNNY: So, Rosanna, your surgery is in a couple of hours.

ROSANNA: Yup. It is.

JOHNNY: Are you ready for it?

ROSANNA: I think so. Fingers crossed everything goes as planned.

Back at Java Underground, Sheila closes her bridal magazine.

CARLY: Well, I can take a shot in the dark and say that you and my son haven’t broken things off. So, what has changed concerning you getting married to him?

SHEILA: We changed our date.

CARLY: Did you now? What’s the new date?

SHEILA: Well, I will tell you that our wedding is now right around the corner.

CARLY: How ‘right around the corner’ are we talking here?

SHEILA: Parker and I will be getting married on Christmas Eve.

CARLY: Well, Merry Christmas to us all, I guess.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Rosanna takes a sip of her water.

DUSTY: I think everything will definitely go as planned.

ROSANNA: I’m really not nervous, believe it or not. I mean, Doctor Minshew knows was she’s doing. She is one of the top neurologist in the country.

MADISON: You really hit the jackpot.

ROSANNA: Honestly, I did.

JOHNNY: We’ll be praying for you.

ROSANNA: Thank you. Speaking of giving thanks, I just want to say ‘thank you’ to all of you at this table. This is the best family I could’ve ever asked for. And, Johnny, I know your dad and I haven’t been together long. And, I know it hasn’t been that long since the motherly figure that was Janet passed away. However, you are very close to my heart. And, I thank you for accepting your father and I. And, I can’t wait to start spoiling your child. And, I can’t wait to see where your father and I’s relationship goes. And, I can’t wait for Madison and I to go off and have girl days. Anyway, I love this. And, I love that all of you have surrounded me with love through this hard time.

Everyone smiles at one another.

Back at Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Margo and Katie are now sitting down on their office couch. Both of them are drinking their coffee.

MARGO: Honey, I am just as upset as you are about this whole thing. And, I am channeling all the pain and hurt he has caused me into the case against him. Just because Julian has been released on bail does not mean I will stop until he is brought down.

KATIE: I’m so glad the state hired you to help them.

MARGO: Everything will be fine. Julian Stenbeck is not going to bring all of Oakdale down. We will bring him down.

KATIE: Gosh, I can’t believe he is roaming free.

MARGO: Well, he had a damn good lawyer representing him.

KATIE: Yes, he did.

MARGO: Hey, you know you can lean on me, right?

KATIE: I know that.

MARGO: So, if you are feeling anything, you come to me. Okay?

KATIE: You got it, sis..

Back at Bancroft, in the Foyer, Henry leans against the door.

HENRY: If you think we are going to connect on a family level, then you need your head examined. I don’t want you anywhere near me.

JULIAN: Henry, come on. I’m family.

HENRY: Family doesn’t do the things you do to others. You are just like James. You act just like he did. Usually, siblings aren’t carbon copies of one another.

JULIAN: I learned a lot from him.

HENRY: Well, take what you learned and get the hell off my property.

Henry slams the door in Julian’s face.

Back at Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Lucinda puts her phone in her purse. She then turns to face Valerie.

LUCINDA: Susan should be here any moment now.

Then, Susan walks up to them.

SUSAN: Hi, Lucinda. Oh, and hello, Valerie.

LUCINDA: Hi, Susan.

SUSAN: Sorry that I’m late to this little meeting that you arranged, Lucinda. However, I was caught in my own meeting.

LUCINDA: That’s fine. Don’t worry about it.

SUSAN: Well, what can I do for you two?

LUCINDA: We need a DNA test. And, we also need a sample from you.

SUSAN: What? What are you talking about? I don’t understand.

Lucinda and Valerie are silent.

SUSAN: Lucinda…, Valerie…, what’s going on here?

The camera pans on all of their faces.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 143***

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EP 171 - The Finale